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Item Open Access 1.06μm-1.35μm coherent pulse generation by a synchronously-pumped phosphosilicate Raman fiber laser(OSA, 2017) Elahi, Parviz; Makey, Ghaith; Turnalı, Ahmet; Tokel, Onur; İlday, Fatih ÖmerSummary form only given. Rare-earth-doped fiber lasers are attractive for microscopy and imaging applications and have developed over the past decades rapidly. They are unable to cover near-infra-red region entirely and therefore Raman and parametric process are promising for producing new wavelengths which are out of emission band of the current fiber lasers. Here, we demonstrate a synchronously-pumped Raman laser system for producing coherent signals spanning from 1.06 μm to 1.35 μm. The laser system comprises a passively-mode-locked oscillator, two stages of amplifier and a phosphosilicate Raman oscillator. The schematic of experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1(a). A mode locked oscillator operating at 37 MHz is using as a seed source. The output pulse duration and central wavelength are 6 ps and 1065 nm, respectively. 6 mW output from oscillator is launched to pre amplifier comprises 85-cm long Yb 401-PM pumped by a single mode diode through a PM wavelength division multiplexer (WDM). The power amplifier consists of a 3.5-m long Yb 1200-DC-PM with 6 μm core diameter and 125 μm cladding diameter pumped by a temperature stabilized, high power multimode diode laser via a multimode pump-signal combiner (MPC). A 30/70 coupler is employed for delivering pump signal at 1060 nm to the Raman oscillator comprises 4.2-m long ph-doped fiber. To synchronize pump and Raman and achieve coherent pulses, we adjust the length of cavity by a precise translation stage. By using proper filter inside the Raman cavity, different wavelengths are achieved.Item Open Access 1.7-GHz intra-burst repetition rate Yb-fiber amplifier system(IEEE, 2015) Kalaycıoğlu, Hamit; Elahi, Parviz; Kerse, Can; Akçaalan, Önder; İlday, F. ÖmerMaterial processing efficiency of ultrafast pulses increases dramatically with repetition rate of the pulses, if the conditions are adjusted correctly to avoid excessive plasma and particulate shielding. However, given that there is a minimum pulse energy requirement, continuous operation at high repetition rates can be detrimental due to too much average power leading to heat accumulation. Burst-mode operation of lasers, wherein the amplifier periodically produces a group of pulses (a burst), which are very closely spaced in time, avoids this problem. However, ultrafast burst-mode lasers are typically limited to several 100 MHz intra-burst repetition rates. While this is sufficient for most materials, metals with high thermal conductivity require higher repetition rates.Item Open Access 10 W, 10 ns, 50 kHz all-fiber laser at 1.55 µm(Optical Society of America, 2012) Pavlov, Ihor; Dülgergil, E.; İlbey, Emrah; İlday, Fatih ÖmerWe report on an all-fiber, singlemode MOPA system at 1.55 µm producing 10-ns, 200-µJ pulses with 20 kW of peak power and utilize it to micromachine crystalline Si, which is largely transparent at this wavelength.Item Open Access 10 μJ 150 fs all-fiber Yb laser amplifier system(IEEE, 2015) Akçaalan, Önder; Kalaycıoğlu, Hamit; Kesim, Denizhan Koray; İlday, F. ÖmerFemtosecond laser pulse sources have become increasingly popular in the last decade as a result of their practical features, such as insensitivity to environmental variations, versatile designs, high-power outputs. However, much of the progress is with non-integrated specialty fibers, which involve some compromise on these practical features. Monolithic fiber chirped pulse amplification (CPA) systems are very attractive for industrial and scientific applications due to the features such as compactness, reliability and robustness [1].Item Open Access 10-W, 156-MHz all-fiber-integrated Er-Yb-doped fiber laser-amplifier system(Optical Society of America, 2012) Pavlov, Ihor; İlbey, Emrah; Dülgergil, Ebru; İlday, Fatih ÖmerWe demonstrate all-fiber, high-power chirped-pulse-amplifier system, operating at 1550 nm. 156-MHz soliton oscillator seeds a two-stage single-mode amplifier with output power of 10 W. After external compression, pulse duration is 0.6 ps. © 2012 Optical Society of America.Item Open Access 11th international conference MMET*2006(IEEE, 2007) Altıntaş, AyhanThe 11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET*06) was organized and sponsored by the IEEE AP-S East Ukraine Joint Chapter at the Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine, june 26-29, 2006. The objective of the conference was to provide an environment for the efficient exchange of research ideas and results, and for the emergence of new friendships and international collaborations across wide range of electromagnetic modeling techniques and applications, as well as to encourage and motivate the young scientists and students in the region.Item Open Access A 128-bit microprocessor compatible programmable correlator chip for use in synchronous communication(IEEE, 1989) Ungan, İ. Enis; Topçu, Satılmış; Atalar, AbdullahA single-chip microprocessor-compatible 128-b correlator is designed and implemented in a 3-μm M2CMOS process. Full-custom design techniques are applied to achieve the best tradeoff among chip size, speed, and power consumption. The chip is placed in a microprocessor-based portable data terminal using HF radio communication. It marks the beginning of a synchronous data stream received from the very noisy channel by detecing the synchronization (sync) word. The sync word can be detected for either inverted or noninverted input data streams. Two chips can be cascaded to make a 256-b correlator. The chip is fully programmable by a microprocessor to set the number of tolerable errors in detection and to select the bits of the 128-b (or 256-b) data stream to be used in the correlation.Item Open Access 130 nJ 77 fs dissipative soliton fiber laser(OSA, 2010) Baumgartl, M.; Ortaç, Bülend; Lecaplain, C.; Hideur, A.; Limpert J.; Tünnermann, A.We report on ultrashort high-energy pulse generation from an all-normal-dispersion fiber oscillator. The watt-level laser directly emits chirped pulses with a duration of 1ps and 163nJ of pulse energy. These can be compressed to 77fs. © 2010 Optical Society of America.Item Open Access 2-D adaptive prediction based Gaussianity tests in microcalcification detection(SPIE, 1998-01) Gürcan, M. Nafi; Yardımcı, Yasemin; Çetin, A. EnisWith increasing use of Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), Computer-aided Diagnosis (CAD) methods will be more widely utilized. In this paper, we develop a CAD method for the detection of microcalcification clusters in mammograms, which are an early sign of breast cancer. The method we propose makes use of two-dimensional (2-D) adaptive filtering and a Gaussianity test recently developed by Ojeda et al. for causal invertible time series. The first step of this test is adaptive linear prediction. It is assumed that the prediction error sequence has a Gaussian distribution as the mammogram images do not contain sharp edges. Since microcalcifications appear as isolated bright spots, the prediction error sequence contains large outliers around microcalcification locations. The second step of the algorithm is the computation of a test statistic from the prediction error values to determine whether the samples are from a Gaussian distribution. The Gaussianity test is applied over small, overlapping square regions. The regions, in which the Gaussianity test fails, are marked as suspicious regions. Experimental results obtained from a mammogram database are presented.Item Open Access 2-D triangular mesh-based mosaicking for object tracking in the presence of occlusion(SPIE, 1997) Toklu, C.; Tekalp, A. M.; Erdem, A. TanjuIn this paper, we describe a method for temporal tracking of video objects in video clips. We employ a 2D triangular mesh to represent each video object, which allows us to describe the motion of the object by the displacements of the node points of the mesh, and to describe any intensity variations by the contrast and brightness parameters estimated for each node point. Using the temporal history of the node point locations, we continue tracking the nodes of the 2D mesh even when they become invisible because of self-occlusion or occlusion by another object. Uncovered parts of the object in the subsequent frames of the sequence are detected by means of an active contour which contains a novel shape preserving energy term. The proposed shape preserving energy term is found to be successful in tracking the boundary of an object in video sequences with complex backgrounds. By adding new nodes or updating the 2D triangular mesh we incrementally append the uncovered parts of the object detected during the tracking process to the one of the objects to generate a static mosaic of the object. Also, by texture mapping the covered pixels into the current frame of the video clip we can generate a dynamic mosaic of the object. The proposed mosaicing technique is more general than those reported in the literature because it allows for local motion and out-of-plane rotations of the object that results in self-occlusions. Experimental results demonstrate the successful tracking of the objects with deformable boundaries in the presence of occlusion.Item Open Access 2-nm laser-synthesized Si nanoparticles for low-power charge trapping memory devices(IEEE, 2014-08) El-Atab, N.; Özcan, Ayşe; Alkış, Sabri; Okyay, Ali Kemal; Nayfeh, A.In this work, the effect of embedding Silicon Nanoparticles (Si-NPs) in ZnO based charge trapping memory devices is studied. Si-NPs are fabricated by laser ablation of a silicon wafer in deionized water followed by sonication and filtration. The active layer of the memory was deposited by Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) and spin coating technique was used to deliver the Si-NPs across the sample. The nanoparticles provided a good retention of charges (>10 years) in the memory cells and allowed for a large threshold voltage (Vt) shift (3.4 V) at reduced programming voltages (1 V). The addition of ZnO to the charge trapping media enhanced the electric field across the tunnel oxide and allowed for larger memory window at lower operating voltages. © 2014 IEEE.Item Open Access 20-fs 1.6-mJ pulses from a cw-diode-pumped single-stage 1-kHz Yb amplifier(OSA, 2010) Andriukaitis, G.; Kartashov, D.; Pugzlys, A.; Lorenc, D.; Baltuska, A.; Giniunas, L.; Danielius, R.; İlday, Ömer Fatih200-fs 2.5-mJ pulses from a fiber-oscillator-seeded DPSS Yb:CaF2 MOPA are spectrally broadened in Ar and recompressed to 20 fs using a pair of LAK14 prisms. Multi-millijoule 12-fs pulses are feasible upon higher-order spectral phase correction.Item Open Access 3 boyutlu kartezyen olmayan paralel görüntülemede değişken görüntü alanına dayalı geriçatım(IEEE, 2018) Şenel, Celal Furkan; Çukur, TolgaMRG’de yaygın olarak kullanılan geriçatım yöntemleri değişken yoğunluklu Kartezyen olmayan taramalara da uygulanabilmektedir; fakat bu durumda bu yöntemlerin genellikle yüksek hesaplama karmaşıklığı içeren çok sayıda yinelemeye ihtiyaç duyması özellikle 3 boyutlu geriçatımlara uygulanabilirliklerini sınırlamaktadır. 2 boyutlu Kartezyen olmayan veri için daha hızlı geriçatım almak amacıyla, PILS’e dayalı, değişken görüntü alanlarını kullanan bir teknik yakın zamanda teklif edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada bu teknik 3 boyutlu değişken yoğunluklu veriye uygulanmış, ek olarak elde edilen görüntüler dalgacık regülarizasyonu kullanılarak kalan artifaktlardan temizlenmiştir. Önce regülarizasyon için farklı parametrelerin başarımları karşılaştırılmış, sonra regülarizasyon da dâhil olmak üzere değişken görüntü alanı yönteminin, karelerin toplanması, PILS ve ESPIRiT geriçatımları ile başarımları karşılaştırılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar teklif edilen yöntemin başarısının karşılaştırılan diğer geriçatımlardan üstün olduğunu göstermektedir.Item Open Access 3-Boyutlu orman yangını yayılımı sistemi(IEEE, 2008) Köse, Kıvanç; Yılmaz, E.; Grammalidis, N.; Aktuğ, B.; Çetin, A. Enis; Aydın, İ.In the last few years, due to the global warming and draught related to it, there is an increase in the number of forest fires. Forest fire detection is mainly done by people but there exists some automated systems in this field too. Besides the detection of the forest fires, effective fire extinhguising has an important role in fire fighting. If the spread of the fire can be predicted from the starting, early intervene can be achieved and fire can be extinguished swiftly. Using the Fire Propagation Simulator explained here it is aimed, to predict the fire development beforehand and to visulalize this predictions on a 3D-GIS environment. ©2008 IEEE.Item Open Access 3-dimensional median filters for image sequence processing(IEEE, 1991-04) Alp, M. Bilge,; Neuvo, Y.Two 3-D median-based filtering algorithms have been developed that preserve the motion in the image sequence while attenuating noise effectively. Some observations are made on the root signals in binary domain based on the positive Boolean functions corresponding to the filters. From the Boolean expressions the output distribution functions are derived. The performance of both filters under various noise types is examined theoretically and experimentally. The structures are simulated on a video sequencer (DVSR 100) on real image sequences. Comparisons are made with other 2- and 3-D algorithms from the literature based on mean square error, mean absolute error, and subjective criteria.Item Open Access 3.5-W, 42-MHz, single-mode chirped pulse amplification fiber laser system at 1560 nm(OSA, 2017) Elahi, Parviz; Li, Huihui; İlday, Fatih ÖmerThere is much interest in the development of high power ultra-short fiber laser systems due to their significant properties and applications. Among them, Er-doped fiber lasers are showing more attention, especially in silicon processing and photovoltaic industries. Chirp pulse amplification (CPA) is the most common approach to establish high-power/high energy fiber lasers. Here, we demonstrate a CPA fiber laser system operating at 1560 nm. The system provides 3.5 W average output power at 42 MHZ pulse repetition rate corresponds to 83 nJ pulse energy. The laser system comprises a passively mode-locked oscillator and two amplifier stages, where the power amplifier is based on claddingpumped 10 μm-core EY co-doped fiber. The output pulses are compressible to 180 fs by using of two compressor gratings. The schematic of experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1(a). Seed source is a home-built dispersion-managed passively mode-locked oscillator delivering 5-ps long pulses at 42 MHZ repletion rate and 8 mW average power. We are using 70-cm long positive dispersion fiber (OFS, R2=56.7 fs2 /mm) after the gain fiber to manage group velocity dispersion delay (GDD) of the cavity and achieve broad spectrum. The output from oscillator delivers to stretch fiber including a 10-m long fiber (OFS). 30-ps long pulses after that delivers to the first stage amplifier, which consists of 1-m long Er 80-4/125 (CorActive) pumped by a single-mode diode laser at 976 nm via a wavelength-division-multiplexer (WDM). The first stage amplifier generates 120 mW of average power. The power amplifier is based on 1.4-m long Er-Yb co-doped fiber with 10 μm core and 128 μm cladding diameter. The pump source is a 16-W wavelength-stabilized diode laser at 976 nm. The pump and signal are combined with a multimode pump signal combiner (MPC). A 10/128 fiber pigtailed collimator is used to collimate output beam.Item Open Access 3.5-W, femtosecond chirped pulse amplification fiber laser system at 1560 nm(IEEE, 2017) Elahi, Parviz; Li, Huihui; İlday, Fatih ÖmerWe report a single-mode, 42 MHz, 3.5-W average power chirped pulse amplification fiber laser system operating at 1560 nm. The laser system comprises a dispersion-managed mode-locked oscillator and twoamplifier stages. The output pulses are compressed to 180 fs by using two diffraction gratings.Item Open Access 30-fs 1.6 mJ pulses at a kHz repetition rate from a single stage DPSS Yb amplifier(OSA, 2010) Andriukaitis, G.; Kartashov, D.; Pugzlys, A.; Lorenc, D.; Baltuska, A.; Giniunas, L.; Danielius, R.; İlday, Ömer Fatih200-fs 2.5-mJ pulses from a cw-diode-pumped Yb:CaF2 MOPA are spectrally broadened in Ar and recompressed to 30 fs at 980 nm using a prism pair. Multi-millijoule 12-fs pulses are feasible upon higher-order spectral phase correction.Item Open Access 33-fs Yb-fiber laser comb locked to Cs-atomic clock(IEEE, 2013) Şenel, Çağrı; Hamid, R.; Erdoğan, C.; Çelik, M.; Kara, O.; İlday, Fatih ÖmerDespite the prevalence of fiber frequency combs around 1.5 μm, few fully stabilized frequency combs have been demonstrated around 1.0 μm, despite the generally superior performance of Yb-fiber lasers compared to Er-fiber lasers. Short pulses are to generate coherent supercontinuum using anomalous dispersion regime of microstructured fibers. Near-zero cavity dispersion is highly desirable for low-noise frequency comb performance. Here, we report a Yb-doped fiber laser that operates at net-zero group-velocity dispersion and produces pulses that can be compressed externally to 33-fs. The frequency comb generated by this system is repetition-and carrier-envelope-phase-locked to Cs atomic clocks. The laser oscillator design is based on a novel algorithmic methodology, which allows us to design cavities to meet specific requirements; in this case, there was the need to generate as short pulses as possible, while having several nJ of pulse energy and the cavity at strictly zero total dispersion.Item Open Access A 3D dynamic model of a spherical wheeled self-balancing robot(2012) İnal, Ali Nail; Morgül, Ömer; Saranlı, UluçMobility through balancing on spherical wheels has recently received some attention in the robotics literature. Unlike traditional wheeled platforms, the operation of such platforms depends heavily on understanding and working with system dynamics, which have so far been approximated with simple planar models and their decoupled extension to three dimensions. Unfortunately, such models cannot capture inherently spatial aspects of motion such as yaw motion arising from the wheel rolling motion or coupled inertial effects for fast maneuvers. In this paper, we describe a novel, fully-coupled 3D model for such spherical wheeled platforms and show that it not only captures relevant spatial aspects of motion, but also provides a basis for controllers better informed by system dynamics. We focus our evaluations to simulations with this model and use circular paths to reveal advantages of this model in dynamically rich situations. © 2012 IEEE.