Dept. of Performing Arts - Master's degree

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    Doğru ve güzel konuşarak gelişen kimlik
    (Bilkent University, 2005) Cider Şener, Asuman
    Doğru ses kullanımı, güzel ve etkili konuşma belli bir disiplin ile kazanılır. Bu tez çalışmamda, almış olduğum eğitim, edinmiş olduğum tecrübeler ve kişisel araştırmalarımla, pek çok öğretiden yola çıkarak bir metod oluşturmaya çalıştım. Bu metodta öncelikle konuşma organlarımızın ne olduğunu, bunların potansiyellerinin farkındalık ve çalışma ile nasıl daha verimli kullanılabileceğini, bütün konuşma organları ve ses için temel kaynak olan nefesi tekrar ele alarak, daha iyi kapasite ve doğru kullanımı için öğreti ve çalışma metodları sunmaya, konuşma dilimizin Türkçe olması nedeni ile dilbilgisi ve Türkçenin genel yapısını, bu konu ile ilgili tüm bilgilerin konuşma dilini ne denli etkilediğini vurgulamaya, fonetiğin incelediği alan ile dilin kullanım gücünün nasıl arttığını, güzel ve etkili diksiyonun hayatımızda ne denli önemli olduğunu anlatmaya çalıştım. Bütün çalışmalara rağmen düzeltemediğimiz, fizyolojik ve psikolojik konuşma bozuklukları ile ilgili sorunlar, tanı ve tedavi yöntemleri hakkında bilgiler vererek, oluşmuş ya da oluşabilecek sorunları anlattım. Özellikle çocukluk dönemi üzerinde durdum çünkü erken tanı ile genç bireyin sağlıklı bir geleceği için yardımcı olunabilmesini amaçladım. Konuşma türleri hakkında bilgilendirerek iş, sosyal ve özel hayatımızda bu türlerin doğru kullanılmasının gereğini, bunların hayatımıza kazandırdığı sosyal ve psikolojik katkıları ifade etmeye çalıştım. Bütün bu bilgi ve çalışma metodlarını gerçekleştirirken, kim ya da hangi meslek grubundan olursa olsun hayatının bir döneminde -ki bunun erken olmasını temenni ederim- konuşma ile ilgili bir çalışmaya ihtiyaç duyulduğunda ,bu tez çalışmamdan faydalanarak gelişme gösterebilmesi için bir fırsat olmasını dilerken, bunu yalnızca konuşma biçimi yani güzel ve etkili konuşma başarısı olarak değil, kişinin yaşamda olduğu ya da olmak istediği kimliğin gelişimi olarak tecrübe edeceği tezinide savunmaktayım. Son olarak: KİMLİK, doğru ve güzel konuşarak gelişir.
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  • ItemOpen Access
    Shakespeare oyunlarındaki karakterlerin yorumunda diksiyon enerji ilişkisi
    (Bilkent University, 2005) Esen, Cebrail
    While the plays of Shakespeare have been interpreted, many different forms have been seen within the comprehension of today’s theatre. These frequently bring free unfolding in the mutiny of postmodernism. Sometimes Lear may be in overcoat and Hamlet may be a black man sometimes. It has been observed that there is seeking of essence more than the form as an evaluation on the artistic quality of these approaches has been made. Essentially, interpreters don’t refuse what Shakespeare explained. What does the essence of Shakespeare mean according to the actors? What are the important points that the actors shouldn’t forget even in the form? How could the thing that made Shakespeare special appear while the actors are interpreting? Are the great interpretation skills of the successful Shakespeare actors secrets granted by the God? Or is it the full application of the chain of definable technical difficulties? If the analyses have been focused on the well known basic structure of Shakespeare’s plays, this lies on the perfection of language and fictional richness could be explained being based on the sources. The structure of tirades, fiction and scenes have been investigated according to the views of the experts and examples have been provided. In this direction, results on usage of the energy have been reached.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ses, nefes, konuşma ve beden ilişkisi
    (Bilkent University, 2005) Çölok, Ali Aziz
    The subject matters of this thesis are voice, breathing, speech and the effect of physical condition on all of them. The progress of the thesis is based on the progress of subjects in the first two years of the acting and diction education in a conservatory. “Voice and speech” being the main subjects, the purposes are to lay bare the meaning of the phrase “speaking correctly with the correct voice”, and to reveal what individuals need to do to realize this goal. Another point emphasized is that the body posture influences the voice and the speech in various ways. This thesis contains several methods to improve the negative results of physical defects and errors, and so, starts with the importance of speech for an individual, the definition of “the correct speech” and the obstacles encountered while working towards it. In the first chapter, the influence of the body posture on voice and speech, and the exercises necessary to shape the body to gain the proper form which will enable “the correct voice” are examined. In the second chapter, the importance of breathing, errors made while breathing, short information on the respiratory organs, how the respiratory system works and the exercises for “the correct breathing” are studied. Following this chapter, “the sound” itself is examined: how humans produce sound, introduction to vocal organs, the usage and improvement of “the voice”. In the section on articulation, information on the process of changing the sound -which gained volume and quality with the proper voice exercises- into speech, the common errors in this process, and some of the exercises necessary to correct them are given. In the last chapter on phonetics, the phonemes used in Turkish, their correct articulation rules, and sample exercises are introduced. The conclusion of this thesis is: Unless preliminary exercises to relax the body, to relieve the mind from stress, to use the breath in a correct and fruitful way, to gain new and correct the habits of transforming the breath into sound and further, masterfully transforming the sound into voice are performed, an individual: cannot have a correct, beautiful, dramatic and healthy speech; will have problems of self expression; and so he/she can achieve the necessary abilities only by performing the correct exercises with the required amount.
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    Aktörlere yönelik ses- konuşma- vücut eğitimi ve geliştirilmiş uygulama yöntemleri
    (Bilkent University, 2005) Adıgüzel, Berna
    The aim of this thesis is to suggest a system for the voice and speech training in drama schools. Different studying methods are presented in accordance with this aim. Undoubtedly, the methods are varied. Considering that there are some basic techniques that must be experienced by each student, many exercise sets are suggested insofar as it is possible. In this thesis, not only the methods which are known and carried out are arranged, but also new exercises are investigated and adapted to our language. Books on yoga and healthy life have also been useful for the body, breath and relaxation exercises. Exercises from the experts of voice and speech, Cicely Berry and Kristin Linklater, have been important sources. Techniques of Jerzy Grotowski, Frederick Matthias Alexander and Eric Morris have also been useful. Studying methods are prepared considering the suggestions and curriculums (syllabus) of these educators:Prof. David Smukler, Chairman of Voice and speech Department, York University; Brad Gibson and Hazal Selçuk, lecturers in York University; Prof. Tracey Moore, educator of voice and speech, Colombia University. Practicing methods for the actors are told step by step; more comprehensive methods are given later. It is known that an actors or a student who does not concern voice and speech training important would be monotonous, boring and unsuccesful. If an actor does not find out the real capacity of his own material, his talent begins to disappear. The reason might be physical obstacles, or not trying to overcome these obstacles, or being unaware of the methods that will help him to overcome them. Once the problem is determined –unless medical treatment is needed- practicing will be enough to handle the situation. Thus, this thesis claims that, in order to improve his voice capacity and have a vivid acting style, a drama student has to experience all available techniques, and considering his personal needs, he has to arrange his own practicing system. Productivity of an actor depends on his success on this level. The result would be free, wide, relaxed and vivid voice, which will help the actor improve his performance on the stage. There is no need to tell the importance of it for an actor.