Browsing by Subject "Simulation result"
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Item Open Access Accurate resonant frequency computation of multisegment rectangular dielectric resonator antennas(Taylor & Francis, 2010) Gürel, Ç. S.; Coşar, H.; Akalin, Ö.In this study, multi-segment dielectric resonator antenna (MSDRA) is analyzed. A new formulation depending on the Weighted Average Model (WAM) is proposed for the determination of resonant frequency which is called as Modified Weighted Average Model (MWAM). According to the comparison of the results with experimental values and the results of the previous studies and simulation results it is shown that considerable improvement is obtained using this new formulation providing very small percentage errors for almost all cases.Item Open Access A Bayesian approach to respiration rate estimation via pulse-based ultra-wideband signals(IEEE, 2009) Soǧancı, Hamza; Gezici, Sinan; Arıkan, OrhanIn this paper, theoretical limits on estimation of respiration rates via pulse-based ultra-wideband (UWB) signals are studied in the presence of prior information about respiration related signal parameters. First, a generalized Cramer-Rao lower bound (G-CRLB) expression is derived, and then simplified versions of the bound are obtained for sinusoidal displacement functions. In addition to the derivation of the theoretical limits, a two-step suboptimal estimator based on matched filter (correlation) processing and maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) estimation is proposed. It is shown that the proposed estimator performs very closely to the theoretical limits under certain conditions. Simulation results are presented to investigate the theoretical results.Item Open Access Compressed sensing on ambiguity function domain for high resolution detection(IEEE, 2010) Güldoǧan, Mehmet B.; Pilancı, Mert; Arıkan, OrhanIn this paper, by using compressed sensing techniques, a new approach to achieve robust high resolution detection in sparse multipath channels is presented. Currently used sparse reconstruction techniques are not immediately applicable in wireless channel modeling and radar signal processing. Here, we make use of the cross-ambiguity function (CAF) and transformed the reconstruction problem from time to delay-Doppler domain for efficient exploitation of the delay-Doppler diversity of the multipath components. Simulation results quantify the performance gain and robustness obtained by this new CAF based compressed sensing approach. ©2010 IEEE.Item Open Access Cost-aware strategies for query result caching in Web search engines(Association for Computing Machinery, 2011) Ozcan, R.; Altingovde, I. S.; Ulusoy, O.Search engines and large-scale IR systems need to cache query results for efficiency and scalability purposes. Static and dynamic caching techniques (as well as their combinations) are employed to effectively cache query results. In this study, we propose cost-aware strategies for static and dynamic caching setups. Our research is motivated by two key observations: (i) query processing costs may significantly vary among different queries, and (ii) the processing cost of a query is not proportional to its popularity (i.e., frequency in the previous logs). The first observation implies that cache misses have different, that is, nonuniform, costs in this context. The latter observation implies that typical caching policies, solely based on query popularity, can not always minimize the total cost. Therefore, we propose to explicitly incorporate the query costs into the caching policies. Simulation results using two large Web crawl datasets and a real query log reveal that the proposed approach improves overall system performance in terms of the average query execution time. © 2011 ACM.Item Open Access Effects of additional independent noise in binary composite hypothesis-testing problems(IEEE, 2009-09) Bayram, Suat; Gezici, SinanPerformance of some suboptimal detectors can be improved by adding independent noise to their observations. In this paper, the effects of adding independent noise to observations of a detector are investigated for binary composite hypothesistesting problems in a generalized Neyman-Pearson framework. Sufficient conditions are derived to determine when performance of a detector can or cannot be improved via additional independent noise. Also, upper and lower limits are derived on the performance of a detector in the presence of additional noise, and statistical characterization of optimal additional noise is provided. In addition, two optimization techniques are proposed to calculate the optimal additional noise. Finally, simulation results are presented to investigate the theoretical results. © 2009 IEEE.Item Open Access Electric field dependence of radiative recombination lifetimes in polar InGaN/GaN quantum heterostructures(IEEE, 2009) Sarı, Emre; Nizamoğlu, Sedat; Lee I.-H.; Baek J.-H.; Demir, Hilmi VolkanWe report on external electric field dependence of recombination lifetimes in polar InGaN/GaN quantum heterostructures. In our study, we apply external electric fields one order of magnitude less than and in opposite direction to the polarization-induced electrostatic fields inside the well layers. Under the increasing external electric field, we observe a decrease in carrier lifetimes (τ) and radiative recombination lifetimes (τr), latter showing a weaker dependence. Our results on τr show an agreement with our transfer matrix method based simulation results and demonstrate Fermi's golden rule in polar InGaN/GaN quantum heterostructures dependent on electric field. For our study, we grew 5 pairs of 2.5 nm thick In0.15Ga 0.85N quantum well and 7.5 nm thick GaN barrier layers in a p-i-n diode architecture using metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on a c-plane sapphire substrate. Devices with 300 μm × 300 μm mesa size were fabricated using standard photolithography, reactive ion etching and metallization steps. We used indium-tin oxide (ITO) based semi-transparent contacts in top (p-GaN) layer for uniform application of electric field across the well layers. The fabricated devices were diced and mounted on a TO-can for compact testing. © 2009 IEEE.Item Open Access Enhanced position estimation via node cooperation(IEEE, 2010) Sahinoglu, Z.; Gezici, SinanTwo-way time-of-arrival (TW-ToA) is a widely used ranging protocol that can provide the distance between two devices without time synchronization. One drawback of the TW-ToA is poor positioning accuracy in the absence of a sufficient number of reference ranging devices. Also, for a self-positioning system with a limited battery life, it might be necessary to limit the number of transmissions while satisfying accuracy constraints. In this paper, a cooperative positioning protocol [1] is studied, which can improve positioning accuracy compared to the conventional TW-ToA based positioning systems and also facilitate positioning with fewer packet transmissions; hence, it can prolong battery life on average. The maximum likelihood estimator is obtained for the cooperative technique and the limits on the positioning accuracy are quantified in terms of the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB). Simulation results are provided in order to show performance improvements. ©2010 IEEE.Item Open Access Hybrid TW-TOA/TDOA positioning algorithms for cooperative wireless networks(IEEE, 2011) Gholami, M.R.; Gezici, Sinan; Ström, E.G.; Rydström, M.The problem of positioning an unknown target is studied for a cooperative wireless sensor network using hybrid two-way time-of-arrival and time-difference-of-arrival measurements. A maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) can be employed to solve the problem. Due to the non-linear nature of the cost function in the MLE, a numerical method, e.g., an iterative search algorithm with a good initial point, should be taken to accurately estimate the target. To avoid drawbacks in a numerical method, we instead linearize the measurements and obtain a new two-step estimator that has a closed-form solution in each step. Simulation results confirm that the proposed linear estimator can attain Cramer-Rao lower bound for sufficiently high SNR. © 2011 IEEE.Item Open Access Incorporating doppler velocity measurement for track initiation and maintenance(IET, 2006) Kural, F.; Arıkan, F.; Arıkan, Orhan; Efe, M.Performance of multiple target tracking algorithms in complex environments heavily relies on the success of track initiation and measurement-to-track association algorithms. Doppler velocity measurement is the major discriminant of clutter from the target of interest with relatively higher velocities. This work summarizes the analytical derivations and presents simulation results about track initiation and maintenance using Doppler velocity reports along with the 3D position measurements extracted by a phased array radar.Item Open Access İyonosfer TEİ verilerinin uzay-zamansal aradeğerlemesi(IEEE, 2011-04) Yıldız, Aykut; Arıkan, Orhan; Arıkan, F.GPS sinyalleri iyonosferdeki elektron yoğunluğunun kestirilmesi için önemli bir bilgi kaynağıdır. Ancak, GPS alıcılarında sinyallerin kaydedilemediği durumlar olmaktadır. Bu kesinti sırasında iyonosfer elektron içeriğinin kestiriminin yapılabilmesi için kesinti sureleri içinde kalan verilerin aradeğerleme ile kestirimi gereklidir. Bu çalışmada, bir GPS ağındaki ölçümlerin uzay-zamansal ilintileri kullanılarak yeni bir aradeğerleme tekniği geliştirilmiştir. Gerçek veriye dayalı sonuçlar, geliştirilen tekniğin yüksek başarımlı kestirimler ürettiğini göstermiştir. GPS signals are crucial, because they are used to estimate the electron density in the ionosphere. However, sometimes GPS receivers can not receive signals. In order to estimate ionospheric electron density during this cutoff, the interpolation of the data is necessary. In this paper, a new interpolation scheme that uses spatio-temporal correlation in the GPS network is proposed. The simulation results on real data show that the proposed technique produces promising results. © 2011 IEEE.Item Open Access Particle swarm optimization based channel identification in cross-ambiguity domain(IEEE, 2010) Güldoğan, Mehmet Burak; Arıkan, OrhanIn this paper, a new array signal processing technique by using particle swarm optimization (PSO) is proposed to identify multipath channel parameters. The proposed technique provides estimates to the channel parameters by finding a global minimum of an optimization problem. Since the optimization problem is formulated in the cross-ambiguity function (CAF) domain of the transmitted signal and the received array outputs, the proposed technique is called as PSO-CAF. The performance of the PSO-CAF is compared with the space alternating generalized expectation maximization (SAGE) technique and with another recently proposed PSO based technique for various SNR values. Simulation results indicate the superior performance of the PSO-CAF technique over mentioned techniques for all SNR values. ©2010 IEEE.Item Open Access Positioning algorithms for cooperative networks in the presence of an unknown turn-around time(IEEE, 2011) Gholami, M.R.; Gezici, Sinan; Ström, E.G.; Rydström, M.This paper addresses the problem of single node positioning in cooperative network using hybrid two-way time-of-arrival and time-difference-of-arrival where, the turn-around time at the target node is unknown. Considering the turn-around time as a nuisance parameter, the derived maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) brings a difficult global optimization problem due to local minima in the cost function of the MLE. To avoid drawbacks in solving the MLE, we obtain a linear two-step estimator using non-linear pre-processing which is algebraic and closed-form in each step. To compare different methods, Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB) is derived. Simulation results confirm that the proposed linear estimator attains the CRLB for sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratios. © 2011 IEEE.Item Open Access Power-source-aware backbone routing in wireless sensor networks(IEEE, 2010-11) Tekkalmaz, Metin; Körpeoğlu, İbrahimDue to the limited energy-source and mostly unattended nature of the wireless sensor networks, efficient use of energy has a critical importance on the lifetime of the applications accomplished by such networks. Although in most of the cases sensor nodes are battery-powered, there are application scenarios in which battery- and mains-powered nodes coexist. In this paper, we present an approach and algorithms based on this approach that increase the lifetime of wireless sensor networks in such heterogeneous deployment cases. In the proposed approach, a backbone, which is composed of mains-powered nodes, sink, and battery-powered nodes if required, is constructed to relay the data packets. Simulation results show that, the proposed approach is able to increase the network lifetime up to more than a factor of two, compared to the case in which battery- and mains-powered nodes are not distinguished.Item Open Access Synthesis of three-dimensional light fields with binary spatial light modulators(Optical Society America, 2011-05-24) Ulusoy, E.; Onural, L.; Özaktaş, Haldun M.Computation of a binary spatial light modulator (SLM) pattern that generates a desired light field is a challenging quantization problem for which several algorithms have been proposed, mainly for far-field or Fourier plane reconstructions. We study this problem assuming that the desired light field is synthesized within a volumetric region in the non-far-field range after free space propagation from the SLM plane. We use Fresnel and Rayleigh-Sommerfeld scalar diffraction theories for propagation of light. We show that, when the desired field is confined to a sufficiently narrow region of space, the ideal gray-level complex-valued SLM pattern generating it becomes sufficiently low pass (oversampled) so it can be successfully halftoned into a binary SLM pattern by solving two decoupled real-valued constrained halftoning problems. Our simulation results indicate that, when the synthesis region is considered, the binary SLM is indistinguishable from a lower resolution full complex gray-level SLM. In our approach, free space propagation related computations are done only once at the beginning, and the rest of the computation time is spent on carrying out standard image halftoning.Item Open Access Target detection in SAR images using codifference and directional filters(SPIE, 2010) Duman, Kaan; Çetin, A. EnisTarget detection in SAR images using region covariance (RC) and codifference methods is shown to be accurate despite the high computational cost. The proposed method uses directional filters in order to decrease the search space. As a result the computational cost of the RC based algorithm significantly decreases. Images in MSTAR SAR database are first classified into several categories using directional filters (DFs). Target and clutter image features are extracted using RC and codifference methods in each class. The RC and codifference matrix features are compared using l 1 norm distance metric. Support vector machines which are trained using these matrices are also used in decision making. Simulation results are presented. © 2010 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.Item Open Access Time delay estimation in cognitive radio systems(IEEE, 2009-12) Koçak, Fatih; Çelebi, H.; Gezici, Sinan; Qaraqe, K. A.; Arslan, H.; Poor, H. V.In cognitive radio systems, secondary users can utilize multiple dispersed bands that are not used by primary users. In this paper, time delay estimation of signals that occupy multiple dispersed bands is studied. First, theoretical limits on time delay estimation are reviewed. Then, two-step time delay estimators that provide trade-offs between computational complexity and performance are investigated. In addition, asymptotic optimality properties of the two-step time delay estimators are discussed. Finally, simulation results are presented to explain the theoretical results. © 2009 IEEE.Item Unknown Time-delay estimation in dispersed spectrum cognitive radio systems(SpringerOpen, 2010) Kocak, F.; Celebi, H.; Gezici, Sinan; Qaraqe, K. A.; Arslan, H.; Poor, H. V.Time-delay estimation is studied for cognitive radio systems, which facilitate opportunistic use of spectral resources. A two-step approach is proposed to obtain accurate time-delay estimates of signals that occupy multiple dispersed bands simultaneously, with significantly lower computational complexity than the optimal maximum likelihood (ML) estimator. In the first step of the proposed approach, an ML estimator is used for each band of the signal in order to estimate the unknown parameters of the signal occupying that band. Then, in the second step, the estimates from the first step are combined in various ways in order to obtain the final time-delay estimate. The combining techniques that are used in the second step are called optimal combining, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) combining, selection combining, and equal combining. It is shown that the performance of the optimal combining technique gets very close to the Cramer-Rao lower bound at high SNRs. These combining techniques provide various mechanisms for diversity combining for time-delay estimation and extend the concept of diversity in communications systems to the time-delay estimation problem in cognitive radio systems. Simulation results are presented to evaluate the performance of the proposed estimators and to verify the theoretical analysis.