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Item Open Access Görüntü üreten yapay zeka eğitiminde güzel sanat eserlerinin kullanımı: telif hakları üzerine bir hukuki inceleme(2024-08) Uslu, EzginurYapay Zeka Sanatı, bir yandan sanatçılara yardımcı ve analitik araçlarla fayda sağlarken diğer yandan Stable AI, DeviantArt, Dall-E gibi Görüntü Üretimi araçlarıyla onlarınkine benzer çıktılar üreterek mesleğin gelirini ve geleceğini tehlikeye atmaktadır. Çıktıların benzerliği, araçların eğitiminde dijital ortamda oluşturulmuş veya fiziki ortamdan dijital ortama aktarılmış eserlerin çoğaltmalarının kullanılmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. 2022 yılının Aralık ayında sanatçılar, Görüntü Üretimi araçları tarafından üretilen çıktıların da kendi pazarlarında satışa çıkarılmasına, “No to AI Generated Images” (“Yapay Zeka’nın Ürettiği Görsellere Hayır”) kampanyası ile tepki göstermişlerdir. Çalışmamızda öncelikle Yapay Zeka ile Büyük Veri kavramları ele alınacak ve Yapay Zeka’nın Görüntü Üretimi’ni nasıl gerçekleştirdiği anlatılacak; sonra ABD, AB ve Türk hukukuna göre güzel sanat eserlerinin Yapay Zeka eğitiminde kullanılmak üzere çoğaltılmasının sanatçıların çoğaltma hakkını ihlal edici bir niteliği olup olmadığı incelenecek, son olarak ise bu problemin çözümüne ilişkin hukuki önerilerimiz aktarılacaktır.Item Open Access Spillovers from U.S. monetary policy to emerging markets: the role of fundamentals(2024-08) Canşı, Muhammet AliThe impact of U.S. monetary policy on emerging markets (EMEs) has long been a subject of significant academic and policy interest. This thesis explores the heterogeneity of these spillovers and the role of macroeconomic fundamentals in shaping them by employing an event study methodology utilizing high-frequency data. I use a broad set of emerging markets that span from 2000 to 2022. It reveals that spillovers are not uniform but vary across countries and time periods, influenced significantly by factors such as reserve adequacy and current account balances. The study underscores the importance of robust economic fundamentals in enhancing resilience against external monetary shocks. The findings suggest that policymakers in emerging markets should prioritize strengthening macroeconomic fundamentals to weaken adverse spillover effects. This includes maintaining robust fiscal and monetary policies, ensuring adequate foreign exchange reserves, and fostering stable financial markets.Item Open Access Why the rigidity? Understanding the Lebanese state’s policies towards Palestinian refugees: a social conflict theory perspective(2024-07) Eke, ÖyküPalestinians represent one of the largest refugee populations, dispersed across the world to seek safety and protection. Lebanon diverges from other host countries in its policies applied towards the population. The notably rigid and discriminatory refugee governance policy developed and implemented by the Lebanese state is closely connected to the country’s complex socio-political dynamics. This thesis aims to uncover the key factors influencing these policies by employing a social conflict theory approach. Accordingly, this thesis argues that the policy preferences of the Lebanese state towards Palestinian refugees are deeply rooted in the material conditions of social power relations in the country. By employing process-tracing methodology, the results demonstrate that the historical struggles among the competing social forces in Lebanon significantly influence the state’s formulation of strategies and policies concerning Palestinians.Item Open Access Three essays on geography and trade(2024-08) Abdurahimov, RamizEconomic activity is unevenly distributed across physical space, influenced by the location, climate, and natural resources of a region. This dissertation contributes to the field of economic geography and quantitative spatial modeling through three essays that address key gaps in the literature. The first chapter examines the impact of local markets for non-tradable inputs on urban land prices. By using disaggregated spatial data and a two-stage estimation approach with market access as an instrumental variable, I find that districts with 1% more housing used by professional businesses have land prices that are 0.59% higher on average. This estimate increases to 1.24% when adjusted for potential endogeneity, and with robustness confirmed through alternative market access definitions. The second chapter estimates trade elasticity for Turkish exports at the product level. Utilizing detailed data on import tariffs and trade flows, I analyze the effects of tariff variations on trade flows. The median trade elasticity estimate is -4.48, with differences observed between homogeneous and differentiated goods, as well as between consumption, capital, and intermediate goods. The calculated Turkish welfare gains from trade are 19.8% using a homogeneous aggregate trade elasticity, increasing to 23.8% with heterogeneous trade elasticities in a multi-sector trade model. The third chapter investigates the effects of Turkey’s large infrastructure development program (2005-2015) on the size dispersion within local industries. Improved infrastructure, measured by travel time savings, decreases size dispersion by enhancing access to potential suppliers. This effect reduces trade costs and allows smaller firms to access cheaper inputs. No evidence of pro-competitive pressure affecting size dispersion was found. Overall, this dissertation advances our understanding of urban economic outcomes, international trade, and domestic trade by addressing significant gaps in economic geography and spatial modeling literature.Item Open Access The dynamics of the gender wage gap in late career: a theoretical model(2024-08) Demirel, GülceI examine the gender wage gap in the late career stage, utilizing data from the Turkish Household Labor Force Survey spanning 2005 to 2023. By integrating elements of contract theory and narratives, the study offers a novel perspective on discrimination that challenges the traditional statistical discrimination theory. The two-period career concerns model incorporates rational Bayesian updating and narrative-driven extremist updating mechanisms to explore how different belief systems affect wages. The findings reveal that narrative-driven belief updating exacerbates wage variance for women and reinforces gender wage gaps. Empirical analysis supports the model’s predictions, showing significantly higher wage variance for women and a widening gender wage gap in the late career stage, particularly in the service sector. The research underscores the critical role of sector-specific characteristics in shaping wage outcomes and highlights the importance of addressing biases formed by social expectations in labor markets.Item Open Access How do target states respond to external state support of rebel groups? The response to sponsorship dataset (RSD) and the determinants of target responses(2024-08) Kınay Kılıç, LatifeThis dissertation examines how target states respond to external state support of rebel groups by introducing a new dataset. The Response to Sponsorship Dataset (RSD) covers 58 target states, 102 supporter states, and 150 rebel groups, forming 455 triadic cases and 3719 observations. As the first dataset to account for target state behavior against state supporters, this thesis uses the RSD to conceptualize target responses by providing a typology of responses and response strategies and identifying the determinants of responses by target states including state-level and group-level factors. This research demonstrates that target states use coercive and non-coercive strategies to coerce or persuade state supporters into abandoning their assistance for rebel groups. Intentional (direct) support types, higher levels of support, interstate strategic rivalry and rebel diplomacy cause the adoption of coercive responses by target states while de facto (indirect) support types, decrease coercive behavior from target states. Interstate formal alliances are found to be decreasing only the adoption of mixed responses by target states. This study contributes to the existing literature on external support of rebel groups, conflict management, and foreign policies of target states towards state sponsors of rebel groups.Item Open Access Diabetes 2.0: how are online platforms changing the game for type-one diabetes patients?(2024-07) Dede, EceChronic diseases like type 1 diabetes (T1D) require constant management and attention. This creates uncertainties and anxieties for the patients and require additional supporting systems for patients. This thesis examines the roles of online T1D communities in Türkiye in relation to social support, health equity, and eHealth literacy. Qualitative interviews with community members and professionals are used to understand how these communities function. A total of 18 qualitative interviews were conducted with community builders and members to understand the dynamics of these communities. Regarding social support, findings show that instrumental support is a very common type of support in Türkiye. For health equity, members utilize online T1D communities in Türkiye to access necessary services that the healthcare system should provide. The research also investigates how varying levels of eHealth literacy affect members’ abilities to use health information and reveals that more literate members often assist others and correct misinformation. Building on uses and gratifications as the main theoretical framework, the study underscores the intertwined link between social support, health equity, and eHealth literacy among different groups within online T1D communities in Türkiye. Significantly, this study indicates that online type one diabetes communities in Türkiye may lead to inclusive health by reducing health disparities; in light of this, healthcare support systems should be enhanced.Item Open Access Türk Ticaret Kanunu hükümleri çerçevesinde anonim ortaklıkta pay sahibinin oy hakkının donması(2024-07) Şahin, İmge6102 sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun 434. maddesinde düzenlenen oy hakkı, anonim ortaklık pay sahiplerinin ortaklık genel kurulunda görüşülen konular hakkında olumlu, olumsuz veya çekimser yönde beyanda bulunmasına imkân tanıyan ve ortaklık yönetimine katılmasına aracılık eden pay sahipliği hakkıdır. Pay sahibinin oy hakkının kullanımının kanundan kaynaklanan bir sebep dolayısıyla engellenmesi, oy hakkının donması olarak ifade edilir. Anonim ortaklıkta oy hakkının donması olgusuna ihtiyaç duyulmasının temel sebebi, pay sahipleri ile ortaklık arasında ortaya çıkan menfaat çatışmalarının dengelenmesi ve ortaklığın karar ve irade organı niteliğini taşıyan genel kurulda istikrarın sağlanması düşüncesidir. Oy hakkı donan pay sahibi, genel kurulda oy kullanamaz ve anonim ortaklığın yönetimi üzerinde etki doğurma gücüne sahip olan yönetsel nitelikteki pay sahipliği haklarından yararlanamaz. Çalışmamızda oy hakkının donması kavramı; oy hakkının donduğu hâller, oy hakkının donmasının hüküm ve sonuçları ve oy hakkının donması hükümlerine aykırılık hâli kapsamında incelenmiştir.Item Open Access Enerji Şartı Antlaşması’nın modernizasyonunun yatırım uyuşmazlıklarının çözümü üzerindeki etkisi(2024-07) Köse, SelenayEnerji, hem ulusal devletler düzeyinde hem de Avrupa Birliği gibi devletler birliği düzeyinde toplum ve ekonomi için hayati öneme sahiptir. Devletlerin kalkınması açısından önemli bir yapı taşı olan enerji yatırımlarının, hem yatırımcı hem Devlet için hukuki koruma ihtiyacı kaçınılmaz hale gelmiştir. Bu ihtiyaca çözüm olarak enerji yatırımlarının korunmasına yönelik uluslararası yatırım hukuku geliştirilmiştir. Bu alan içerisinde özellikle yatırım tahkimi davalarının çoğunluğunu oluşturan enerji yatırımları, ayrı bir anlaşma olan Enerji Şartı Antlaşması ile düzenlenmiştir. Bu Antlaşma, çok taraflı bir yatırım anlaşması olarak enerji politikasını düzenleyen hükümleri ve içerdiği yatırım uyuşmazlıkları çözüm mekanizmaları ile yorumlanmakta ve uygulanmaktadır. Zaman içerisinde, enerji yatırım uyuşmazlıklarından kaynaklanan davalar da dâhil olmak üzere yatırım tahkimi açısından Antlaşmanın içerdiği birçok hüküm, çağın gereksinimlerini karşılamadığı ve iklim politikası önlemlerine uyum sağlamadığı gerekçesiyle eleştiri konusu olmuştur. Bu bağlamda Avrupa Birliği ülkeleri kendi aralarındaki ikili yatırım anlaşmalarına son vermiş ve ardından Enerji Şartı Antlaşması’ndan çekilme kararı almışlardır. Bu noktada, Antlaşmanın modernizasyonu da dâhil olmak üzere yeni yaklaşımlar geliştirilme ihtiyacı doğmuştur. Böylece modernizasyon süreci, Antlaşmanın yeniden tasarlanmasını gerektirmiştir. Çalışmamız kapsamında Antlaşmanın modernizasyonunu gerektiren olaylar ve özellikle yatırım tahkimi sistemine getirilen eleştiriler üzerinde durulacak, ardından, sistemin aksaklıkları sebebiyle Avrupa Birliği’nin Antlaşmadan çekilme kararı almasından sonra karşılaşılan mevcut durum ve gelecekteki olası senaryolar değerlendirilerek tüm bu gelişmelerin yatırım uyuşmazlıklarının çözüm süreci üzerindeki etkisi analiz edilecektir.Item Open Access An algorithmic approach to Nash implementation with two individuals(2024-07) Uğuz, GüneşThis thesis investigates the Nash implementation problem in the behavioral domain with two individuals. By strengthening the necessary results in the literature and adopting an algorithmic approach, we provide constructive sufficiency results. Our findings facilitate the design of mechanisms in two individual environments where the individuals’ behavior may violate the standard axioms of rationality.Item Embargo Taleplerin yarışması(2024-07) Göka, Mehmet EmirHukuk normları belli soyut olguları belli soyut hukuki sonuçlara bağlar. Normların içerdiği olgular, bunlarla düzenlenen hayat olaylarının tipik özellikleri dikkate alınarak genel ve soyut şekilde düzenlendiği için, bazı durumlarda, aynı hayat olayı nedeniyle birden fazla normun uygulama şartlarını oluşturan olgular sağlanabilir. Böyle durumlarda bu normların nasıl uygulanacağının belirlenmesi gerekir ve bir yarışma sorunu ortaya çıkar. Eğer normların arasından bunlardan birinin münhasıran uygulanmasını gerektiren bir öncelik ilişkisi yoksa, bunlar yan yana uygulanabilir. Bunlara bağlanmış olan hukuki sonuç bir talep hakkının doğmasıysa, bu talepler aynı ekonomik amaca yönelikse ve hak sahibinin hukuki konumu bunların arasından yalnızca birini seçip ileri sürmekle sınırlandırılmamışsa, aynı alacaklı, aynı borçluya karşı, aynı amaca yönelik birden fazla talebe sahiptir. Bu durumlar “taleplerin yarışması” kavramıyla ifade edilmektedir. Bu kavram, birden fazla normun uygulanma şartlarının sağlanmasından kaynaklanan yarışma sorunlarının olası çözümlerinden birini anlatmaktadır. Taleplerin yarışması hem maddi hukukta hem de medeni usul hukukunda birçok soruna yol açmaktadır. Ana hatlarıyla bu sorunlar; taleplerin yarışmasının konusuna, varlık şartlarına ve sonuçlarına ilişkindir. Bu çalışma, anılan sorunları ve bunlarla ilgili tartışmaları açıklamayı ve çözüme ulaştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Konuyla ilgili yeknesak bir terminoloji oluşturulması ve 6098 sayılı Türk Borçlar Kanunu’nun 60. maddesinde taleplerin yarışmasıyla ilgili olarak öngörülen hükmün uygulama alanının ve sonuçlarının ortaya koyulması da bu amaca dahildir.Item Open Access Türk Ceza Hukukunda ihaleye fesat karıştırma suçu(2024-07) Cebeci, RevnaDevletin harcama ve gelir getirici işlemlerinden olan kamu ihaleleri, devleti doğrudan ilgilendirmelerinin yanı sıra ekonomik ve sosyal boyutları dolayısıyla hem ihaleye katılan isteklileri hem de toplumun genelini doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak etkilemektedir. Bu sebeple kamu ihaleleri yasal düzenlemelere, ilgili düzenlemelere aykırılıklar ise kanuni şartların gerçekleşmiş olmasına bağlı olarak idari ve cezai yaptırımlara tabii tutulmaktadır. Kamu ihalelerinin düzenlendiği temel iki kanun 2886 sayılı Devlet İhale Kanunu ve 4734 sayılı Kamu İhale Kanunudur. Kamu ihalelerine ilişkin usul, esas ve ilkeler belirlenerek kamu ihalelerinin işleyişi yasal bir zemine oturtulmuştur. Kamu ihalelerinin hukuka ve kanuna uygun olarak yürütülmesini teminen 5237 sayılı Türk Ceza Kanunu kapsamında ihaleye fesat karıştırma suçuna yer verilerek ihale sürecinde meydana gelecek birtakım fiiller cezai yaptırıma bağlanmıştır. Çalışmamızdaki temel amaç devleti ekonomik ve sosyal açıdan büyük ölçüde etkileyen ve ilgilendiren kamu ihalelerindeki usulsüzlüklerin ve dolayısıyla da ihaleye fesat karıştırma suçunun incelenmesidir. Bu doğrultuda ilk olarak kamu ihalelerinin tarihsel ve kavramsal çerçevesine yer verilecek, daha sonrasında ise usulüne uygun ihale süreci ve bu süreçte uyulması gereken ilkelerle sakınılması gereken yasaklı davranışlar incelenecektir. En nihayetinde ise ihaleye fesat karıştırma suçu detaylı olarak irdelenecektir.Item Open Access Visible light positioning under hardware impairments(2024-07) Iddrisu, IssifuIn this thesis, we examine two distinct research problems in visible light positioning (VLP). Specifically, we explore the impact of lacking knowledge about luminous flux degradation in light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and mismatched orientations for the elements of intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs) on the performance of VLP systems. In the first part of the thesis, the position estimation problem based on received power measurements is investigated for visible light systems in the presence of luminous flux degradation of LEDs. When the receiver is unaware of this degradation and performs position estimation accordingly, there exists a mismatch between the true model and the assumed model. For this scenario, the misspecified Cram´er-Rao bound (MCRB) and the mismatched maximum likelihood (MML) estimator are derived to quantify the performance loss due to this model mismatch. Also, the Cram´er-Rao lower bound (CRB) and the maximum likeli-hood (ML) estimator are derived when the receiver knows the degradation formula for the LEDs but does not know the decay rate parameter in that formula. In addition, in the presence of full knowledge about the degradation formula and the decay rate parameters, the CRB and the ML estimator are obtained to specify the best achievable performance. By evaluating the theoretical limits and the estimators in these three scenarios, we reveal the effects of the information about the LED degradation model and the decay rate parameters on position estimation performance. It is shown that the model mismatch can result in significant degradation in localization performance at high signal-to-noise ratios, which can be compensated by conducting joint position and decay rate parameter estimation. Accurate localization can be performed in visible light systems in non-line-of-sight (NLOS) scenarios by utilizing IRSs, which are commonly in the form of mirror arrays with adjustable orientations. When signals transmitted from LEDs are reflected from IRSs and collected by a receiver, the position of the receiver can be estimated based on power measurements by utilizing the known parameters of the LEDs and IRSs. Since the orientation vectors of IRS elements (mirrors) cannot be adjusted perfectly in practice, it is important to evaluate the effects of mismatches between desired and true orientations of IRS elements. To this aim, in the second part of the thesis, we derive the MCRB and the MML estimator for specifying the estimation performance and the lower bound in the presence of mismatches in IRS orientations. We also provide comparisons with the conventional ML estimator and the CRB in absence of orientation mismatches for quantifying the effects of mismatches. It is shown that orientation mismatches can result in significant degradation in localization accuracy at high signal-to-noise ratios.Item Open Access Adopting a feminist legal perspective in adjudication: a comparative analysis of the judgments of the Constitutional Court of Turkey and European Court of Human Rights(2024-07) Yılmaz, Aysu GülLaws of a legal system, as artificial creations, reflect the dominant ideologies present in the society. Therefore the inherent perspective of the legal system in any given society is male-oriented. This notion, consequently, results in the legal system perpetuating patriarchal values and gendered power hierarchies. This thesis will then argue that the judiciary, and especially the judges, both due to their significant social role as State agents and subsequently their responsibilities regarding the protection of human rights, are in a position to ameliorate this situation. Judicial ethics in this respect will present to be the philosophical basis for judges’ ethical duties in realizing human rights, while the national and international legal framework will set out the positive law basis. Practical challenges will then be addressed to demonstrate the other side of the coin, specifically how the politization of the judiciary and judicial conduct may present to become barriers for access to justice for women. The focus will be on judicial stereotyping and the inherent bias of the judiciary, and how this phenomenon affects the adjudication processes. Feminist legal methodology is thus proposed to advocate for an intersectional gender perspective in judicial decision-making, in which this thesis will apply the theoretical framework presented to practical case law, by conducting a comparative analysis of the Constitutional Court of Turkey’s and the European Court of Human Rights’s judgments on various issues on gender. The ultimate aim of this thesis is to suggest that a gender-conscious approach to judicial decision-making will improve the legal system, help it function free from bias.Item Open Access Essays in applied microeconomics(2024-07) Yılmaz, ZeynepThis thesis consists of three essays in Applied Microeconomics. The first essay examines the causal effects of grandmothers’ geographical proximity on labour supply decisions of married women with young children in Turkey. We show that living in the same neighbourhood as grandmothers increases the probability of labour force participation and the employment rates of women with young children by 18.2 ppt and 16.4 ppt, respectively. The size of the impact gets smaller as the proximity definition indicates a shorter distance. The second essay investigates several mechanisms to explore the positive effect of grandmothers’ proximity on mothers’ labor force participation. These channels include childcare, elderly care, and traditional gender norms. While the elderly care channel does not affect our main results, we argue that grandmothers’ proximity affects mothers’ labor market outcomes through childcare and traditional gender norm channels. The third essay analyzes the causal effects of the massive Syrian refugee inflow on natives’ health outcomes in Turkey. Exploring potential mechanisms behind health effects, the refugee influx positively affects the health of high-skilled and employed native males, while having no significant impact on low-skilled native males or females. Following the refugee inflow, working conditions for high-skilled males improved and job opportunities for low-skilled males declined.Item Open Access Bribery’s role in securing loyalty: analyzing inner circle dynamics through global games(2024-07) Dere, AybükeThis thesis examines how autocratic regimes construct their inner circles through bribery and oppression, while the inner circle decides whether to remain loyal or revolt against the regime. We show that there exists a unique rationalizable action in which the probability of the autocrat’s survival increases with the cost of revolt and the share of loyalists within the inner circle, and decreases with the benefits of a successful revolt. To support our theory, we present empirical evidence showing that an increase in the resources of the regime, proxied by the price of oil in autocracies, leads to an increase in the size of support groups, while a larger support group size is associated with a decrease in the number of successful revolts.Item Open Access Magical thinking in an incomplete information bargaining game: an experimental study(2024-07) Güngör, Kübra NurThis thesis investigates the effect of magical thinking on individuals’ decision-making processes, with a specific focus on incomplete information ultimatum bargaining games. Hiding behind the small pie is a robust finding of this literature where the proposers use an information advantage for their personal gain. Using a simple ultimatum bargaining setup, we examine the impact of the timing of uncertainty resolution on the proposers’ offers and the frequency of hiding behind the small pie behavior. We employ a between-subject design with two treatments: BEF(ore) and AFT(er), varying the timing of randomization that determines the pie size without any variation in the information set of proposers across treatments. The probit regression analysis results suggest that treatment variation impacts the proposers’ tendency to hide behind the small pie, in line with our hypothesis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study investigating the effect of magical thinking in a sequential bargaining game.Item Open Access Improving the performance of 1D vertex parallel GNN training on distributed memory systems(2024-07) Taşcı, KutayGraph Neural Networks (GNNs) are pivotal for analyzing data within graphstructured domains such as social media, biological networks, and recommendation systems. Despite their advantages, scaling GNN training to large datasets in distributed settings poses significant challenges due to the complex task of managing computation and communication costs. The objective of this work is to scale 1D vertex-parallel GNN training on distributed memory systems via (i) twoconstraint partitioning formulation for better computational load balancing and (ii) overlapping communication with computation for reducing communication overhead. In the proposed two-constraint formulation, one constraint encodes the computational load balance during forward propagation, whereas the second constraint encodes the computational load balance during backward propagation. We propose three communication and computation overlapping methods that perform overlapping at three different levels. These methods were tested against traditional approaches using benchmark datasets, demonstrating improved training efficiency without altering the model structure. The outcomes indicate that multi-constraint graph partitioning and the integration of communication and computation overlapping schemes can significantly mitigate the challenges of distributed GNN training. The research concludes with recommendations for future work, including adapting these techniques to dynamic and more complex GNN architectures, promising further improvements in the efficiency and applicability of GNNs in real-world scenarios.Item Open Access Oil price surges and the yield curve(2024-07) Deşdemir, Asiye İremThis thesis examines the effect of changes in oil prices on the term structure of interest rates. For this purpose, we consider The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) announcements as the source of supply shocks since OPEC is the leading organization for oil supply in the world and has a significant influence on the market determination of oil prices (Känzig, 2021). We conduct an event study using oil supply shocks proxied by market based surprises as in Känzig (2021). Event study regressions show that oil supply news shocks significantly affect long term yields, while the effect does not exist in the short term in the United States (U.S.) context. We argue that these findings can be justified by the response of inflation risk premium where an increase in oil price increases the compensation for holding nominal bonds. We model this mechanism by using a simple consumption-based asset pricing setup. The model analytically shows that simultaneous, empirically supported, reverse direction movements in the consumption growth of goods other than oil and oil supply news shocks can increase the inflation risk premium and put upward pressure on yields.Item Open Access Wisdom for happiness: emotion regulation, gradual happiness in tranquility, and paradoxical intention(2024-07) Orhan, BegümHappiness plays a dominant role in most people’s lives. In this thesis, I focus on tranquility as a necessary and sufficient condition for happiness and I present a new theory of happiness. I reconceptualize tranquility through wisdom. I criticize the Epicurean hedonist accounts of tranquility. I conceptualize the way to achieve tranquility as emotion regulation that comes from wisdom. I claim that tranquility is a state of mind that can be achieved in the presence of fear and anxiety, which are considered to be the biggest obstacles to tranquility by Epicureans. Later, I discuss a new aspect of tranquility which is attaining more pleasure and happiness from the state of tranquility by having appreciative attitudes towards one’s state of tranquility. Finally, I present “Paradoxical Intention” as a method for achieving tranquility and I claim that it constitutes evidence for my claim that in the presence of fear and anxiety, one can achieve tranquility.