Dept. of Mathematics - Master's degree

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    Consensus in networks of anticipatory agents under transmission delays
    (Bilkent University, 2024-07) Güven, Zeynep
    This thesis examines the dynamics of a coupled system of linear delay differential equations, addressing the normalized consensus problem on undirected and connected graphs of anticipatory agents in the presence of a fixed information transmission delay. The anticipation rule, a first-order linear extrapolation, enables agents to predict the present states of their neighbours using past information, thereby introducing an additional delayed term into the formulation and resulting in a system of delay differential equations with two discrete delays. The main result of this study is the necessary and sufficient condition for the anticipatory consensus protocol under transmission delays to reach consensus. Simulations indicate that the convergence rate of the anticipatory protocol is superior to that of the protocol without anticipatory agents, both under transmission delays. As a natural extension, the findings are applied to the Kuramoto model of coupled phase oscillators to determine the local stability of synchronized states. It is demonstrated that the delay margin for achieving local stability is inversely proportional to the coupling strength between agents. Furthermore, it is shown that the synchronized frequency of the extended model remains the same as that of the original Kuramoto model, contrasting with other extended versions that involve single delays.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Thomason’s homotopy colimit theorem and cohomology of categories
    (Bilkent University, 2024-07) Kırtışoğlu, Mehmet
    In 1978, R.W. Thomason [1] proves that there is a homotopy equivalence η:hocolim_C N(F) → N(∫_C F) for any functor F: C → Cat. Here hocolim_C N(F) is the diagonalization of the bisimplicial set ⊔_{σ∈N(C)} N(F(σ(0))) and ∫_C F is the Grothendieck construction whose objects are given by the pairs (c, x) with c ∈ Ob(C) and x ∈ Ob(F(c)), and whose morphisms are given by the pairs (α, γ):(c, x) → (c′, x′) with α ∈ Hom_C(c, c′) and γ ∈ Hom_{F(c′)}(F (α)(x), x′). We prove that Grothendieck construction is a precofibred category over the canonical functor π : ∫_C F → C. We also prove that for any functor φ : D → C there is a homotopy equivalence λ : hocolim_C N(φ/c) → N(D). We show that these two together prove Thomason’s homotopy colimit theorem from a conceptual point of view. We further investigate how our conceptual approximation for the proof of Thomason’s homotopy colimit theorem becomes useful for the cohomology version of Thomason’s theorem which was proven by A. M. Cegarra [2] in 2020.
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    Generating tree method and applications to pattern-avoiding inversion sequences
    (Bilkent University, 2024-05) Gezer, Melis
    An inversion sequence of length n is an integer sequence e = e1 · · · en such that 0 ≤ ei < i for each 0 ≤ i ≤ n. We use In to denote the set of inversion sequences of length n. Let [k] := {0, 1, · · · , k − 1} denote the alphabet and τ be a word of length k over this alphabet. A pattern of length k is simply a word over the alphabet [k]. We say an inversion sequence e ∈ In contains the pattern τ of length k if it contains a sub-sequence of length k that is order isomorphic to τ; otherwise, e avoids the pattern τ . For a given pattern τ , we use In(τ ) to denote the set of all τ -avoiding inversion sequences of length n. Firstly, we review the enumeration of inversion sequences that avoid patterns of length three. We then study an enumeration method based on generating trees and the kernel method to enumerate pattern-avoiding inversion sequences for general patterns. Then, we provide sampling algorithms for pattern-avoiding inversion sequences and apply them to some specific patterns. Based on extensive simulations, we study some statistics such as the number of zeros, the number of distinct elements, the number of repeated elements, and the maximum elements. Finally, we present a bijection between In(0312) and In(0321) that preserves these statistics.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Synchronization of Kuramoto model with anticipatory agents
    (Bilkent University, 2023-08) Dönmez, Bengi
    This thesis investigates a system of coupled Kuramoto oscillators on undirected networks comprising of anticipatory agents that try to predict the future states of their neighbors and adjust their states accordingly. The prediction is done using the past behavior of the neighbors and leads to a set of coupled delay differential equations. The study reveals that the anticipatory behavior leads to the emergence of multiple phase-synchronized solutions characterized by distinct collective frequencies and stability properties. An exact criterion for the stability of the phase-synchronized states is derived. It is shown that the system can exhibit multi-stability, where different phase-synchronized solutions can be observed depending on the initial conditions. It is further proved that bipartite graphs can exhibit anti-phase solutions and an exact condition for their stability is provided. Investigation of cycle graphs yields further frequency-synchronized states, in various clustered patterns, depending on the system’s parameter values.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Pattern-avoiding permutations: The case of length three, four, and five
    (Bilkent University, 2023-06) Akbaş, Zilan
    A shorter permutation of length k is said to appear as a pattern in a longer per-mutation of length n if the longer permutation has a subsequence of length k that is order isomorphic to the shorter one. Otherwise, the longer permutation avoids the shorter one as a pattern. We use Sn(τ) to denote the set of permutations of length n that avoid pattern τ. Pattern avoidance induces an equivalence relation on the pattern set Sk. For ρ, τ ∈ Sk, we define the equivalence relation as follows: ρ ∼W τ if and only if |Sn(ρ)| = |Sn(τ)| for all n ≥ 1. The equivalence classes of this relation are called Wilf classes. The main questions are determining the Wilf classes of Sk and enumerating each class. We first study the Wilf classification and enumeration of each class for S3 and S4. We then present some new numerical results regarding the Wilf classification of pairs of patterns of length five. We define a Wilf class as small if it contains only one pair and big if it contains more than one pair. We show that there are at least 968 small Wilf classes and at most 13 big Wilf classes.
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    The method of inverse scattering and Bäcklund transformations
    (Bilkent University, 2023-05) Masur, Lütfiye
    Solving integrable nonlinear partial differential equations by the method of inverse scattering and Bäcklund transformations are very effective. Both of these methods depend on the existence of Lax pair. The Bäcklund transformations provide us some particular solutions of the integrable nonlinear partial differential equations but the method of inverse scattering solves the initial value problem of these equations. In this work, we use these methods to solve the Korteweg-de Vries equation, the Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy and AKNS system.
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    Martingale representation theorem for diffusion in infinite dimensional spaces and applications
    (Bilkent University, 2023-03) Aydın, Uğur
    We show that square integrable martingales adapted to the filtration generated by a weak solution of a stochastic differential equation driven by a cylindrical Wiener process on a separable real Hilbert space that has the weak uniqueness property has a martingale representation driven by the martingale part of the stochastic differential equation.
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    Modeling the latent period in compartmental epidemiological models
    (Bilkent University, 2023-01) Dizaji, Parvaneh Faraji
    Two epidemiological models for the latent period are studied: the SEIR model and the SIR model with delay. Stability analysis of the endemic and the disease-free equilibria is performed for both models, and the basic reproduction number is determined. Using the meningococcal disease datasets of four countries, the best-fitted disease transmission rate is estimated by the least squares method, and the corresponding basic reproduction numbers are calculated for each country.
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    One level density of Hecke L-functions associated with cubic characters at prime arguments
    (Bilkent University, 2023-01) Kavalcı, Cazibe
    We study the one-level density of low-lying zeros of a family of L-functions associated with cubic Hecke characters defined over the Eisenstein field. We show that this family of L-functions satisfies the Katz-Sarnak conjecture for all test functions whose Fourier transforms are supported in (−1, 1), under the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis.
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    Haar systems on locally compact groupoids
    (Bilkent University, 2022-07) Güleken, Ayşe Işıl
    Haar systems are generalizations of Haar measures on groups to groupoids. Naturally, important research directions in the field try to generalize the well known existence of a Haar measure on a locally compact group to the existence of Haar systems in different groupoid settings. The groupoid case differs significantly from the group case, evidenced by a result of Deitmar, showing that non-existence is possible even for compact groupoids. We first present the classical theory of locally compact groups and Haar Measures on them. We motivate our investigation by constructing full C∗-algebras on locally compact groups, which uses the existence of Haar measures. Then, we cover the theory of locally compact groupoids and present Renault's result that provides a complete characterization of the existence of Haar systems for the r-discrete locally compact groupoid setting, which are precisely the ones where the range map is a local homeomorphism. We present a question from Williams that investigates if the open range map assumption is redundant for second countable, locally compact and transitive groupoids. Finally, we present Buneci's counter-example that answers this question in the negative.
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    Extremal problems on Bergman spaces A¹α and Besov spaces
    (Bilkent University, 2022-05) Balcı, Alper
    Extremal problems in different function spaces have long been investigated. Ferguson provides a method, using Bergman projections, to solve certain types of extremal problems in Bergman spaces for 1 < p < ∞ in his work [3]. Later the method is extended to weighted Bergman spaces for 1 < p < ∞ in [13]. Now, we extend this method to the p = 1 case. The two cases differ in the structure of Bergman projections and dual spaces. First, we define some function spaces, namely weighted Bergman spaces, the Bloch space, and Besov spaces, and show the usage of Bergman projection on these spaces. Then, we find some conditions to ensure the existence of unique solutions for extremal problems. Later, we use Bergman projection to find a candidate function for the solution in the p = 1 case, and we prove that the candidate function is the solution if it never attains the value 0. Finally, under special conditions, we solve a similar problem in Besov spaces.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Finite p-subgroups of Sp(n)
    (Bilkent University, 2021-09) Çetin, Mustafa Seyyid
    Hikari [1] classifies all finite p-subgroups of simple algebras, and Banieqbal [2] classi-fies the finite subgroups of 2×2 matrices over a division algebra of characteristic zero. In this thesis, we give a new proof for the classification of the finite p-subgroups of 2 × 2 matrices over the quaternionic algebra. Using this classification, we classify fi-nite p-subgroups of the symplectic group Sp(2). More precisely, for every prime p, we define a denumerable family of p-subgroups of Sp(2) so that every finite p-subgroup of Sp(2) lives inside one of the members of this family. To give this classification, we proved general results for Sp(n) whenever possible.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The geometry of sheaves on sites
    (Bilkent University, 2021-01) Parsizadeh, Pejman
    In this work, we study doing geometry on sheaves on sites. Categories of our sites consist of objects that are building blocks for a given geometry. Generalized spaces then will be sheaves on these sort of sites. Next we introduce the notion of varieties, and show the relationship between certain class of varieties known as diffeologies with the category of smooth manifolds. Along the way, the notion of schemes will be generalized as a variety on symmetric monoidal categories. And we show how a differential geometric construction on a site can be translated to a construction on generalized spaces.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Lebesgue constants on cantor type sets
    (Bilkent University, 2020-09) Paksoy, Yaman
    The properties of compact subsets of the real line which are in the class of Bounded Lebesgue Constants (BLC) are investigated. Knowing that any such set must have 1-dimensional Lebesgue measure zero and nowhere density, and the fact that there are examples of countable sets both inside and outside of the class BLC, families of Cantor-type sets were focused on. Backed up by numerical experiments (up to degree 128) and analytical results, the conjecture “there exists no perfect set in BLC” was put forward.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Constructions and simplicity of the Mathieu groups
    (Bilkent University, 2020-08) Karakaş, Mete Han
    Of the 26 sporadic finite simple groups, 5 were discovered by E. Mathieu in 1861 and 1873 [1], [2]. These Mathieu groups are the focus of this thesis, where we will prove their simplicity using elementary methods. E. Witt [5] realized a connection between the Mathieu groups and certain combinatorial structures known as Steiner systems. We will follow his construction to define the Mathieu groups as the automorphism groups of certain Steiner systems. Much of the work of the thesis lies in the construction of these Steiner systems, which we achieve by using both methods from finite geometry and the theory of Golay codes.
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    Mackey decomposition for Brauer pairs
    (Bilkent University, 2020-08) Okur, Utku
    For a finite group G and an algebraically closed field k of characteristic p, a k-algebra A with a G-action is called a G-algebra. A pair (P,c) such that P is a p-subgroup of G and c is a block idempotent of the G-algebra A(P)is called a Brauer pair. Brauer pairs form a refinement of the G-poset of p-subgroups of a finite group G. We define the ordinary Mackey category B of Brauer pairs on an interior p-permutation G-algebra A over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic p. We then show that, given a field K of characteristic zero and a primitive idempotent f ∈ AG, then the category algebra of Bf over K is semisimple.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Analysis on self-similar sets
    (Bilkent University, 2020-08) Kesimal, Hayriye Sıla
    Self-similar sets are one class of fractals that are invariant under geometric similarities. In this thesis, we study on self-similar sets. We give the definition of a self-similar set K and present the proof the existence theorem of such a set. We define the shift space. We define a relation between the shift space and K. We show the self-similarity of the shift space. We define overlapping set, critical and post-critical set for a self-similar set. We give the characterization of K by the periodic sequences in the shift space. We give the notion of a self-similar structure and define a self-similar set purely topologically. We give its local topology. We define isomorphism between selfsimilar structures so that we can have a classification of self-similar structures. We point out that the critical set for a self-similar structure provides us with a characterization for determining the topological structure of a self-similar structure. We define the notion of minimality for a self-similar structure and give a characterization theorem for investigating the minimality of a self-similar structure. We define a post-critically finite self-similar structure.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effect of time delays on the convergence speed of consensus dynamics
    (Bilkent University, 2020-01) Alhassan, Mohammed Kamil
    We discuss consensus problems under time delays. The presence of time delays results in an infinite-dimensional system rather than a system of ordinary differential equations. It has been shown that information transmission delays do not influence whether the system converges to a consensus value; however, further effects of delays are unknown. We show that time delays in most graphs decreases the convergence speed; while somewhat surprisingly, they can improve convergence in certain special graphs. We discuss the structure of graphs for which such improvement is possible.
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    Which algebraic K3 surfaces doubly cover an enriques surface: a computational approach
    (Bilkent University, 2019-02) Yörük, Oğuzhan
    The relationship between K3 Surfaces and Enriques Surfaces is known to mathematicians for the last 30 years. We examined this relationship from a lattice theoretical point of view by looking at transcendental lattice of a K3 surface in the case of Picard number 18 and 19. We established a better way of attacking this problem with the help of a computer assistance.
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    Characteristic bisets and local fusion subsystems
    (Bilkent University, 2018-09) Tokmak, Mustafa Anıl
    Fusion systems are categories that contain the p-local structure of a finite group. Bisets are sets endowed with two coherent group actions. We investigate the relation between fusion systems and bisets in this thesis. Fusion systems that mimic the inclusion of a Sylow p-subgroup of a finite group are called saturated. Similarly, if S is a Sylow p-subgroup of G, then G regarded as an (S, S)-biset has special properties, which make it a characteristic biset for the p-fusion of G. These two concepts are linked in that a fusion system is saturated if and only if it has a characteristic biset. We give a proof for this result by following the work in [1] and [2]. Fusion systems have a notion of normalizer and centralizer subsystems, mimicking the notion for finite group theory. This thesis reviews a proof by Gelvin and Reeh [3] of a result of Puig [2] asserting that normalizer and centralizer fusion subsystems of a saturated fusion system are saturated. This result comes from the connection between saturation of fusion systems and the existence of characteristic bisets.