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Publication Open Access Analysis of the mosaic defects in graded and non graded InxGa1‐xN solar cell structures(Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, 2017) Kars Durukan, İ.; Öztürk, M. K.; Özçelik, S.; Özbay, EkmelIn this study, graded (A) InxGa1‐xN (10.5 ≤ x ≤ 18.4) and non graded (B) InxGa1‐xN (13.6 ≤ x ≤ 24.9) samples are grown on c‐oriented sapphire substrate using the Metal Organic Chemical Vapour Deposition (MOCVD) technique. The structural, optical and electrical features of the grown InGaN/GaN solar cell structures are analyzed using High Resolution X‐Ray Diffraction (HRXRD), Photoluminescense (PL), Ultraviolet (UV), current density and potential (JV) measurements. According to the HRXRD results; it is determined that the InGaN layer of the graded structure has a lower FWHM (Full width at half maximum) value. From the PL measurements, it is observed that the GaN half‐width peak value of the graded sample is narrower and the InGaN peak width value of the graded sample is larger. From UV measurements, that the graded sample has a greater band range. JV measurements determine that the performance of the graded structure is higher.Publication Open Access Analyzing the AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures for HEMT applications(American Scientific Publishers, 2018-03) K. Durukan, İ.; Akpınar, Ö.; Avar, C.; Gultekin, A.; Öztürk, M. K.; Özçelik, S.; Özbay, EkmelIn the present work, we have reported two high-electron-mobility transistor structures (HEMTs) with different thick AlN buffer deposited on sapphire substrates by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). AlN buffer layer has a critical important for the device performance therefore its effect of hererostructures analyzed using mosaic model. AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Atomic-force microscope (AFM). In order to evaluate the mosaicity of GaN, AlGaN, AlN layers in the structures, mosaic model was also used. These layers of lateral and vertical crystal size, dislocations, tilt and stain are investigated with HR-XRD device by Vegard and William Hall (WH) semi-experimental methods. According to the XRD results; As the buffer layer thickness decreases, the FWHM values of symmetric (002) and asymmetric peaks (105) of epitaxial layers increase. The thicker buffer layer makes the structure more crystalized. According to the AFM results the lower thickness AlN buffer has more frequent pits and hillocks and has more rough. As a result, the 520 nm thick AlN buffer layer showed a better structural performance.Item Open Access Carbon supported nano-sized Pt-Pd and Pt-Co electrocatalysts for proton exchange membrane fuel cells(2009) Kadirgan, F.; Kannan, A. M.; Atilan, T.; Beyhan, S.; Ozenler, S. S.; Süzer, Şefik; Yörür, A.Nano-sized Pt-Pd/C and Pt-Co/C electrocatalysts have been synthesized and characterized by an alcohol-reduction process using ethylene glycol as the solvent and Vulcan XC-72R as the supporting material. While the Pt-Pd/C electrodes were compared with Pt/C (20 wt.% E-TEK) in terms of electrocatalytic activity towards oxidation of H2, CO and H2-CO mixtures, the Pt-Co/C electrodes were evaluated towards oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and compared with Pt/C (20 wt.% E-TEK) and Pt-Co/C (20 wt.% E-TEK) and Pt/C (46 wt.% TKK) in a single cell. In addition, the Pt-Pd/C and Pt-Co/C electrocatalyst samples were characterized by XRD, XPS, TEM and electroanalytical methods. The TEM images of the carbon supported platinum alloy electrocatalysts show homogenous catalyst distribution with a particle size of about 3-4 nm. It was found that while the Pt-Pd/C electrocatalyst has superior CO tolerance compared to commercial catalyst, Pt-Co/C synthesized by polyol method has shown better activity and stability up to 60 °C compared to commercial catalysts. Single cell tests using the alloy catalysts coated on Nafion-212 membranes with H2 and O2 gases showed that the fuel cell performance in the activation and the ohmic regions are almost similar comparing conventional electrodes to Pt-Pd anode electrodes. However, conventional electrodes give a better performance in the ohmic region comparing to Pt-Co cathode. It is worth mentioning that these catalysts are less expensive compared to the commercial catalysts if only the platinum contents were considered.Item Open Access Ceria promoted NOx storage and reduction materials(2011) Say, ZaferIn the current work, the effect of CeO2 promotion on the NOx storage materials and NOx storage-reduction (NSR) catalysts is studied. Synthesized materials were prepared using different baria and ceria loadings in order to investigate the influence of the surface composition on the NOx storage process. Synthesized materials were also thermally treated in the temperature range within 300 - 1273 K to mimic the thermal aging effects on the material structure. Structural properties of the synthesized materials were investigated via spectroscopic and diffraction techniques such as Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and BET (Brunauer, Emmett, ve Teller) surface area analysis. These ex-situ characterization studies revealed that materials containing Pt showed indications of sintering after thermal treatment at elevated temperatures where Pt sites grew in size and were partially covered by BaO domains. Pt addition to the BaO/Al2O3 system facilitated the formation of the undesired BaAl2O4 phase, particularly at high baria loadings. Decomposition of the Ba(NO3)2 species took place at lower temperatures for Pt containing materials. An indication for a strong-metal-support interaction (SMSI) between Pt and CeO2 sites was observed in Raman spectroscopic data, resulting in the formation of a new mixed oxide phase on the surface. BET results indicated that the specific surface area (SSA) of the synthesized materials monotonically decreased with increasing temperature and increasing BaO and CeO2 loadings. The behavior of the synthesized materials in NOx and SOx adsorption experiments were also investigated via temperature programmed desorption (TPD) and in-situ Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Ceria promotion had no significant influence on the nature of the adsorbed nitrate species and the NOx uptake ability of the alumina support material. On the other hand, addition of Pt to CeO2/Al2O3 binary and BaO/CeO2/Al2O3 ternary systems was observed to enhance the NOx storage. For the ternary mixed oxide NOx storage systems (BaO/CeO2/Al2O3), increasing BaO or CeO2 loadings results in a decrease in the specific surface area values, which in turn leads to decreasing NOx uptake. SO2 (g) + O2 (g) interaction with a selected set of samples were also investigated via in-situ FTIR spectroscopy. These experiments reveal that ceria promotion and platinum addition assisted the formation of surface sulfate species. Furthermore, the presence of ceria also resulted in a decrease in the thermal stability of sulfates and enabled easier regeneration.Item Open Access Collagen-chitosan scaffold modified with Au and Ag nanoparticles: synthesis and structure(Elsevier B.V., 2016) Rubina, M. S.; Kamitov, E. E.; Zubavichus, Y. V.; Peters, G. S.; Naumkin, A. V.; Süzer, Şefik; Vasil'kov, A. Y.Nowadays, the dermal biomimetic scaffolds are widely used in regenerative medicine. Collagen-chitosan scaffold one of these materials possesses antibacterial activity, good compatibility with living tissues and has been already used as a wound-healing material. In this article, collagen-chitosan scaffolds modified with Ag and Au nanoparticles have been synthesized using novel method - the metal-vapor synthesis. The nanocomposite materials are characterized by XPS, TEM, SEM and synchrotron radiation-based X-ray techniques. According to XRD data, the mean size of the nanoparticles (NPs) is 10.5 nm and 20.2 nm in Au-Collagen-Chitosan (Au-CollCh) and Ag-Collagen-Chitosan (Ag-CollCh) scaffolds, respectively in fair agreement with the TEM data. SAXS analysis of the composites reveals an asymmetric size distribution peaked at 10 nm for Au-CollCh and 25 nm for Ag-CollCh indicative of particle's aggregation. According to SEM data, the metal-carrying scaffolds have layered structure and the nanoparticles are rather uniformly distributed on the surface material. XPS data indicate that the metallic nanoparticles are in their unoxidized/neutral states and dominantly stabilized within the chitosan-rich domains.Publication Open Access Examination of the temperature related structural defects of InGaN/GaN solar cells(Academic Press, 2015) Durukan, İ. K.; Bayal, Ö.; Kurtuluş, G.; Baş, Y.; Gültekin, A.; Öztürk, M. K.; Çörekçi, S.; Tamer, M.; Özçelik, S.; Özbay, EkmelIn this study the effects of the annealing temperature on the InGaN/GaN solar cells with different In-contents grown on sapphire substrate by the Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) are analyzed by High Resolution X-ray Diffraction (HRXRD) and an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). The plane angles, mosaic crystal sizes, mixed stress, dislocation intensities of the structure of the GaN and InGaN layers are determined. According to the test results, there are no general characteristic trends observed due to temperature at both structures. There are fluctuating failures determined at both structures as of 350 °C. The defect density increased on the GaN layer starting from 350 °C and reaching above 400 °C. A similar trend is observed on the InGaN layer, too.Item Open Access Fe promoted NOx storage materials: structural properties and NOx uptake(American Chemical Society, 2010) Kayhan, E.; Andonova, S. M.; Şentürk, G. S.; Chusuei, C. C.; Ozensoy, E.Fe promoted NOx storage materials were synthesized in the form of FeOx/BaO/Al2O3 ternary oxides with varying BaO (8 and 20 wt %) and Fe (5 and 10 wt %) contents. Synthesized NOx storage materials were investigated via TEM, EELS, BET, FTIR, TPD, XRD, XPS, and Raman spectroscopy, and the results were compared with the conventional BaO/Al2O3 NOx storage system. Our results suggest that the introduction of Fe in the BaO/Al2O3 system leads to the formation of additional NOx storage sites which store NOx mostly in the form of bidentate nitrates. NO2 adsorption experiments at 323 K via FTIR indicate that, particularly in the early stages of the NOx uptake, the NOx storage mechanism is significantly altered in the presence of Fe sites where a set of new surface nitrosyl and nitrite groups were detected on the Fe sites and the surface oxidation of nitrites to nitrates is significantly hindered with respect to the BaO/Al2O3 system. Evidence for the existence of both Fe3+ as well as reduced Fe2+/(3-x)+ sites on the freshly pretreated materials was detected via EELS, FTIR, Raman, and XRD experiments. The influence of the Fe sites on the structural properties of the synthesized materials was also studied by performing ex situ annealing protocols within 323-1273 K followed by XRD and Raman experiments where the temperature dependent changes in the morphology and the composition of the surface domains were analyzed in detail. On the basis of the TPD data, it was found that the relative stability of the stored NOx species is influenced by the morphology of the Ba and Fe containing NOx-storage domains. The relative stabilities of the investigated NOx species were found to increase in the following order: N2O3/NO+ < nitrates on γ-Al2O3 < surface nitrates on BaO < bidentate nitrates on FeOx sites < bulk nitrates on BaO.Item Open Access Fine-tuning the dispersion and the mobility of BaO domains on NO x storage materials via TiO2 anchoring sites(American Chemical Society, 2010) Andonova, S. M.; Şentürk, G. S.; Ozensoy, E.In an attempt to control the surface dispersion and the mobility of BaO domains on NOx storage materials, TiO2/TiOx anchoring sites were introduced on/inside the conventional γ-Al 2O3 support matrix. BaO/TiO2/Al 2O3 ternary oxide materials were synthesized via two different sol-gel preparation techniques, with varying surface compositions and morphologies. The synthesized NOx storage materials were studied via XRD, Raman spectroscopy, BET surface area analysis, TPD, XPS, SEM, EDX-mapping, and in situ FTIR spectroscopy of adsorbed NO2. NOx uptake properties of the BaO/TiO2/Al2O3 materials were found to be strongly influenced by the morphology and the surface structure of the TiO2/TiOx domains. An improved Ba surface dispersion was observed for the BaO/TiO2/Al2O3 materials synthesized via the coprecipitation of alkoxide precursors, which was found to originate mostly from the increased fraction of accessible TiO 2/TiOx sites on the surface. These TiO2/ TiOx sites function as strong anchoring sites for surface BaO domains and can be tailored to enhance surface dispersion of BaO. TPD experiments suggested the presence of at least two different types of NOx species adsorbed on the TiO2/TiOx sites, with distinctively different thermal stabilities. The relative stability of the NOx species adsorbed on the BaO/TiO2/Al2O3 system was found to increase in the following order: NO+/N2O 3 on alumina ≪ nitrates on alumina < surface nitrates on BaO < bridged/bidentate nitrates on large/isolated TiO2 clusters < bulk nitrates on BaO on alumina surface and bridged/bidentate nitrates on TiO2 crystallites homogenously distributed on the surface < bulk nitrates on the BaO sites located on the TiO2 domains. © 2010 American Chemical Society.Item Open Access Gold catalysts supported on ceria doped by rare earth metals for water gas shift reaction: influence of the preparation method(2009) Andreeva, D.; Ivanov, I.; Ilieva, L.; Abrashev, M. V.; Zanella, R.; Sobczak, J. W.; Lisowski, W.; Kantcheva, M.; Avdeev, G.; Petrov, K.Gold catalysts based on ceria, doped by various RE metals (La, Sm, Gd, Yb, Y) were studied. The influence of the preparation methods on structure, properties and catalytic activity in the WGS reaction was investigated. The catalysts' supports were prepared using two different methods: co-precipitation (CP) and mechanochemical activation (MA). The catalysts were tested in a wide temperature interval without and after reactivation. All samples were characterized using a combination of X-ray diffraction (XRD), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), Raman spectroscopy (RS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and TPR. It was found that the catalytic activity of MA catalysts is higher than CP ones. The gold catalysts based on ceria doped by Yb and Sm exhibited the highest activity. After reactivation in air the MA samples almost kept the WGS activity same, while the CP catalysts increased it. The catalysts of a single- and double-phase structure are formed as a result of CP and MA preparation, respectively. There are no big differences in the gold particles size (2-3 nm) depending on dopants and on the preparation techniques. The RS spectra analysis indicates that most probably the oxygen vacancies are adjacent to Me3+ dopant and the ceria structure seems to be better ordered than in the case of alumina as a dopant. There is no distinct correlation between reducibility and WGS activity. The XPS analysis disclose positively charged gold particles in addition to metallic gold within a surface region of fresh samples and only metallic gold on the samples after catalytic processing. There is no simple correlation between the concentration of Ce3+ in the samples and their WGS activity.Publication Open Access InGaN/GaN LED yapıların mozaik yapı analizi(Osman Sağdıç, 2018) Durukan, İ. K.; Öztürk, M. K.; Özçelik, S.; Özbay, EkmelBu çalışmada, MOCVD yöntemi ile üretilen InGaN/GaN ışık yayan diyot (LED) yapılarının mozaik yapıları analiz edildi. Safir alttaş üzerine biriktirilen, farklı In kompozisyonuna sahip InGaN/GaN bariyer tabakasının mozaik yapı üzerine etkisi Yüksek Çözünürlü X Işını Kırınımı (HR-XRD) yöntemi ile karakterize edildi. Amacımız mozaik yapı hesaplarından yararlanarak LED yapısının kalitesini arttırmaktır. Günümüzde LED' lerin geniş bir kullanım alanına sahip olmasından dolayı sektörde büyük bir pazar payı bulunmaktadır. Özellikle InGaN gibi, GaN bazlı LED' ler arsenik bazlı LED' lerden daha yüksek güç, sıcaklık ve frekans aralıklarında çalışabilirler. Ancak GaN tabanlı LED' ler hala yüksek kusur yoğunluklarına sahiptir. Bu nedenle çalışmalarımızda mozaik yapı analizi yapıldı. Hesaplamalarımızda Vegard ve William Hall yarı deneysel metotları kullanıldı. Kompozisyonun, kenar ve vida türü kusurların azalmasına yol açan önemli bir faktör olduğunu söyleyebiliriz.Item Open Access Investigation of the crystallinity and orientation of polypropylene with respect to temperature changes using FT-IR, WRD, and Raman techniques(2004) Türkçü, Harun NezihHaving good mechanical and barrier properties, polypropylene films are widely used in food-packing industry. The relation of crystallinity and orientation of polypropylene with these properties are well known. Temperature increase has an important effect on the crystallinity and orientation of polypropylene. The purpose of this study is to understand better crystallinity and orientation changes of the cast and bi-axially oriented polypropylene films with respect to temperature effect. These changes were investigated using especially in-situ FT-IR and dichroism as well as XRD and Raman spectroscopy. For this purpose, an in-situ variable temperature set-up is developed and adapted for FT-IR studies. Accordingly, the changes in the peaks related to the amorphous and crystalline contents of the films as well as the peaks reflecting the orientation of the films were investigated over the temperature range from 120-170o C. Temperature cycle was also applied. Moreover, the films were investigated after application of additional stress at 120o C for various durations. The crystallinity and orientation of the films are affected significantly when the films were analyzed at higher temperature (>150o C). The crystallinity content of the film recovers after returning back to room temperature whereas orientational loss are permenant.Item Open Access Spectroscopic characterization of gold supported on tungstated zirconia(Elsevier, 2012) Kantcheva, M.; Milanova, M.; Avramova, I.; Mametsheripov, S.Gold catalysts supported on tungstated zirconia (containing 5–20 wt% WO3) are prepared by cationic adsorption from aqueous solution of [Au(en)2]Cl3 complex. The materials are characterized by XRD, DRUV–vis spectroscopy and XPS. The nature of the deposited gold species is studied by FT-IR spectroscopy of adsorbed CO. It is concluded that the gold particles occupy preferentially the WOx-free zirconia surface and the dispersion of gold depends on the amount of coodinatively unsaturated (cus) Zr4+ ions. Modification of zirconia by tungsten increases the gold uptake but at the same time causes decrease in the concentration of (cus) Zr4+ ions thus lowering the dispersion of gold clusters. According to the results of in situ FT-IR spectroscopy, the Au/WOx ZrO2 catalysts display higher activity in the CO oxidation in the low-temperature range (up to 150 ◦C) than the WOx-free Au/ZrO2 sample. The low-temperature activity of the W-containing catalysts could be associated with decreased basicity of the support oxide ions resulting in reduced accumulation of stable carbonate species.Publication Open Access A structural analysis of ultrathin barrier (In)AlN/GaN heterostructures for GaN-based high-frequency power electronics(Wiley, 2022-04-08) Narin, P.; Kutlu-Narin, E.; Atmaca, G.; Sarikavak-Lisesivdin, B.; Lisesivdin, S. B.; Özbay, EkmelMetal–organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) is one of the best growth methods for GaN-based materials as well-known. GaN-based materials with very quality are grown the MOCVD, so we used this growth technique to grow InAlN/ GaN and AlN/GaN heterostructures in this study. The structural and surface properties of ultrathin barrier AlN/GaN and InAlN/GaN heterostructures are studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements. Screw, edge, and total dislocation densities for the grown samples have been calculated by using XRD results. The lowest dislocation density is found to be 1.69 108 cm2 for Sample B with a lattice-matched In0.17Al0.83N barrier. The crystal quality of the studied samples is determined using (002) symmetric and (102) asymmetric diffractions of the GaN material. In terms of the surface roughness, although reference sample has a lower value as 0.27 nm of root mean square values (RMS), Sample A with 4-nm AlN barrier layer exhibits the highest rough surface as 1.52 nm of RMS. The structural quality of the studied samples is significantly affected by the barrier layer thickness. The obtained structural properties of the samples are very important for potential applications like high-electron mobility transistors (HEMTs).Item Open Access Structure control of silica-supported mono and bimetallic Au–Pt catalysts via mercapto capping synthesis(Elsevier, 2013-02) Parola, V. L.; Kantcheva, M.; Milanova, M.; Venezia, A. M.SiO2-supported monometallic and bimetallic platinum-gold catalysts are prepared by deposition of metal nanoparticles stabilized by mercaptopropyltriethoxysilane (MPTES) after different aging time of the solution containing metal ions and MPTES. The materials are tested in the hydrodesulfurization (HDS) reaction of thiophene and compared with corresponding catalysts prepared by the conventional deposition-precipitation (DP) method. The monometallic Pt and the bimetallic Au-Pt prepared by DP have comparable activity. With respect to the platinum catalyst prepared by DP, the corresponding platinum catalyst prepared by MPTES particle stabilization exhibits a substantial enhancement of the activity regardless the solution aging time. On the contrary, the MPTES-assisted Au-Pt catalysts have different activities, depending on the solution aging time, with the most active being the one obtained with the 5-day-aged solution. In accord with XRD, XPS, and FTIR, the aging time of the solution, through the different interaction of Pt or Au precursors with the mercapto groups, has a crucial effect on the structure and on the surface of the catalysts. The observed differences in the catalytic activity are related to the structural and compositional changes of the bimetallic particles.Item Open Access Surface spectroscopic studies of Cs+, and Ba2+ sorption on chlorite-illite mixed clay(De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2000) Shahwan, T.; Sayan, S.; Erten, H. N.; Black, L.; Hallam, K. R.; Allen, G. C.The sorption behavior of Cs+, and Ba2+ on natural clay was investigated using ToF-SIMS, XPS, and XRD. The natural clay was composed mainly of chlorite and illite in addition to quartz and calcite. Depth profiling up to 70 Å was performed at 10 Å steps utilizing ToF-SIMS to study the amount of sorbed Cs+ and Ba2+ as a function of depth in the clay matrix. The results suggest that Cs+ and Ba2+ ions were sorbed primarily by ion exchange coupled with hydrolytic sorption. According to ToF-SIMS and XPS results, the total sorbed amount of Ba2+ was larger than that of Cs+. Quantitative determination of the primary cations within the analyzed clay before and after sorption indicated that for Ba2+ sorption, Ca2+, Mg2+ and for Cs+ sorption Ca2+, K+ were the major exchanging ions. The XRD spectra of Ba-sorbed clay contained new peaks that were identified as BaCO3.Item Open Access Synthesis and characterization of Zn(1-x)NixAl 2O4 spinels as a new heterogeneous catalyst of biginelli's reaction(Korean Chemical Society, 2013) Akika, F. Z.; Kihal, N.; Habila, T.; Avramova I.; Süzer, Şefik; Pirotte, B.; Khelili, S.Zn(1-x)NixAl2O4 (x = 0.0-1.0) spinels were prepared at 800 °C by co-precipitation method and characterized by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The specific surface area was determined by BET. SEM image showed nano sized spherical particles. XPS confirmed the valence states of the metals, showing moderate Lewis character for the surface of materials. The powders were successfully used as new heterogeneous catalysts of Biginelli’s reaction, a one-pot threecomponent reaction, leading to some dihydropyrimidinones (DHPMs). These new catalysts that produced good yields of DHPMs, were easily recovered by simple filtration and subsequently reused with persistent activity, and they are non-toxic and environmentally friendly. The optimum amount of catalyst is 20% by weight of benzaldehyde derivatives, while the doping amount has been found optimal for x = 0.1.