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Item Open Access Advantage of using Web 2.0 applications in class(ACM, 2010) Aydinol, Ayşe Begüm; Gültekin, ÖzgürIn this study the advantage of using Web 2.0 applications in terms of increasing student attention and enthusiasm will be emphasized by presenting the example of community service activities which were supported by the blog usage. Copyright 2010 ACM.Item Open Access Architecture as a technology of framing experience : camera obscura, camp, and the confessional(2009) Uysal, V. ŞafakThroughout architectural history, the problematic of experience is mostly addressed within the confines of either deterministic or phenomenological models. Bound as they are, however, to the transcendental coordinates of a founding structure and a selfcontained subject figure, neither one of these models seems to provide us with the necessary tools of engaging with the transgressive aspects of experience in general or architectural experience in particular. Beginning with the problem of how architecture can be said to effect the experience of its subjects, the dissertation aims at gaining an insight into the constructive capacity and functioning of architecture as a technology of framing, whereby the subject's relation to environment, to other subjects, and to oneself can be addressed. In order to do this, the author first traces the constituent elements of a so-called “science of experience,” an experiontology, throughout the historiographic work of Michel Foucault. Developing a composite framework as such, which facilitates a historico-critical analysis of the work of architecture in relation to the formation and transformation of experiential structures, the author thus identifies the logic of experience as a process of desubjectification at work in and through the triplicate domains of epistemology, politics, and ethics. Once the terms of this logic are tested and further enhanced through the analyses of three environmental formations – namely, the camera obscura, the camp, and the confessional – what is arrived at is a veritable relationship between architecture and experience in the neighborhood of the categories of error, resistance, and interiority of the self. The result is a recognition of architecture as an art of organization of bodily encounters, in accordance with which the architectural frame becomes the condition of possibility for the production and reproduction of novel corporealities.Item Restricted Ataol Behramoğlu; şiir teknolojinin kölesi olmayacak(1993) Altay, AliItem Open Access Block-based coding in K-12 education: a systematic literature review(2022-02) Köksaloğlu, CemreThis study aims to determine the methodological tendencies and outputs of the studies conducted on the use of block-based coding tools in K-12 education by systematic literature review. According to their demographic characteristics, a total of 59 full-text research articles were analyzed through thematic content analysis. In addition, learning domains were explored in the research articles, and results were revealed by themes regarding the impact of block-based coding in K-12 education on learning domains. Research findings display that most of the research articles were published in 2019, commonly using the mixed-method research, and they were carried out with middle school level students with less than 50 sample sizes. This review also found that most research studies were conducted in the United States and in the Computer Science subject area. Finally, the most frequently used block-based coding tool was Scratch and problem-based learning approach was the most used considering the teaching/learning approaches. Besides, the cognitive domain was explored mainly in the research articles. The results of the research articles indicated that block-based coding tools improve the following skills regarding cognitive abilities: computational thinking, problem-solving, algorithmic and reflective thinking, critical thinking, and creative thinking skills. Moreover, results for interdisciplinary learning and gender differences regarding the cognitive domain were also found. Additionally, block-based coding positively affected students' feelings regarding the affective domain. Lastly, whereas students had positive attitudes towards coding, negative attitudes were also reported.Item Open Access Bluetooth or 802.15.4 technologies to optimise lifetime of wireless sensor networks: Numerical comparison under a common framework(IEEE, 2008-04) Buratti, C.; Körpeoğlu, İbrahim; Karasan, Ezhan; Verdone, R.This paper aims at comparing through simulations the network lifetime of a wireless sensor network using Bluetooth-enabled or IEEE802.15.4 compliant devices. The evaluation is performed under a common reference framework, namely the EMORANS scenario for wireless sensor networks. Since the two enabling technologies rely on different MAC paradigms, suitable definition of the performance metrics is needed, in order to make the comparison meaningful. Thus, the paper has also a methodological objective. In particular, three different definitions of network lifetime are introduced, and a comparison of performance obtained by applying the different definitions is provided. Then, the comparison between the two standards is introduced: it is shown that there are no orders of magnitude of difference in network lifetime when the two technologies are used and the choice of the technology depends on the application requirements.Item Open Access Comments on effective forecasting and judgmental adjustments: an empirical evaluation and strategies for improvement in supply-chain planning(Elsevier, 2009) Önkal, D.Demand forecasting is a crucial aspect of the planning process in supply-chain companies. The most common approach to forecasting demand in these companies involves the use of a computerized forecasting system to produce initial forecasts and the subsequent judgmental adjustment of these forecasts by the company's demand planners, ostensibly to take into account exceptional circumstances expected over the planning horizon. Making these adjustments can involve considerable management effort and time, but do they improve accuracy, and are some types of adjustment more effective than others? To investigate this, we collected data on more than 60,000 forecasts and outcomes from four supply-chain companies. In three of the companies, on average, judgmental adjustments increased accuracy. However, a detailed analysis revealed that, while the relatively larger adjustments tended to lead to greater average improvements in accuracy, the smaller adjustments often damaged accuracy. In addition, positive adjustments, which involved adjusting the forecast upwards, were much less likely to improve accuracy than negative adjustments. They were also made in the wrong direction more frequently, suggesting a general bias towards optimism. Models were then developed to eradicate such biases. Based on both this statistical analysis and organisational observation, the paper goes on to analyse strategies designed to enhance the effectiveness of judgmental adjustments directly.Item Open Access A comparative study of cell formation in cellular manufacturing systems(Taylor & Francis, 1994) Kandiller, L.This paper analyses and evaluates six of the promising cell formation techniques by comparing and contrasting them in relation to the scores of efficiency indices of the exceptional elements and inner-cell densities, work-load balance, and under-utilizations in different scenarios. Accordingly, all six are more or less altered with proper extensions to realize a broader capability. Effectiveness of the suggested efficiency measures in the evaluation is also illustrated. Each technique seems to have a favourite operating area of its own considering a variety of factors. © 1994 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.Item Open Access Courtyards in ancient Anatolia: A discussion of the architectural features of open spaces from the Neolithic age to the end of the Bronze age(Gazi University Eti Mahallesi, 2014) Aydin Ö.; Gasco G.; Çetintürk, N.This study applies a method that evaluates the use of an architectural element in a specific place and time by referring to a discussion begun by other scholars. In accordance with the definition and classification advanced by this study, the article proposes a re-evaluation of spaces previously identified as courtyards in research and publications regarding the development of Anatolian architecture from the Neolithic Age to historic ages. Courtyards and other open spaces are discussed in this study, and a new classification is suggested to frame the use of courtyards in Ancient Anatolian architecture better.Item Restricted Cumhuriyet Gazetesi Bilim Teknik Dergisinin (CBT) 1987-2000 yılları arasındaki yayın hayatı(Bilkent University, 2020) Çatal, Berkay; Erlat, Defne; Saraçoğlu, Ataberk; Özdemir, Göktuğ; Trabzonlu, Alper YılmazTürkiye’nin önde gelen bilim dergilerinden biri olan Cumhuriyet Bilim Teknik dergisi 1987 yılında yayın hayatına başlamıştır. Yayın hayatına başladığı günden son yayınlandığı güne kadar toplam 1501 sayı yayınlamıştır. Dergi, bilim ve teknoloji alanında dünyada ve ülkemizde yaşanan gelişmeleri oldukça yakından takip edip okurlarıyla paylaşmış ve kendi okur kitlesini öncelikli olarak bilim, teknoloji, sağlık gibi önemli alanlarda bilinçlendirmede önemli rol oynamıştır. Öte yandan, ulusal ve evrensel anlamda çalışmalarda öncülük etmiş birçok önemli kişiyi okurlarına tanıtmıştır. Ayrıca, okurlarına sadece teorik bilgiler sunmaktan ziyade özellikle sağlık alanında günlük yaşamda kullanılabilecek çok sayıda pratik bilgiye de yer vermiş ve okur kitlesini bilinçlendirmeye çalışmıştır. Yayın hayatına 2015 yılında son verilen dergi Türkiye tarihindeki bilim dergileri arasında önemli bir yere sahiptir.Item Restricted Daktilodan İşçep’e: İş Bankası’nda teknolojik dönüşüm (1980-2000)(Bilkent University, 2021) Kaş, Burak Sezer; Ergincan, Efe; Erdoğan, Gönül; Döşlüoğlu, Nil; Erdoğan, AhuCumhuriyet döneminin ilk ulusal bankası olan Türkiye İş Bankası, teknolojik uygulamaları kullanan ve geliştiren ilk bankalardan biri olmuştur. Bu araştırmada teknolojik dönüşüm yılları başlığı altında 1980-2000 yılları arası İş Bankası’ndaki teknolojik gelişmeler, teknolojik dönüşüm sırasında İş Bankası şubeleri ve çalışanları ve müşterilerin gözünden teknolojik dönüşüm süreci ele alınarak teknolojik yeniliklere hem çalışanların hem de müşterilerin tepkileri ve adaptasyonu işlenmiştir. Araştırmanın teknolojik dönüşümün yarattığı etkiler bölümünde teknolojinin çalışanlar, müşteriler ve finansal verimlilik üzerindeki etkisi detaylı bir şekilde incelenmiştir. Son olarak İş Bankası’nda teknolojik dönüşümün sonuçları üzerinde durulmuş; dijitalleşmenin bankanın güvenlik faktörüne etkisi, dijitalleşmenin günümüzdeki durumu ve İş Bankası’nda gelecek bankacılığı ele alınmıştır.Item Open Access Development of a rapid-scan fiber-integrated terahertz spectrometer(Springer New York LLC, 2014) Keskin, H.; Altan, H.; Yavas, S.; Ilday, F. O.; Eken, K.; Sahin, A. B.Scientists in terahertz (THz) wave technologies have benefited from the recent developments in ultrafast laser technologies and RF technologies and applied these new gained techniques into characterizing a wide variety of phenomena. Undoubtedly, the most successful of these applications has been in the development of time-domain terahertz spectroscopic and imaging systems which has been utilized in the characterization of dielectrics and semiconductors. This pulsed technique has allowed users to characterize dynamical behavior inside materials under illumination with picosecond resolution. Typically pump/probe or similar dynamical measurements require the use of amplified pulses derived from free-space solid state lasers in the μJ-mJ range and since interferometric techniques are typically used in pulsed measurements the measurement time of a THz spectrum can last at least tens of minutes. Better systems can be realized based on fiber laser technologies. Here we discuss the advantages of a THz spectrometer driven by an ultrafast Ytterbium doped fiber laser whose repetition rate can be tuned rapidly allowing for rapid dynamical measurements. The efficient gain medium, robust operation and compact design of the system opens up the possibility of exploring rapid detection of various materials as well as studying dynamical behavior using the high brightness source.Item Open Access The digital fulcrum: consequences of computer technology on graphic design(1998) Özkal, ÖzlemDeparting from prevalent use and visible influence of computers on graphic design field, this study basically endeavours to elucidate the current problematics of the digital design process. In this context, with an inspection on the nature of technology, and respectively the concepts that form and help to specify computers, it aims to arrive at conclusions considering the relationship of graphic design and computers to help construct an awareness towards technology and computers in the digital design process.Item Open Access Distance laboratory applications ERRL: A study on radio communication in electronic field(IEEE, 2008-05) Aydın, C. Ç.; Türkmen, G.; Özyurt, E.; Aydın, E. U.; Çaǧıltay, N. E.; Özbek, M. E.; Alparslan, N. Ceren; Kara, A.In the last decade, the effect of internet usage in education is gradually increased. When we look from academic perspective, the new technologies provided alternatives for students learning. As distance education becomes important everyday, the indispensable elements of teaching and education, laboratories must be reachable via remote connection. Consequently, the education that is going to be given to the students will be more flexible with respect to place and time constraints and students can reach laboratory facilities at any time and anywhere not only in lectures and practical hours. In this study, European Remote Radio Laboratory (ERRL) which is a distance remote Radio Frequency (RF) laboratory designed for electrical-electronics students, is described generally. The software architecture, infrastructure and experiment that can be done with a remote connection have been described.Item Open Access Edebiyat öğretiminde teknoloji kullanımı, karşılaşılan sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri : bir durum çalışması(2013) Çifci, CeyhunThe purpose of this study is to explore use of technology in Turkish literature, identify problems and suggest possible solutions. To this end, the researcher administered two different questionnaires for students and teachers, conducted interviews, observed some lessons and analyzed some documents. The findings revealed that Turkish literature teachers experienced major problems in the use of technology. There were noteworthy differences between student and teacher views related to use of technology. Also, some suggestions about problems that occur in the process of technology usage were given in this study.Item Open Access The effect of video tutorials on learning spreadsheets(ACM, 2010) Aydınol, Ayşe Begüm; Gültekin, ÖzgürIn this study a video tutorial for spreadsheet use (Excel) will be prepared by two undergraduate students by using a recorder and applied on a group of students to understand how effective this kind of a tutorial is to increase student achievement. Copyright 2010 ACM.Item Open Access EFL learners' perceptions of educational podcasting(2015-06) İnce, Hazal GülThis study investigated EFL learners’ perceptions of educational podcasting directed at developing listening skills, and the relationship between learners’ perceptions of podcasting and their attitudes towards learning English. Twenty-eight EFL learners studying at the School of Foreign Languages of Bülent Ecevit University participated in the study. The participants went through a six-week treatment period in which they were required to listen to the educational podcasts. At the end of the treatment, data were gathered through a perception questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The findings of this study showed that the learners generally had positive opinions about this technology. Most of them found it easy to use, effective in language learning and enjoyable at the same time. As for the preferences of the learners for listening to podcasts, the results showed that while many learners prefer to listen to the audio files on their mobile phones, they do not listen to them outside or while multitasking, thus ignoring the mobility feature of podcasting in a way. Finally, a positive moderate relationship was found between learners’ perceptions of podcasting and their attitudes towards learning English.Item Restricted Elektronik çağında duygulanmalar(1994) Uyguner, MuzafferItem Restricted Emerging technologies: Impacts on Distance learning(1991) Dede, Christopher J.Item Restricted Emmioğlu, video klip ve Disney / Bugün Pazar(1993) Hızlan, DoğanItem Open Access Food prosumption technologies: A symbiotic lens for a degrowth transition(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2023) Vicdan, H.; Ulusoy, E.; Tillotson, J. S.; Hong, S.; Ekici, Ahmet; Mimoun, L.Prosumption is gaining momentum among the critical accounts of sustainable consumption that have thus far enriched the marketing discourse. Attention to prosumption is increasing whilst the degrowth movement is emerging to tackle the contradictions inherent in growth-driven, technology-fueled, and capitalist modes of sustainable production and consumption. In response to dominant critical voices that portray technology as counter to degrowth living, we propose an alternative symbiotic lens with which to reconsider the relations between technology, prosumption, and degrowth living, and assess how a degrowth transition in the context of food can be carried out at the intersection of human–nature–technology. We contribute to the critical debates on prosumption in marketing by analyzing the potentials and limits of technology-enabled food prosumption for a degrowth transition through the degrowth principles of conviviality and appropriateness. Finally, we consider the sociopolitical challenges involved in mobilizing such technologies to achieve symbiosis and propose a future research agenda.
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