Browsing by Subject "Citizenship"
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Item Restricted 1939 Bulgar göçü: Tuna Ailesi(Bilkent University, 2024) Kaldırım, Burakhan; Bolluk, Çınar Yavuz; Yumuşak, Ferhat Kuzey; Uluğ, Hazal; Çuvalci, MeteBu çalışma, 1939 Bulgar Göçü'nü Tuna Ailesi'nin deneyimine odaklanarak Bulgaristan'daki Türk azınlığın geçmişini ve Türkiye'ye göç etme sürecini vurgulamaktadır. Stambolijski dönemiyle başlayan iyileşmeye, suikast sonrası baskıların artması ve ekonomik zorluklara, göçü hızlandıran etkenlere yazıda yer verilmektedir. Türkiye'nin göçmenlere sağladığı destek ve entegrasyon çabalarıyla birlikte, Bulgaristan'ın asimilasyon politikaları ve ekonomik sıkıntılar da vurgulanır. Tuna Ailesi'nin göç kararı, Bulgaristan'daki zulümle birlikte alınmış ve Türkiye'deki entegrasyon süreciyle devam etmiştir. Ailenin yaşadığı zorluklar, başta yerleşim ve kabul görme sorunları olmak üzere detaylı bir şekilde ele alınmaktadır. Çömlekçi'den Yenicabat Köyü'ne taşınma süreci ve bu süreçte karşılaşılan zorluklar özellikle vurgulanır.Item Open Access Alternative media and democracy : political participation and expression through social media in Turkey(2013) Acet, OyaWe live in a late-modern age characterized by globalization, self-reflexivity and high level of detraditionalization accompanied by the latest developments in the field of communication and information technologies. Besides its economic, social and cultural consequences, such an environment is mostly invested with great potential for realizing participatory democracy. Due to major transformations appeared in both class structure and cultural realm, the politics of late-modern age pursues a form of politics which is beyond left and right and, by a remarkable reformation, it can be called what Anthony Giddens calls a “third way politics”. Therefore, in such an environment, old political practices of participation and expression remain incompatible with social and cultural structure of the late-modern age. Herein, social media as a socialized and horizontal mode of communication, functions as a public space for struggles over power and counter-power especially for the groups who were interpellated as “others” since the foundation of the Turkish Republic in different periods of history. Benefiting from the discussions on the concepts of public sphere, citizenship, democracy and social media, this thesis studies the nature of political participation and expression through social media in Turkey and the potential of social media for being an instance of alternative media deepening democracy.Item Open Access Citizenship education in Turkey: inclusive or exclusive(Routledge, 2012) İnce, B.This paper scrutinises citizenship education in Turkey from the foundation of the Turkish Republic (1923) to the present and explores the extent to which it encourages inclusive or exclusive concepts of national identity and citizenship. In Turkey, where there are citizens belonging to ethnic and religious minorities, civic education plays a prominent role for promoting tolerance among citizens. Using framing questions from phase one of the International Association for the Educational Achievement's (IEA) research of Civic Education Across Countries, the civic education textbooks of Turkey are examined to determine the extent to which they promote democracy and human rights, make positive references to ethnic and religious minorities, and promote social cohesion. As Turkey was not included in phase one of the IEA study, the paper provides original information for comparative studies, reconsideration of citizenship education in multicultural societies and promoting an active national citizenry in Turkey. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.Item Open Access Citizenship, minorities and immigrants : a comparison of Turkey's Jewish minority and Turkish-Jewish immigrants in Israel(2004) Toktaş, ŞuleThis study investigated the legal status, identity and civic virtue aspects of citizenship and the interaction between them on the layers of international migration and minority issues with use of a comparative case. A research on the perceptions and experiences of Turkey’s Jewish minority and Turkish-Jewish immigrants in Israel regarding citizenship was conducted. The field research which was carried out in both countries - Turkey and Israel - consisted of key informant interviews, participant observation in commimity institutions and in- depth interviews with a total of 65 respondents from the sample group. The results were analyzed using qualitative data analysis technique. On the layer of minority, research results illustrated that in a society where the population is overwhelmingly Muslim, being a non-Muslim minority played roles in: a) the appropriation of the monist and universal conceptualization of citizenship in the legal status aspect; b) the endeavor to maintain Jewish identity despite the inevitable consequences of integration and assimilation in the identity aspect; and c) the discrepancy between values and actions in the civic virtue aspect. On the layer of international migration, the research pointed out that despite long years of residence in Israel, first generation of Turkish-Jewish immigrants in Israel preseryed their political culture that they cultivated when they were in Turkey. However, experience of international migration as a process seemed to impact on citizenship and played roles in; a) the appropriation of democratic norms defined by majoritarian terms in the legal status aspect; b) efforts to maintain their Turkish identity in the identity aspect; and c) the preference for complying with the general norms of Jewish-Israeli society and conversely excluding a proactive understanding of virtuous citizenship.Item Open Access Gender stereotyping in civic education textbooks in Turkey throughout the republican history(Hacettepe University, 2018) İnce, BaşakThis paper examines gender stereotyping in civic education textbooks in Turkey from foundation of the Turkish Republic (1923) up to the present. In order to determine how accurately the civic education textbooks reflect the status of women and men in Turkey a content analysis was conducted on civic education textbooks in Turkey throughout the Republican period. Despite the recent developments that indicate an increasing level of sensitivity to gender issues the findings suggest that the ideal of a truly balanced treatment of women and men has yet to be achieved and traditional ‘masculine’ understandings of citizenship appear to permeate civic education textbooks’ in Turkey. The discussion shows there is an urgent need to employ gender and difference as categories of analysis in the creation of a more inclusive understanding of citizenship in Turkey.Item Open Access Globalization, civil society and citizenship in Turkey: actors, boundaries and discourses(Routledge, 2003) Keyman, E. F.; Icduygu, A.In recent years, civil society has become one of the most important concerns of academic and public discourse. It would not be a mistake to propose that today there is a strong, effective and even over-glorified talk about and a global agenda for civil society and its role in the process of creating a better and humane world. In this talk and agenda the main intention is to reinvigorate and strengthen civil society politically, organizationally and normatively as a counter- hegemonic and resistance movement against the state-centric world. This paper argues that Turkey does not constitute an exception in this context. Rather, it provides an illuminating case-study in which the crisis of the state-centric modernity has given rise to the elevation of civil society to the status of being an exteremely important actor and arena for the democratization of the state-society relations. However, on the basis of the three-year-long research (1999-2002) we have done on 'the impacts of globalization on Turkey', the paper also argues that the role of civil society in the process of democratization should be considered a necessary but not a sufficient condition, insofar as it contains both democratic and essentialist discourses about citizenship and identity. In order to substantiale these arguments, the paper will first outline the internal and external factors that have paved the way to the emergence and the increasing importance of civil society in Turkey, and then will shift its attention to the question of 'the use and the abuse of civil society'. In seeking a proper answer to this question, the paper will focus on the discourses and strategies of different civil society organizations about state, society, citizenship and identity in Turkey.Item Open Access A historical comparison of the Albanian and Turkish citizenship in the 20th century(2002) Shkreli, EtritThis study aims to compare the Albanian and Turkish citizenship from the early 20s to the present day. The comparison will focus the Albanian and Turkish understandings of citizenship by looking at the way they are defined, that is the legal status of citizenship; the way it is practiced, which implies civic virtue in terms of participation in the political and social community; and the way it is perceived, that is identity or the way one expresses one’s membership in the community. Therefore this study is an attempt in the understanding of the common grounds and differences between the building, the application and perception of the notion citizenship in Albania and Turkey. This study provides an intra and inter comparison of Albanian and Turkish citizenship during three periods of the Twentieth century, therefore it allows for a self comparison and comparison between bothv countries. Albanian and Turkish citizenship are both constructed on the basis of Western understanding of citizenship, be this civic republican or liberal democratic, however, the most common problem throughout the time-period chosen is the difference in what is allowed de jure and what is practiced de facto.Item Open Access The ideology and textbooks : "Turkish Republic history of renovation and Ataturkism" textbooks (1980-1990)(1998) Gürleyen, İşıkThis study aims to analyze the specific understanding of history in the 1980s in Turkey. It is argued that this particular historical understanding is ideologically shaped by Kemalism and Turkish-Islamic Synthesis discourse. These two contradictory and complementary views exist together in the "Turkish Republic History of Renovation and Ataturkism" textbooks, which are used as a tool to convey the regime's ideological stance to the high-school students. In this context, these textbooks are examined in terms of their contents with regard to an identity formation characterized by nationalist, statist, religious but secular values.Item Restricted İnsanlık ve Yurddaşlık(1980) Akay, İhsanItem Open Access Kanunlar ihtilafı hukukunda olumlu vatandaşlık ihtilaflarının çözümü ve möhuk m. 4(1) (b) ve (c) hükümlerinin değerlendirilmesi(Gazi Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi, 2015) Özçelik, G. B.Kişinin birden fazla devletin vatandaşı olması, ya da çok vatandaşlık, yabancı unsurlu uyuşmazlıklarda uygulanacak hukukun vatandaşlık bağlama noktası aracılığıyla tayin edildiği hallerde özel bir önem arz etmekte ve hangi devletin vatandaşlığının esas alınacağının belirlenmesini gerektirmektedir. Olumlu vatandaşlık ihtilâfl arının çözümü konusunda ulusal düzenlemelere bakıldığında, ağırlıklı olarak, kişinin sahip olduğu devlet vatandaşlıklarından birinin mahkeme devleti vatandaşlığı olması durumunda bu vatandaşlığının, sahip olduğu devlet vatandaşlıklarından hiçbirinin mahkeme devleti vatandaşlığı olmaması durumunda ise, gerçek ve etkili vatandaşlığının esas alındığı görülmektedir. Aynı yönde bir düzenlemenin yer aldığı 5718 sayılı Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk ve Usûl Hukuku Hakkında Kanun’un (MÖHUK) 4. maddesinin 1. fıkrasının (b) ve (c) bentleri de Türk mahkemelerinin önüne gelen yabancı unsurlu uyuşmazlıklarda uygulanacak hukukun tayini bakımından ortaya çıkabilecek olumlu vatandaşlık ihtilâfl arının çözümünü amaçlamaktadır. Bununla birlikte, MÖHUK m. 4 hükmünün başlangıcında, söz konusu hükmün “bu Kanun’da aksi öngörülmedikçe” uygulanacağı düzenlenmişken, Kanun’da açık bir istisnaya yer verilmemiş olması bir yandan söz konusu ifadenin işlevini tartışmalı hale getirmekte, diğer yandan Kanun’un belirli hükümlerinin uygulanması bakımından tereddüde yol açmaktadır.Item Open Access Minority rights regime in Turkey and the European regional organizations(2004) Soner, B. AliThis thesis examines the framework of minority rights in the context of Turkey and the European-regional organizations focusing on the ways of accommodating two interrelated dimensions of minority conditions: citizenship equality and ethno-cultural particularity. Due to fact that ideological discourse and practices of nation-state system have often conflated ^^citizenship” (statemembership) and ^‘nationality” (ethno-cultural membership), the possibility of developing genuine equality in ethno-culturally diverse circumstances has depended on the capacity to create a true reconciliation between citizenship equality and ethno-cultural particularity. This thesis affirmed that norms, principles, practices and instruments adopted in the European-regional organizations have largely reconciled citizenship equality and ethno-cultural diversity. The two concepts, however, have often excluded each other in the Turkish context where the principle of equality has usually been conflated with national uniformity while ethno-cultural diversity has frequently been associated with practices of inegalitarian treatment. It is only under the influence of EU integration that legal-political framework and practices of Turkish regime began to take substantive steps in the direction of reconciling citizenship equality with ethno-cultural, religious and linguistic particularities.Item Open Access Narratives of the ideal Turk image in Turkish collective memory: an analysis of TV dramas “Payitaht: Abdülhamid II” and “Mehmetçik Kût-ül Amâre”(2018-07) Geylan, ZeynepThis thesis analyzes the construction of the ideal Turk images by the television dramas Payitaht: Abdülhamid II and Mehmetçik Kût-ül Amâre in relation to the production of collective memory. They are examined within the framework of JDP s nationalism project, in particular the similarities and differences of the JDP s ideal image from the initial concept of ideal citizen constructed during the years of the early Republic. The aim of this thesis is to show what kind of an ideal citizen the JDP government constructs and implies it through revisiting the existing elements of the ideal citizen which exists in Turkish collective memory in relation to their nationalism project. The characteristics of the represented ideal image is analyzed based on the four most repeated notions in both series. The ideal Turk s understanding of what their national duties are, their relationship withIslam, the West and the internal others have been determined as categories of analysis.After that, the changes and continuities between this narration and the official narration that is constructed during the first years of the new Republic is acknowledged with relation to the present government s doctrine.Item Open Access Negotiating the foundations of the modern state: the emasculated citizen and the call for a post-patriarchal state at Gezi protests(Springer, 2019) Çınar, AlevExamining Turkey’s Gezi Park protests of 2013 as a representative case of the globally surging protest movements since 2011, this study claims that the basic aim of the protests is to contest the foundational rationality of the modern state, which, I argue, is based on a patriarchal social contract that empowers the state with the authority to represent the interests and speak on behalf of citizens using a logic of protection, and to construct, enforce, and monitor a regime of citizenship where citizens can only function as emasculated subjects who are dependent on the protection of the state. Based on an analysis of the use of gender metaphors and familial tropes by the AKP government, and the subversive use of humor and irony by the protestors, this article demonstrates that the protests target the patriarchal premises of modern statehood, both in its democratic (fraternal patriarchy) and authoritarian (paternalistic patriarchy) forms, and the state’s disciplinary, regulatory, and remedial interventions toward the interpellation of the citizen as an infantile or feminine subject who is not capable of meeting their needs and interests on their own, and whose life, therefore, needs to be continually monitored, controlled, and regulated by the state. Drawing on criticism brought to the contractual foundations of the modern state by feminist political theorists, this study makes use of the notion of modern patriarchy as a story told by social contract theories, which generates a power relationship between the state and the citizen based on the projection of threat where the state assumes the role of the protector. I conclude that objecting to these modern forms of subjugation, the Gezi Park protests call for a post-patriarchal state where it no longer resorts to a patriarchal protectionist logic that is justified through the claim that it represents the interests of its citizens. By envisioning such a post-patriarchal state, I interpret the protests as a call for the renegotiation of the foundational premises of modern statehood such that the state-citizenship relationship is radically reformulated to enable a more empowered and autonomous citizen.Item Open Access Neoliberal globalization, citizenship and subject constitution in Turkey(2012-09) Yedekçi, AyşeThis thesis discusses the extent to which neoliberal globalization has had an impact on citizenship in general, and citizenship in Turkey in particular. Academic debates on citizenship usually revolve around the question of identity rights, overlooking political-economy dimensions that significantly influence the scope of rights enjoyed. By defining neoliberalism in a twofold way as policy framework and governmentality, the study shows both the ways through which neoliberalism has affected the practice of social rights, and how individuals are constituted as neoliberal subjects through different governmental techniques. The thesis aims to adapt the conceptual-theoretical framework by analyzing how the neoliberalization process is experienced in Turkey.Item Open Access Reproductive citizenship in Turkey: abortion chronicles(Elsevier, 2013) Unal, D.; Cindoglu, D.This paper discusses the gendered nature of reproductive citizenship in contemporary Turkey through reading the abortion chronicles and exposes the utilization of women's bodies and subjection of women to demographic state policies. To this end, we focus on recent abortion debates originating from Prime Minister Erdoğan's statement on May 25, 2012 that suggested that “every abortion is a murder”. Our paper is a qualitative analysis of the arguments of the members of the parliament following PM's statement on abortion. We documented and contextualized the recurrent themes; (1) abortion as a rhetorical tool, (2) trivialization of abortion, (3) medicalization of abortion, (4) abortion in the cases of rape, (5) abortion as an economic imperative. As a result, we unravel the gendered discursive limits of “pro-abortion” arguments in Turkey and reveal the frameworks within which the political debates are shaped when women's bodies, sexualities and reproductive capacities are at stake.Item Open Access Security and citizenship in global South: in/securing citizens in early republican Turkey (1923-1946)(Sage Publications Ltd., 2014-12-19) Bilgin, P.; Ince, B.The relationship between security and citizenship is more complex than media portrayals based on binary oppositions seem to suggest (included/excluded, security/insecurity), or mainstream approaches to International Relations (IR) and security seem to acknowledge. This is particularly the case in the post-imperial and/or postcolonial contexts of global South where the transition of people from subjecthood to citizenship is better understood as a process of in/securing. For, people were secured domestically as they became citizens with access to a regime of rights and duties. People were also secured internationally as citizens of newly independent ‘nation-states’ who were protected against interventions and/or ‘indirect rule’ by the (European) International Society, whose practices were often justified on grounds of the former’s ‘failings’ in meeting the so-called ‘standards of civilization’. Yet, people were also rendered insecure as they sought to approximate and/or resist the citizen imaginaries of the newly established ‘nation-states’. The article illustrates this argument by looking at the case of Turkey in the early Republican era (1923–1946).Item Open Access Standing under metaphors of power: Ankara city gates(2019-07) Emiroğlu, Kadir YavuzThis thesis examines Ankara City Gates in terms of how they metaphorically reproduce a mode of subjecthood, a cultural citizenship corresponding to the understanding of citizenship of the AKP and the state, of which Melih Gökçek, former metropolitan mayor of Ankara is a representative. Doing so, it observes and analyzes these city gates as they function to reproduce the above-mentioned mode of subjecthood, a cultural citizenship whose substance represents an Ottomanist, nationalist, Islamist, neoliberal ideological mélange. The case of Ankara City Gates is analyzed by taking the city gates as textual material, looking at Gökçek’s statements on these structures, considering various instances of public response and comparing this original gate-building practice to various experiences of gate-building in other Anatolian municipalities. Location of the city gates, and how they are placed in relation to the city (e.g. presence of a police control point near the gates) are interpreted to see if they constitute a newer sense of dominion in Ankara. This observation leads this study to observe that Ankara City Gates function to draw new boundaries to Ankara. Religious, national, historical references (e.g. Seljuk Stars, Turkish flags, Mevlana statutes), material qualities (e.g. building materials of these gates) are interpreted with regards to another metaphorical function of these structures: Ideological spolia. It is a practice of selectively attaching elements to represent how the ideology of the AKP imagines, envisions, marks their dominion, the area where the subjectified citizens enter to. These two functions constitute a final one, which enabling the city gates to subjectify citizens of Ankara, rendering them under-standers, citizen subjects who stand under the city gates.Item Open Access Uluslararası siyaset sosyolojisi ve güvenlik: Küresel terörizm, sınır güvenliği ve vatandaşlık örnekleri(AÜ Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi, 2019) Baysal, Başar; Karakaş, U.; Sula, Ç.Uluslararası İlişkiler literatüründeki geleneksel yaklaşımlara yöneltilen en önemli eleştirilerden bir tanesi, bu yaklaşımların dünya siyasetinin sosyal doğasını ihmal ettiği üzerinedir. Uluslararası ilişkileri sosyolojik perspektiften incelemek üzere daha önceden önemli girişimlerde bulunulduysa da Uluslararası İlişkiler disiplinine sosyoloji ve sosyal kuramı entegre etmenin kazançları üzerinde sistematik bir şekilde duran ilk yaklaşım Uluslararası Siyaset Sosyolojisi olmuştur. Bu çalışma, Uluslararası Siyaset Sosyolojisi yaklaşımının disipline katkılarını ve bu yaklaşımın güvenlik literatürü ile olan ilişkisini ortaya koymayı hedeflemektedir. Bu amaçla, öncelikle literatürün kapsamlı ve eleştirel bir taramasını yapıp, dayandığı temelleri, yöntemsel ve kuramsal iddialarını ve güvenlik ile olan ilişkisini ortaya koymaktadır. İkinci olarak, Uluslararası Siyaset Sosyolojisi’nin küresel terörizm, sınır güvenliği ve vatandaşlık konularına yaptığı ampirik katkıları incelemektedir. Sonuç bölümünde ise, Uluslararası Siyaset Sosyolojisi’nin sınırlarının olup olmadığı ve akademik dünyada nasıl bir yankı uyandırdığı ortaya koyulmaktadır.Item Open Access Yatırım yoluyla vatandaşlık kazanılması: problemler ve çözüm önerileri(2023-07) Toksoy, Gökçen ElifDevletler ekonomik olarak güçlü olabilmek ve finansal faaliyetlerini arttırmak amacıyla yabancılara yatırım yapmaları suretiyle vatandaşlık ve ikamet gibi teşvikler sunmaktadır. Yatırım yoluyla vatandaşlık kazanılması 1980’li yıllardan itibaren devlet politikalarında yer etmeye başlamıştır. Türkiye 2016 yılında gerçekleşen Türk Vatandaşlığı Kanununun Uygulanmasına İlişkin Yönetmelik’te yapılan değişiklikle sonradan ve yetkili makam kararıyla istisnai yoldan kazanılan ‘yatırım yoluyla vatandaşlık’ kavramıyla tanışmıştır. Yatırım yoluyla vatandaşlığın kazanılması ve kaybedilmesi, vatandaşlık hukuku gibi devletlerin mahfuz yetkisine tabi hassas bir alanın içerisinde yer alması sebebiyle ulusal ve uluslararası boyutta birçok farklı tartışmaya; kısmen yeni bir alan olması sebebiyle de çeşitli problemlerin ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuştur. Çalışmamız kapsamında Türk hukukunda yatırım yoluyla vatandaşlık kazanılmasının şartları incelenecek, diğer ülkelerde düzenlenen yatırım programları ile Türk hukukundaki düzenlemeler karşılaştırılarak tespit edilen eksiklere ve problemlere dair çözüm önerileri sunulacaktır.