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Item Open Access An inner journey(Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd., 2001-04-19) Eken, A. N.Item Open Access ‘You've got mail’: a film workshop(Oxford University Press, 2003) Eken, A. N.This article looks at using feature films in the English language classroom. A specially designed course is described, and an outline description given of a film workshop conducted by students of the Bilkent University School of Applied Language. The effects of the workshop on students are discussed, and suggestions made for ways to use feature films in the English language classroom. The article indicates that studying feature films in such a context helps students in several ways: as they develop a wider understanding of the art of film‐making, they gain critical awareness of how media texts are constructed and how they can be deconstructed; they improve their English in a new context through speaking, writing, reading, and listening; they gain confidence in speaking in front of an audience, and they improve their presentation skills.Item Open Access De L'Inraculturel A L'Interculturel: L'Opération Traduisante(Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mütercim-Tercümanlık Bölümü, 2004) Kaya, MümtazDans cette étude, l’auteur traite les difficultés rencontrées lors de sa traduction vers le français, en 2002, du Ruhnama, ouvrage doctrinaire de Saparmourat Turkmenbashi, le chef du jeune État turkmène. Au-delà des problèmes posés par le transfert d’éléments culturels vers la langue d’arrivée, apparaissent des difficultés « intraculturelles » étant liées à la diversité culturelle à l’intérieur même de la zone linguistique turque ; celles-ci s’avèrent d’ordre linguistique (difficultés lexicales, sémantiques…), sociologique (diversité des niveaux sociaux et des substrats identitaires…) et idéologique (intention doctrinaire, symbolique…). S’appuyant sur des exemples précis, l’auteur dresse une typologie des difficultés intraculturelles et propose, pour chaque type, une approche pour guider « l’opération traduisante ».Item Open Access "Nedim Gürsel'in ''Bir Avuç Dünya"sıyla dünya cennetlerine yolculuk"(Ürün Yayınları, 2004) İnal, TanjuThe travel narratives of Nedim Gürsel, a Turkish writer who spends his life in Paris and Istanbul transports us to different cities of the world mostly known as "terrestrial paradises" or "lost paradises". Although Gürsel is preoccupied with a burning desire to flee to other spaces, from his writing about travel emerges a strong feeling of solitude and strangeness that makes hirn experience the woes of escaping frorn his condition. Nevertheless a furtive glance over the city and its nonurgent fumishes him with the key to an emotional metamorphosis that does not cease to awaken in him various reminiscences and literary memories linked to authors who had written about these cities. Thus the various geographical journeys of Nedim Gürsel come off as a literary exploration and an intellectual voyage through thought rather than by a displacement in space.Item Open Access Baudelaire'in çift görünümlü oda'sında yansımalar(Ürün Yayınları, 2004) Sunel, A. Hamitin this research the author translated "La Chambre Double" the fıfth poem in Baudelaire's book of "Petits Poemes en Prose". in this research, the author tries to analyze the poem on the basis of the original poet's system of thought by establishing similarities between the descriptions of the room and some events in life. in both descriptions of the room, the author tries to explain that every word and every sentence reflects a universal point of view of the original poet and that every event correspond with something in the poet's real life. The author, at the same time, wants to know who the idol that foverned imaginary throne of pleasure was. He also wishes to investigate who the spectre and the disguised persons are. Moreover, he attempts to explain why the poet considers the bottle of laudanum an old and dreadful friend and to which events, the description of the room refers.Item Open Access L 'orient express, raffinement et elegance voyage fabuleux(Ürün Yayınları, 2005) İnal, TanjuItem Open Access Okuyucuya: Baudelaire'nin Şiirinin Özü(Ürün Yayınları, 2005) Sunel, A.Hamitin this article, Dr. Sunel analyzes the poem 'To the Reader', which is supposed to be the preface to 'Les Fleurs du Mal'. According to the author, this poem, composed of Baudelaire's life and different aspects of his life, reflects the essence of his poetry. This poem at the same time mainly the concept of 'human' and then answers the questions of 'What is the human being? and What sort of life does a human being have on earth?' Starting from the first line of the poem, the author, by examining the sources, which constitute the formation of this thought in the poet's life, indicates that the reasons behind this thought are the poet's education, the prevention of his being a literary man, his being under guardianship, his relation with women and most important of all, his mother's second marriage. Dr. Sunel says that in The poet's opinion the human being is a weak creature; he makes mistakes and commits sin; he follows Satan and is governed by Satan even if he has repeated what he had done before. The researcher claims that there are two strong feelings reflected in Baudelaire's life and his works. üne of them is repentance and the other is boredom. As a weak creature, the repentance of the human being does not mean anything because the human being constantly repeats his mistakes. For this reason, he can never get rid of boredom. The main source of boredom is human poverty. Satan the human being to Heli by deceiving him. Even if we try eveıything to get rid of boredom, which is sometimes caused by someone else's wrongdoings or by our own mistakes, in the end, thc result is again boredom To conclude, Dr. Sunel researches how these feelings that Baudelaire has, emerged as a result of some events, and he tries to investigate which of them come from his own behavior and which of them come from the behavior of others.Item Open Access Yalnızlıktan yazarlığa: Amelie Nothomb(Ürün Yayınları, 2005) Kaya, MümtazBased on the notion that a link can be drawn between a writers work and his/her life, we have attempted to analyse the works of Amélie Nothomb, in the light of the effects of her struggle in the grips of aneroxia and her psychological states, and to determine how these have shaped her writing within the framework of the methodology proposed by psychoanalyst writer Serge André.Item Open Access Yahya Kemal: Paris'ten gazel söyleyerek dönen şair(Ürün Yayınları, 2007) Arslan, FahrettinThis work aims at qualifying a widely held idea, namely that young Yahya Kemal Beyath's stay in Paris, from 1903 to 19012, had a great impact on his art. We argue that his stay had no other effect than reinforcing his previous view of the world. In order to defend that thesis, we will base our argument on his own words and writings, on the remarkable monograph of Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar and the views of two researchers, Enis Batur and Hasan Bülent Kahraman. At the theoretical level, we will use the concept of aesthetics of reception of Hans-Georg Gadamer and particularly of Hans Robert Jauss.Item Open Access Stupeur et Tremblements d’Amélie Nothomb-Croisement de la littérature et du monde des affaires-(Editions L' Harmattan, 2007) Kaya, M.; Inal, T.Item Open Access La littérature au service du monde des affaires-Sensibiliser à l'altérité et aux affaires par le monde littéraire(Editions L' Harmattan, 2007) Kaya, Mümtaz; Inal, TanjuItem Open Access La littérature au service du monde des affaires - Sensibiliser à l’altérité et aux affaires par le monde littéraire(Universidad de Huelva, 2007) Kaya, Mümtaz; İnal, Tanju; Bonnet, D.; García, M. J. C.; Duchêne, N.Item Open Access Bazı Türk ve Fransız şairlerinde ölüm: birkaç örnek(Ürün Yayınları, 2008) Sunel, A.HamitWhatever his/her belief may be a person who deserves the name of Jıuman being, has been trying to fınd out the meaning of life throughout his/her life. In fact, the aim of philosophy aııd cvcıı of religions is to attribute meaning to life and help human beings live accordingly. What do the answers to such questions as "Who anı I?", "Where do I come from where do I want to go?", "What's life?, How should I live?" come from? The existence of death leads us the source of answers to such questions. Furthermore, it is undeniable that death plays a big role in how we shape our lives and activities. For this reason, death has been a commun subject of every type of literature. There are few authors and poets who do not deal with the reflections of death on the� materialistic and moral aspects of our lives. In this study, we presented different aspects of death in poems from French poets such as Villon, Ronsard, Lamartine, Victor Hugo and Baudelaire, and from Turkish poets such as Yunus Emre, Karacaoğlan, Recaizade Ekrem, Abdülhak Hamid, Yahya Kemal, Faruk Nafiz et Cahit Sıtkı. The aims of this paper is not to research the philosophical and religious dimensions of death according to these poets, but rather to try to show how some feelings inspired by death are reflected in this poets linesItem Open Access Klasikler, Montaigne, Eyüboğlu(Ürün Yayınları, 2008) Arslan, FahrettinAfter the establishment of the Republican regime, Turkey embarked on the process of voluntary Westemization, and the Ministry of Education undertook its intellectual and cultural expansion. The Translation Bureau, established within the Ministry of Education, had the mission of translating into Turkish the classical literary and philosophical works of the West as well as of the Eastem Muslim world. üne of the prominent members of the Bureau and an important fıgure in the domain of culture in that epoch, was the translator of Montaigne's Essays, known in Turkey as Deneme/er, which actually was the translation of only a very small part of the original text. This disproportionality has been vehemently criticized, claiming that it is not compatible with the translation ethics. This article, on the one hand, attempts at revealing, basing.on an article by Ergin Günçe who approaches Denemelerfrom an unusual point of view, the translator's intention, and on the other hand, at situating Denemeler in the perspective of the Turkish humanistic project.Item Open Access Çeviri ne yapar(Ürün Yayınları, 2009) Arslan, FahrettinLa traduction, dans J'histoire, a donne la primaute soit a la langue source, soit a la langue cible.En termes saussuriens, le traducteur, lorsqu'il a privilegie la source, s'est surtout soucie du signifiant, c'est-a-dire de la forme. Par contre, quand ii s'est tourne vers la langue cible, ce fut surtout au sens que la priorite fut accordee. Henri Meschonnic, poete, penseur, qui ecrit sur le langage, la litterature et done sur la traduction depuis presque quarante ans, denonce categoriquement la conception de la traduction centree sur le signe, c'est-a-dire sur le sens des mots. A !'inverse, ii nous propose une nouvelle conception de la traduction basee sur !'analyse du discours, theorisant ainsi une pratique deja existante. Cet article qui s'inspire des idees de Meschonnic, se propose de contribuer, en partant de la traduction par Oktay Rifat du premier vers du Spleen ( II) de Baudelaire, a la comprehension du processus de traduction.Item Open Access Benim Adım Kırmızı - Mon nom est rouge rencontre des orfévres: Ecrivain-traducteur-lecteur(Ürün Yayınları, 2009) İnal, Tanju; Kaya, MümtazLa technique raffinee et la description narralivisee auxquelles recourt Orhan Pamuk dans le tissage de Ia trame nairntive de son roman Mon nom est Rouge, rappellent la technique utilisee par les orfevres, les ciseleurs et Jes miniaturistes du xvreme siecle. Son roman peut, en effet, etre considere comme un roman de la peinture et de la miniature car !'auteur y allie parfaitement et habilement la description et la nan-ation en prcscntant au lecteur un repertoire excessivement riche des reuvres d'art que furent les miniatures au XVJeme siecle. D'autres facettes de ce roman (sociologique, historique, policier ... ) qui pretent a en faire une lecture plurielle, font l'objet d'etude de Mme inal et de M. Kaya. Orhan Pamuk se retrouve, pai• ailleurs, classe parmi de rares ecrivains Tures «exotique-ekphrastique» en raison de ses riches descriptions nanativisees.Item Open Access Translating Turkish foreign policy from English into Turkish(Les Presses de l'Universite de Montreal, 2010) Yener, Ş. O.When translating politics the translator considers the intention of the author, his style and discourse, and the information given, but s/he also considers that the sensitivity to politics and how the political discourse is built differ from culture to culture. The following paper is an attempt to identify some of the problems that may be encountered when translating politics in Turkey in the light of these considerations and through examples from a translation to suggest strategies to overcome these difficulties, considering the outcomes of alternative strategies that could be employed. It is a chronicle of the translator's attempt to exemplify how to remain faithful to many at the same time: the author, the meaning, the intention, the norms of the publishers, the TL readers and the two diverse political cultures.Item Open Access Yeniden çeviri: yazara dönüş (mü?)(Ürün Yayınları, 2010) Arslan, FahrettinThe aim of this article is to present briefly and in general terms the concept of retranslation encountered in translation studies over the last couple of decades, as well as demonstrate that whereas first translations are more target language/culture-oriented, retranslations generally follow a return to the source language/culture. For this purpose, first and retranslations of The Grand Meaulnes of Alain Fournier, Swann in Love of Marcel P roust, and The Lover of Marguerite Duras, which have a certain reputation in our translated literature, are given as examples. In this comparative study, original texts are provided along with their translations, and the differences being evident, a detailed analysis was not required.Item Open Access Ölümün gölgesindeki kadın(Ürün Yayınları, 2013) Bayrakçeken-Akın, AylinIn Rockaby, life is divided into four parts and aseach part comes to an end the old woman's hope of communication lessens. Therefore, she is pushed into loneliness and unhappiness. All her life becomes the monotonous and repetitive movement of a rocking chair, going back and forth since she never moves out of this chair.. Her self is divided into, consciousness or mind represented by W' s recorded voice, and her body or physical life is symbolized by the rocking chair. From the accounts of the recorded voice it becomes clear that all her life the old woman looked for a companion, a living soul, the presence of whom would give her the comfort she needed. Then, towards the end she realizes that life cannot offer her the warmth, security and darkness she searches for. She wishes to return to her mother's womb or to 'death' where she hopes to find a possible salvation.Item Open Access Le jardin des plantes et mon nom est rouge: hypotypose, ekphrasis et thèmes communs(University of Nebraska Press, 2014) Kaya, M.Leurs romans situent respectivement Claude Simon— auteur français, prix Nobel de littérature en 1985— et Orhan Pamuk— auteur turc, prix Nobel de littérature en 2006— parmi les romanciers contemporains les plus novateurs, rejoignant pourtant une tradition remontant aux rhéteurs grecs. Leur écriture, en dialogue étroit avec la peinture d’espaces géographiques/humains réels et l’art de la miniature, combine la créativité exceptionnelle de l’écrivain et du peintre, si bien que Claude Simon illustre, dans Le Jardin des Plantes, le procédé de “l’hypotypose” qui rend vivante la description d’un référent réel au point que le lecteur “voit” ce référent se peindre dans son imagination. Quant à Orhan Pamuk, nous pensons qu’il est un des expérimentateurs de l’Ekphrasis. Cette fi gure de style jouant sur l’illusion visuelle ramène le lecteur, dans Mon nom est Rouge, soit par l’isotopie de la couleur, soit par le champ lexical du pictural, dans un monde oriental coloré et exotique; monde dans lequel le “lisible” devient “visible” grâce à la description réaliste d’un ouvrage d’art. Ce travail tend d’une part à illustrer des exemples de l’hypotypose et de l’ekphrasis pour montrer les rapports qu’entretient l’art du visible avec l’écriture et, d’autre part, à comparer les deux romans sur le thème de la guerre/lutte et de la peur.
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