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  • ItemOpen Access
    Hauntology and the absence aesthetics: an examination of liminal internet aesthetics
    (2024-11) Yöndem, Sezen Günce
    This thesis examines the online phenomenon known as internet aesthetics, which became popular during the pandemic, focusing on its three subcategories: dreamcore, weirdcore, and nostalgiacore. These subcategories fall under the broader term of ‘liminal internet aesthetics,’ which are characterized by familiar yet empty spaces, such as abandoned malls, schools, and homes, often imbued with a nostalgic yet unsettling feeling. Within the vast visual realm of internet aesthetics, liminal internet aesthetics employ a visual language centered on the motif of ‘human absence.’ The aim of this thesis is to analyze this visual language created by the motifs of ‘absence’ and ‘presence’ as a reflection of societal anxieties heightened by the global pandemic and the media-saturated world. For this analysis, the research draws on the concept of hauntology, introduced by Jacques Derrida and later expanded upon by cultural theorist Mark Fisher, as well as Fisher’s concepts of the weird and the eerie, two modes of hauntology that are categorized in this thesis under the concept of ‘absence aesthetics.’ Further, the thesis adopts a qualitative methodology combining close visual analysis with ethnographic participant observation conducted within online aesthetic communities. Ultimately, this research seeks to contribute to the existing literature on internet aesthetics and digital culture, particularly in relation to the post-pandemic cultural landscape.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Turkey’s balancing act: the compartmentalization of securıty and economics, 1945-1980
    (2024-12) Bayraktar, Orhun
    This dissertation explores Turkey’s foreign policy from 1945 to 1980, focusing on its strategies for balancing relations with the superpowers during the Cold War. It challenges the conventional view of Turkey as a steadfast Western ally, instead exploring Ankara’s nuanced approach to pursuing security and economic priorities. Drawing on extensive archival research, the study highlights Turkey’s use of compartmentalization—separating economic and security relations with the United States and the Soviet Union—as a defining feature of its foreign policy. The analysis is divided into three key periods. The first period (1945–1953) examines Turkey’s alignment with the Western bloc in response to Soviet territorial demands and economic vulnerabilities, culminating in its integration into the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and NATO. The second period (1953–1960) traces Turkey’s efforts to diversify by balancing NATO commitments with pragmatic engagements with the Soviet Union. This chapter also addresses Turkey’s embrace of regional diplomacy, including in the Baghdad Pact and the Syrian Crisis. The third period (1960–1980) highlights Turkey’s increasing autonomy, demonstrated by the 1967 Soviet-Turkish Agreement and the 1974 Cyprus intervention, both of which reflected its capacity to navigate superpower dynamics while asserting national interests. The dissertation argues that Turkey’s compartmentalized approach enabled it to maintain strategic flexibility, securing its sovereignty and advancing economic development amidst Cold War tensions. This analysis contributes to understanding middle-power behavior and the complex interplay of security and economics in global geopolitics.
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    The influences of parenting styles on the epistemic and interpersonal aspects of parenting
    (Bilkent University, 2024-11) Şahin, Gökçe
    The aims of the current study are twofold. The main aim of the study was to examine the relationships between parenting styles, scaffolding behaviours and parenting by lying practices, the last two of which were operationalised as epistemic and interpersonal aspects of parenting, respectively. Since there was no measurement tool to assess parental scaffolding functions, the second purpose of the study was to develop a quantitative measurement tool to assess parental scaffolding practices. The current research consisted of two studies. In Study 1, parents with preschoolers (N = 258) were recruited to determine the factor structure of the Parental Scaffolding within Cultural Learning Scale (PSCL). In Study 2, the relationships between epistemic and interpersonal aspects of parenting were investigated through the PSCL and the Instrumental Lie-telling Scale in a second independent sample (N = 153). Furthermore, the associations between parenting styles and these two aspects were examined through the Parent Attitude Scale. According to the study findings, a statistically valid and reliable measurement tool to assess parental scaffolding practices was contributed to the related literature. In addition, it was displayed that the relationships of different parenting styles with parental scaffolding and lie-telling behaviours show a variety. For example, while authoritative and overprotective parenting practices were related to the task persistence scaffolds, authoritarian and overprotective parenting styles were found to be related to higher use of threat lies. In conclusion, these results pointed out the important associations between different parenting factors that were thought to contribute to children’s social learning.
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    Lived citizenship experiences of highly-skilled migrants in Budapest and Athens : the emergence of patriotic cosmopolitan citizens
    (Bilkent University, 2024-11) Gioftsios, Pınar Dilan Sönmez
    This study explores the lived citizenship experiences of highly-skilled migrants through the analysis of 62 semi-structured interviews and an online questionnaire (N=177) conducted in Budapest and Athens between October 2022 and February 2024. The study aims to understand and explain how citizenship is understood and appropriated by highly skilled migrants who develop multi-layered attachments as highly mobile individuals, reflecting on their everyday transnational lives in the urban setting of Budapest and Athens. The study suggests that migrants' understanding of citizenship is shaped based on an amalgamation of legal-political status laden with rights and duties, and an identity and multi-layered sense of belonging derived from their lived socio-economic, socio-cultural, and emotional experiences. This study defines lived citizenship as a sum of the relational process involving experiences of belonging and coexistence that individuals undergo in everyday life within and beyond states, in both public and private realms. The research argues that highly skilled migrants’ experiences and narratives demonstrate a distinct understanding of citizenship, which is conceptualized in this study as patriotic cosmopolitan citizenship, turning them into hybrid citizens. The study advances the analytical framework and thinking on the foundation, manifestations, and operationalization of citizenship from below, underlining the significance of affective and subject-defining aspects. This empirical research goes beyond the existing studies which focus on policy-oriented, macro-level analyses of highly-skilled migration, presenting a unique contribution to the production of knowledge on highly skilled migrants in Budapest and Athens.
  • ItemEmbargo
    Dava şartı kavramı
    (2024-09) Ulugün, Furkan
    Bir davanın mahkemece kabul edilmesi sadece maddi hukukun öngördüğü şartlara değil, aynı zamanda usul hukukunun öngördüğü şartlara da bağlıdır. Usul hukukunun öngördüğü şartların varlığı tespit edilemezse maddi hukukun öngördüğü şartların gerçekleşip gerçekleşmediğine dair bir inceleme yapılması mümkün değildir. Usule ilişkin bu şartların bazıları, mahkemece re’sen incelenir. İşte bu halde, dava şartı kavramından bahsedilir. Dava şartı kavramı, söz konusu iki özelliği sebebiyle ciddi sorunlara sebebiyet vermektedir. Bu çalışmada, ilk olarak dava şartı kavramının varlık koşulu olarak ortaya çıkan öncelikli incelemenin teorik gerekçelendirmesi yapılmıştır. Ardından Hukuk Muhakemeleri Kanunu’nda açıkça dava şartı sayılan hallerin amacı incelenmiş ve yapılan teorik gerekçelendirmeye uyup uymadığını irdelenmiştir. Son bölümde dava şartı kavramının mahkemece nasıl inceleneceği üzerinde durulup hak arama özgürlüğüyle ilişkisi, numerus clausus olup olmadığı ve inceleme zamanı hakkında tespitlerde bulunulmuştur.
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    Turkish-American military cooperation and transformation of Turkish army in the early Cold War, 1947-1950
    (2024-09) Tokatlı, Fatih
    This dissertation documents the start and evolution of U.S. military assistance to Turkey from 1947 to 1950 and then analyzes the impact of U.S. military assistance especially on Turkish Army in organizational, doctrinal as well as in social and political dimensions. It especially focuses on how and to what extent Turkish military doctrine, especially Turkish Army’s tactical doctrine has changed after 1947. The end result of U.S. military assistance has been that from 1947, Turkish Army has, rather than becoming an effective effective fighting force by mid 1960s, become a better equipped version of itself before 1947 and transformed into a much more resource intensive military preparing to implement “American way of war”. In addition, Turkish focus on adopting US tactical doctrine prevented it from focusing on its own peculiar national needs and designing units to meet such needs. Nevertheless, through many years of training and exchange of information through US military assistance, the groundwork of which was laid from 1947, Turkish military became a potent force which has had a transformational effect on even today’s international security scene. In that sense, US military assistance to Turkey from 1947 has not only been a turning point for Turkey and for U.S.-Turkish relations but for regional and international security as well.
  • ItemEmbargo
    The influence of creative space types on the design thinking process
    (2024-09) Taleb Yousef Alshawa, Zena
    The design thinking process induces innovation and creativity. Modern organizations require designated workspaces to support the design thinking process. Thus, this study provides experimental evidence on the role of spatial types in influencing the creative design thinking process, namely divergent and convergent thinking. Fifty-nine participants performed divergent and convergent thinking tasks in open or private spaces. Flow state, situational interest, and presence assessed participants' task engagement. The task engagement levels in both spaces were compared using independent sample t-tests. Results revealed that flow state, situational interest, and presence were significantly higher in the open space than in the private space during divergent tasks. During convergent tasks, only situational interest was significantly higher in the private space than in the open space. In addition, results revealed a significant positive correlation between flow state and situational interest, and flow state and presence. Also, results indicated a nonsignificant positive correlation between presence and situational interest. These results contribute to understanding of the physical spaces in impacting the creative design thinking process.
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    Borçlanma aracı sahiplerinin hukuken korunması
    (2024-09) Altıntaş, Abdullah
    Bu çalışma, Türk hukukunda borçlanma aracı sahiplerini korumaya özgülenen veya borçlanma aracı sahiplerinin korunması bakımından önem arz eden hukuki mekanizmaları incelemiştir. Tezde, borçlanma araçlarına ilişkin terim sorununa dikkat çekilerek kavramın kapsamı belirlenmekte ve borçlanma araçlarının hukuki ve ekonomik niteliği ortaya konulmaktadır. Borçlanma araçları bağlamında ihraççı ile borçlanma aracı sahipleri arasında meydana gelen borç ilişkisinin temelinde TBK m. 18 kapsamında bir soyut borç tanıması bulunmaktadır. Borçlanma araçlarının en temel ihraççısı anonim şirket olup yetkili organın alacağı karar üzere ihraç limiti ve ihraç tavanı kapsamında gerekli işlemlerin yapılmasıyla ihraç süreci tamamlanmaktadır. Borçlanma aracı sahiplerinin korunmasına hizmet eden mekanizmalar, esasen riskin ayarlanması suretiyle risk getiri dengesinin istenen düzeye getirilmesinin araçlarıdır. Bu şekliyle yaklaşıldığında borçlanma aracı sahiplerini koruyan hukuki kurumları sözleşmesel olan ve olmayan şeklinde iki grup altında incelemek mümkündür. Borçlanma aracı sahiplerinin belirli konularda kolektif karar almasına hizmet eden BASK ve kolektif temsiline hizmet eden BAST sözleşmesel olmayan koruma mekanizmalarından olup çalışmada ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiştir. SPKn m. 31/B ve TYS Tebliği, borçlanma araçlarından doğan yükümlülüklerin tam ve zamanında yerine getirilmesini temin etmek amacıyla özgün bir teminat sistemi öngörmektedir. Üçüncü kişi yararına sözleşme niteliğinde olan TYS kapsamında teminata konu unsurların teminat yöneticisine sağlanması ile ortaya çıkan reel teminat yapısı trust olarak değerlendirilebilmektedir. Bunun yanı sıra borçlanma aracı sahiplerinin karşılaştığı risklerin farklılaştırılmasına ve kurumsal yönetime katılmasına olanak sağlayan taahhütler ve diğer sözleşmesel nitelikteki koruma mekanizmaları da mercek altına alınmıştır.
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    Türkiye’de modernitenin çözülmesi: Latife Tekin’in romanlarında risk toplumu
    (2024-09) Aydınlı, Gülnihal
    Latife Tekin, kaleme aldığı eserlerinde birçok toplumsal meseleyi derinlikli ve istikrarlı biçimde işlemesi dolayısıyla yoksulluk, ekoloji, feminizm gibi çeşitli alanlarda araştırmalara konu olmuştur. Bununla birlikte onun doğa, yoksulluk, toplumsal cinsiyet, birey ve toplum üzerinde kurguladığı hikaye baştan sona tutarlı bir bütün olarak ele alınabilir. Bu tez, Tekin’in eserlerinde kurguladığı hikayenin Ulrich Beck’in önerdiği risk toplumu teorisiyle birlikte düşünülebileceğini öne sürecektir. Bu doğrultuda Tekin’in Sevgili Arsız Ölüm (1983) ve Berci Kristin Çöp Masalları (1984) romanları, Manves City (2018) ve Sürüklenme (2018) romanlarıyla karşılaştırmalı biçimde okunacak ve eserlerin Beck’in teorisine paralel şekilde sanayi toplumundan risk toplumuna geçişi sürecini izlediği görülecektir. İlk iki roman toplumun sanayileşmesini ve modernleşmeyle tanışmasını ele alırken son iki romanı ise sanayileşme ve modernleşmenin yakın dönemdeki sonuçlarını yansıtmaktadır. Latife Tekin, sözü geçen romanlarının tamamında ekolojik, ekonomik ve toplumsal dönüşümleri izler. Benzer şekilde Ulrich Beck de modern sanayi toplumunun risk toplumuna dönüşümünde ekolojik ve ekonomik dönüşümlerin ve bireyselleşmenin altını çizer. Bu yüzden çalışmada Tekin’in eserleri ekoloji, yoksulluk ve bireyselleşme olmak üzere üç ana bölümde incelenecek, bölümlerde eserler ve risk toplumu teorisi arasındaki ortaklıklar izlenecektir. Bunun yanında, Tekin’in eserlerini verdiği sosyo-kültürel ortamı çerçevelemek için her bölümün altında Türkiye’nin durumu da ele alınacaktır. Metinler üzerinde gerçekleştirilen yakın okuma vasıtasıyla Tekin’in Sevgili Arsız Ölüm, Berci Kristin Çöp Masalları, Manves City ve Sürüklenme romanlarının ışığında Türkiye’de sanayileşmenin başlangıcından bugüne ekolojik, ekonomik ve sosyal bakımdan nasıl dönüşümler yaşadığı izlenecek ve bu dönüşümlerin risk toplumu teorisiyle ilişkisi sorulacaktır.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Charting the divine and the worldly: a comparative analysis of representation of religious symbolism in maps across the Medieval Mediterranean
    (2024-09) Çakır, Onuralp
    This thesis explores the use of religious symbolism in medieval Mediterranean cartography, comparing Islamic, Christian, and Jewish mapping traditions. By focusing on key works such as the Tabula Rogeriana, Catalan Atlas, and Book of Curiosities, it demonstrates how maps reflected both geographic knowledge and religious expression, culminating in sacred spatial representations. The study reveals how cross-cultural exchanges in the Mediterranean shaped symbolic depictions of sacred geography, leading to the development of distinct cartographic traditions. This comparative analysis underscores the role of maps in conveying religious and cultural identity during the Middle Ages, highlighting the interconnectedness of the Mediterranean.
  • ItemOpen Access
    What determines positive attitudes toward refugees and why? Comparing Türkiye and Germany in response to post-2011 forced migration crisis based on the context of value change and institutional trust
    (2024-09) Erden, Veysel Yiğit
    This study aims to provide empirical evidence in exploring the determinants of creating positive attitudes toward refugees and the reason behind this by responding the question: ‘Under what conditions do communities with migration experience in refugee-receiving states become more open toward accepting more refugees, and why?’. This research seeks answers to this question by testing two hypotheses: (i) post-materialist, cooperative, inclusive and egalitarian norms within the population may serve as an effective strategy for fostering a more welcoming attitude towards refugees and mitigating xenophobic sentiments and (ii) well-functioning migration governance based on the high-level of institutional and regulatory capacity of host countries and the ability to foster institutional trust within the resident communities are anticipated to play a crucial role in shaping a positive attitude towards refugees. Even though findings obtained under this research did not produce any significant result for supporting or falsifying the first hypothesis which aims to examine the impact of change in value preferences on attitudes toward refugees, this research found that regulatory and institution of host countries and institutional trust toward them among people matter in shaping people’s attitudes toward acceptance of further refugees in a positive way.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The politics of (non) retrenchment in two most different cases: a comparative analysis of societal response in France and Türkiye between 1980-2018
    (2024-09) Uslu, Sıla
    The neoliberalism brings the notion of welfare state retrenchment into discussion that is followed by welfare state transformation. This thesis compares France and Türkiye’s welfare states after the neoliberal revolution of the 1980s. It argues that both states avoided retrenchment because of the existence of a causal mechanism that is societal response thar also has a root cause that is familization. The thesis adopts most different systems design (MDSD). It identifies similarities in two dissimilar cases to establish the causal mechanism that produces similar outcomes, namely, non-retrenchment. France is a continental-European welfare state that had a developed welfare state at the time and is regarded as most resilient to change, whereas Türkiye is a Southern European welfare that is not developed but emerging. Therefore, the thesis analyzes France and Türkiye’s as most different cases’ responses to neoliberal pressures for fiscal retrenchment to determine the common characteristics that produce similar outcomes. Causal analysis is used to investigate the relationship between cause and outcome. The empirical analysis uses social expenditure (SOCX) as the quantitative data source and analyzes policy paradigms between 1980- 2018. The thesis identifies that even though France and Türkiye are significantly different cases, the legitimacy of the incumbent party for citizens is quintessential in policymaking, which is the causal mechanism. The role of the family as a structural constraint is seen through familization and its resistance to the changes that would weaken the family. The established gender and intergenerational roles within a family create the societal response to the retrenchment in social welfare. The trilemma of state-family-market is visible in both cases, with the mere strong state and family that retains family as a structural constraint.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Neglected narratives: the absence of Ottoman migration in Argentine historiography
    (2024-09) Çolak, Özlem Sultan
    During the course of the 19th and 20th centuries, Argentina underwent a period of swift economic expansion and advancement, leading to the emergence of a robust need for both skilled and unskilled workforce. Simultaneously, considerable numbers of people left the Ottoman Empire due to political unrest, financial struggles, and discrimination based on ethnicity and religion. While a multitude of migrants made their way to Argentina from diverse regions globally, the specific encounters and journeys of those originating from the Ottoman Empire have frequently been neglected in the historical accounts of Argentina. Intending to respond to this issue, the study sought to examine the diverse and fragmented communities that were formed through Ottoman migration, analyzing how these communities dealt with the preservation of their cultural roots while also facing the challenges of assimilating into Argentine society. Ottoman migrants, such as Armenians, Syrians, and Lebanese, stood out from European immigrants because of the evident differences in their ethnicity, religion, and language. The wide range of differences among Ottoman migrants resulted in the formation of separate and frequently secluded societies, causing the overall journey of these individuals to be challenging to identify as a cohesive historical occurrence.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The “Buying time” concept in Southeast Asia: security and development in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia, 1967–1975
    (2024-08) Susanto, Widy Novantyo
    In 1967, the U.K. and in 1969, the U.S. announced plans to phase out their military presence in Southeast Asia. This dissertation examines the reactions of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) states–Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia–to the impending withdrawal of ANZUK (Australia, New Zealand, U.K.) and U.S. military forces from Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. It argues that by adopting the buying time concept–urging the U.S. and ANZUK to maintain their economic, military, and political presence in Southeast Asia to buy time to develop their economies–Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia upheld and legitimized a regional power structure dominated by the U.S. Throughout the Vietnam War, they pursued foreign policies advocating for extra-regional interference in Southeast Asia through economic and military assistance. They endorsed the FPDA (Five Power Defense Arrangements) to prevent Chinese and Soviet influence and competition in Southeast Asia while supporting U.S. military intervention and presence in Vietnam and Thailand. Consequently, with the exception of Malaysia, the U.S. war effort in Vietnam significantly contributed to the economic development of Singapore and Indonesia. In the cases of Singapore and Indonesia, the progress in development resulted from pro-U.S. political elites participating in a global economic network of multinational corporations and international financial institutions. This research challenges the conventional view that Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia were nonaligned and neutral states in pursuit of regional autonomy. It provides an analysis that accounts for the historical agency of developing nations in Southeast Asia in bolstering a U.S.-led international order.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Enhancing sustainable behavior via a serious game: the role of biophilic design in real and virtual settings
    (2024-09) Özgen Turan, Dilay Seda
    Traditional sustainable design efforts often fail to significantly influence human behavior towards sustainability. This gap highlights the need for innovative approaches to encourage environmentally responsible actions in built environments. The aim of this thesis is to explore the potential of biophilic design—an architectural approach that integrates natural elements into built environments—to foster sustainable behaviors. Additionally, the study introduces the use of serious games as a novel tool to simulate real-world scenarios and influence behavior towards sustainability. Serious games can bridge the gap between awareness and action, offering a unique opportunity to reshape attitudes toward sustainability. The research involved 162 participants and was conducted in four distinct environments: two real-world settings, a non-immersive computer environment, and an immersive virtual reality (VR) setting. The study compared behaviors in biophilic and non-biophilic environments, and examined the role of serious games in enhancing sustainable behaviors in these different contexts. Findings reveal that biophilic design in real environments positively influences sustainable behaviors more than non-biophilic environments. Moreover, integrating biophilic design into serious games further enhances these behaviors, especially when experienced in an immersive virtual reality (VR) setting. The study underscores the potential of combining biophilic design with serious games as a powerful strategy to promote sustainable behaviors, offering insights into how digital tools can reconnect individuals with nature and encourage environmentally responsible actions.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Merkezi idare ve yerinden yönetim kuruluşlarının rekabeti bozucu işlemlerinin AB ve ABD uygulamaları çerçevesinde incelenmesi
    (2024-08) Doğan, Zeynep İrem
    Devletin ekonomik piyasalardaki girişimci ve düzenleyici rolü, serbest piyasa ekonomisi ve rekabetin korunması açısından kritik bir öneme sahiptir. Ancak devlet gerek girişimci gerekse de düzenleyici olarak piyasalarda faaliyet gösterirken rekabeti bozucu nitelikte işlemler tesis edebilmektir. Bu kapsamda, özellikle merkezi idare ve yerinden yönetim kuruluşları tarafından tesis edilen rekabeti bozucu işlemlerin rekabet kuralları kapsamında nasıl değerlendirildiğinin analiz edilmesi önem arz etmektedir. Söz konusu çalışma kapsamında öncelikle piyasa ekonomisi ve rekabet kavramları tarihsel ve teorik olarak ele alınacak olup Avrupa Birliği (AB) ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD) uygulamaları da incelenmek suretiyle devlet müdahalesi kavramı ve merkezi idare ve yerinden yönetim kuruluşlarının rekabeti bozucu işlemleri incelenecektir.
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    Fantastic walls and where to find them: a response to border fortification
    (2024-09) Çavuşoğlu, Hatice Elif
    Why do not all Violent Non-State Actors (VNSA) modify their strategies and tactics equally in response to border fortification? The global rise in border wall construction has been extensively studied in the context of affluent countries, while a significant gap in understanding the outcomes of this phenomenon in developing countries still exists. This study examines the effects of border fortification on transnational militancy. I argue that this relation is moderated by several intra- and extra-group dynamics. In this thesis, I devise a “theory of change” proposing that groups are only encouraged to shift in the long-term strategies when they fail to compensate for the loss delivered by fortification. VNSAs also find incentives in the reallocation of the existing resources and reduce the cost of their violent tactics by adopting more cost-effective approaches, driven by the setbacks caused by fortification. After employing logit models with interactions, my findings suggest that fortification, in combination with foreign support, increases the likelihood of civilian targeting and the use of irregular weapons by VNSAs. Yet, only groups that were able to operate “differently across attacks” before fortification demonstrate a tendency towards using irregular weapons. Additionally, I found evidence that the interaction between fortification and state violence encourages selective targeting by VNSAs.
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    Using eye tracking to understand the impact of visual complexity and perceptual fluency on viewers’ aesthetic preferences
    (2024-09) Beder, Dilara
    This study investigates the interplay between cognitive styles, visual complexity, and aesthetic evaluations in environmental psychology and architectural design, utilizing Gestalt principles. Our research was divided into two studies. In Study I, we examined the aesthetic evaluations of 24 two-dimensional geometric stimuli, manipulated using the Gestalt principles of similarity based on color and shape differences, with 39 participants. In Study II, we focused on architectural façades and used 24 two-dimensional stimuli, manipulated through the Gestalt principles of similarity and proximity, to assess aesthetic evaluations with 79 participants. Participants were classified as Field Dependent or Field Independent using the Hidden Figures Test. Additionally, we collected their aesthetic evaluations through questionnaires, supported by eye-tracking data to assess visual attention. Study I revealed a U-shaped relationship between visual complexity and aesthetic evaluations, with both low and high complexity stimuli rated higher than medium complexity ones. Study II found an inverse relationship between complexity and aesthetic ratings, with simpler façades generally preferred. Gestalt principles significantly influenced aesthetic judgments, with shape-based similarity rated higher than color-based similarity for geometric designs, and proximity-based façades rated higher than similarity-based façades in architectural contexts. Although cognitive styles did not significantly impact overall aesthetic evaluations, nuanced differences were identified in the responses of Field Dependent participants when comparing proximity-based to similarity-based designs. Gaze metrics data indicated that higher complexity levels led to more fixations and shorter fixation durations, reflecting more extensive visual exploration. These findings offer insights into how cognitive styles, complexity, and Gestalt principles shape aesthetic perceptions, informing design practices to enhance user experience.
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    Dynamics of post-pandemic inflation in Türkiye
    (2024-08) İpek, Mahmut Sefa
    In the post-pandemic period, Turkish inflation increased to levels last seen in the 1990s. Both the average level and dynamics of inflation in Türkiye were different from inflation in other Emerging European countries. This study employs a six-variable Bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR) model with stochastic volatility to estimate the historical decomposition of inflation in Türkiye during the post-pandemic period. The findings suggest that this period can be divided into two distinct episodes: from November 2021 to May 2023, inflation was driven by both domestic and global factors, with domestic ones being more dominant. From June 2023 onwards, inflation accelerated entirely by domestic factors.
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    Commonwealth tipi yeni anayasacılık modelinin bir örneği olarak Birleşik Krallık parlamentosunun insan haklarının korunmasındaki rolü
    (2024-09) Demirtaşoğlu, Ömer
    Commonwealth tipi yeni anayasacılık modeli, geleneksel parlamento üstünlüğü ve geleneksel anayasa üstünlüğü sisteminin bazı özelliklerini bünyesinde barındıran hibrit bir model olarak nitelendirilmektedir. Birleşik Krallık’ta 1998 yılında kabul edilen İnsan Hakları Kanunu Commonwealth tipi yeni anayasacılık modelinin bir örneğini teşkil etmektedir. Tez çalışmasının ilk bölümünde, Commonwealth tipi yeni anayasacılık modeli Gardbaum’un kuramı temel alınarak doktrin görüşleri ve örnekler ışığında incelenmektedir. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde ise Birleşik Krallık İnsan Hakları Kanunu örneği üzerine odaklanılmakta, bu kanunun çizdiği çerçevede Birleşik Krallık Parlamentosunun ve parlamento bünyesinde görev yapan İnsan Hakları Karma Komitesinin oynadığı rol ortaya konulmaktadır. Böylece bir anayasal sistemde yasama organının insan haklarının korunmasında nasıl etkili olabileceği gösterilmeye çalışılmaktadır.