Browsing by Subject "Crisis"
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Item Restricted 1996 Kardak krizi’nde Türk ordusu(Bilkent University, 2022) Aygün, Pelinsu; Bozkurt, Bilge Özgü; Kurtoğlu, Ege; Sarıgül, Yaren; Yıldız, DursunKardak kayalıkları, Ege Denizi’nde kapladığı küçük konuma karşılık Türk- Yunan ilişkilerinde krize yol açacak kadar büyük öneme sahip olmuştur. Coğrafi konum olarak Ege Denizi’nde Kalolimni kayalıklarının doğusunda yer alan ve sadece keçilerin yaşadığı bilinen kayalıklara, Figen Akat isimli Türk gemisinin çarpması Türkiye ve Yunanistan arasında krize dönüşen bir gerginlik yaratmıştır. Yunanistan bu çarpışmanın kendi sınırlarında olduğunu iddia etmiş ve Türkiye’ye ait olan Kardak gibi diğer bazı adaların kendisine ait olduğunu iddia edince kriz büyümüştür. Türkiye sadece keçilerin yaşadığı bu kayalık adadan vazgeçmemiş ve güçlerini sonuna kadar kullanmıştır. Dönemin Başbakanı Tansu Çiller: “O bayrak inecek, o asker gidecek” diyerek Türkiye’ye ait herhangi bir toprak parçasını bile kaybetmek istemediklerini sözleriyle göstermiştir. Her ne kadar Kardak Krizinde deniz gücü baş faktör olsa da bu ada için hava kuvvetleri birlikleri ile kara kuvvetlerinin bazı unsurları teyakkuza geçmiş ve büyük uğraşlar sergilemişlerdir. Yunanistan ile Türkiye’nin uzun süren adalar sorunu bu krizin de sebeplerinden biridir.Item Restricted Ankara Üniversitesi Krize Müdahale Merkezi(Bilkent University, 2021) Üstoğlu, Arda; Akyıldız, Boran; Açıkgöz, Ezgi; Mergen, SerkanKriz, stabil ilerleyen bir durumda ortaya çıkan bozulmadır. Aciliyet faktörünün ön planda olduğu krize müdahalede önceki deneyimlerinden elde ettiği çözüm yollarıyla kriz durumundan çıkamayan kişiye yardımcı olunmaya çalışılınır. İhtisas alanı kriz üzerinde olan kişilerce kurulan Ankara Üniversitesi Krize Müdahale Merkezi, insanların günlük hayat içinde sıkışıp baş etmekte zorlandıkları sorunlarını danışabilecekleri bir yere olan ihtiyaç fikrinden hareketle kurulmuştur. Tamamen gönüllülük esasıyla ve büyük fedakarlıklarla çalışan uzman bir ekiple hizmetler sunulmuştur. Kriz merkezi Prof. Dr. Işık Sayıl öncülüğünde kurulurken Viyana Kriz Merkezinin ideallerini örnek almıştır. Kriz merkezi bu nedenle kurulduğu günden kapanana kadar her daim vatandaşın sağlığını düşünmüş, uzman psikolog kadrosuyla hastalarına ücretli veya ücretsiz tedavi imkanları sunmuştur. Merkez, faaliyet gösterdiği yıllar boyunca tedavilerin yanı sıra alanında uzmanlaşmak isteyen kişilere eğitim ve staj olanakları da sağlamıştır. Çıkardığı Kriz Dergisi’ne ek olarak, Türkiye Sosyal Psikiyatri Derneğinin kurulmasına öncülük etmiştir. Faaliyet gösterdiği sürece uluslararası ve ulusal alanda başarılara imza atmış olsa da karşı karşıya kalınan ekonomik sıkıntılar kurumun sonunu hazırlamıştır.Item Restricted Between guidance and governance: the IMF's ınfluence on Turkey's economic trajectory, from 1980 till 1999(Bilkent University, 2023) Ibrahim, Ahmed; Alaryan, Ahed; Ahmed, Asad; Rejepbayev, Berdigylych; Abrayev, Maksat; Abid, Talha RehmanThe period between 1980 to 1999 was plunged by economic difficulty for Turkey which was worsened by political instability, a military coup d'etat, and a devastating earthquake. The Turkish government seeks assistance from the IMF to stabilize the economy by means of liberalization, aligning with the IMF's Program and suggested reforms. Structural reforms were implemented by the government, leading to a reduction in inflation and changes in financial policies. However, the drop in credit rating and high foreign trade deficits indicated the effects of overvalued currency, insufficient preventive measures, and devastating unfortunate events during the efforts of economic stabilization. The similar challenges were faced by Mexico and Argentina during the same period of time, but these countries navigated through economic instability and crises by implementing various strategies. Their distinct responses in handling similar crises emphasize the importance of individual historical contexts in evaluating economic performance and their relation with the IMF. This research aims to assess the influence of the IMF in policy formulations in Turkey, considering an array of sources including IMF recommendations, policy negotiations, and comparative studies with similar nations. The analysis will evaluate the compromises made, their impact on Turkey's future, and the implications for economic stability and resilience.Item Open Access Foreign banks, financial crises and macroeconomic fluctuations(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2016) Önder, Z.; Özyıldırım, S.Understanding the implications of increased foreign bank presence is especially compelling in periods of financial crisis. In this paper, we explore this issue by examining the relationship between the involvement of foreign banks in the banking systems and the volatility of key macroeconomic variables in normal and crisis periods. Using a sample of 20 Emerging European countries from 1998 to 2013, we find that an increase in the assets of foreign banks in the banking system reduces output and consumption growth volatility in general but does not significantly affect the volatility of investments. However, these banks were found to play a significant role in increasing output, consumption and investment volatility in 2009. Our findings suggest that foreign banks’ harmful impact during the global crisis was only temporary and that they seem to help Emerging European countries stabilize macroeconomic volatility in normal times and after the global crisis.Item Open Access Harbours of crisis and consent: the technopolitics of coastal infrastructure in colonial Cyprus, 1895-1908(SAGE Publications, 2016-09) Karas, S.; Arapostathis, S.By the late 1800s British colonial rule in Cyprus was experiencing both a socioeconomic and a legitimacy crisis. Britain's development projects were intended to quell the crisis and consolidate colonial authority. Famagusta Harbour construction was an integral part of that programme, but it antagonised wealthy and influential Cypriots in Larnaca. They believed that such infrastructure would undermine the importance of Larnaca harbour and threaten their commercial and political interests. Their protests threatened the colonial administration with a new crisis that was averted by the integration of Larnaca's Harbour into British plans. The colonial regime had to negotiate and co-operate with local networks of power in order to realise its development programme: harbour development was no mere rational engineering exercise.Item Open Access Murathan Mungan öykülerinde ulusal erkeklikler(2021-05) Koçak, GizemBu çalışmada Murathan Mungan öykülerindeki krizdeki ulusal erkeklik temsillerinin ulus-devlet ideolojisinin normatif erkeklik ideallerine müdahale içeren erkeklik temsilleri olduğunu tartışıyorum. Bu bağlamda ulus-devletler için cinsiyetli ve itaatli özneler üretme amacının bir parçası haline gelen performativitenin Mungan metinlerinde krizdeki ulusal erkekliklere alternatif oluşturan oluş halinde, sınırları belirsizleşmiş ve hibrit bedenlenme deneyimlerine dayalı insan sonrası erkeklik olanakları sunduğunu gösteriyorum. Mungan öykülerinin yakın okumaya dayalı analizi yoluyla bu çalışmada erkekliğin ulus-devletin öngördüğü gibi sabit bir cinsiyet kategorisi olmadığını ve tartışmasız bir güç ve ayrıcalık konumunu temsil etmediğini öne sürüyorum.Item Open Access Production of ‘abstract crisis’ and irregular human mobilities(2019-07) Karayiğit, Hakkı OzanThis thesis argues that political representation of space as being consisted of territorially bounded states leads to the impulsion to see an uncontrolled movement as risky, and eventually to call the event as crisis. By way of concentrating on three specific scholarly journals on migration movements, it aims to enlighten the question: who/what turns an event into crisis at global scale, and why? Through focusing on how migration literature explains what constitutes crisis, the thesis investigates how did the transition to calling migration a crisis take place and why. In pursuing the question, the thesis creates a theoretical framework by deconstructing IR space and human mobility with the help of Lefebvre and Cresswell. By asserting its own concept – ‘abstract crisis’, the thesis provides typology and taxonomy of the migration studies categorized under three crisis types.Item Open Access The role of national security culture in crisis management : the case of Kardak crisis(2008) Savaş, ÖzlemThis thesis analyzes the role of national security culture in crisis management. The use and significance of national security culture in the management of a crisis is the main concern discussed throughout this study. It is assumed that national security culture serves as the main guideline of states during crisis management and the states manage crises in line with their national security culture. This can be assessed from the responsibility undertaken by state institutions to preserve and transfer this culture. Such an assessment contributes to understanding of why national security culture is reliable in crisis management. The case of Kardak Crisis between Turkey and Greece in 1996 is examined within the framework of study purpose. The thesis traces Kardak Crisis and seeks to answer questions such as whether the Turkish national security culture was influential during the management of the crisis and if so in what ways. The case is examined in order to make the main concern of the study more clear.Item Restricted Soğuk savaş dönemi çekişmelerine bir örnek: U 2 Krizi(Bilkent University, 2018) Gündoğdu, Uğur; Balatlı, Tugay; Yazgan, Bilge Tuğçe; Buyurgan, BoraAmerika ve Sovyet Rusya’yı karşı karşıya getiren, yakın tarihe “U-2 Uçak Krizi” olarak geçen hadisenin ortaya çıkışında iki süper güç arasındaki stratejik mücadele yatmaktadır. Amerika’nın Sovyetlere karşı duyduğu güvensizlik, krizin patlak vermesinde baş etken olarak gösterilmektir. 1 Mayıs 1960 tarihinde Türkiye’den kalkan U-2 casus uçağının Sovyet topraklarında düşürülmesinin etkileri bu projede Türk basınına yansımalarıyla beraber incelenecektir.Item Open Access Structure, agents and discourse in managing economic crises: the case of Greece, 2009-2017(International Relations Council of Turkey (UİK-IRCT), 2018) Tsarouhas, DimitrisThis article focuses on the discursive frames used by policy entrepreneurs in Greece as they attempted to deal with the 2009 crisis and analyses the role played by discourse in handling the crisis’ consequences. Adopting a historical institutionalist framework, I argue that ineffective policy outcomes can be attributed to a path-dependent logic enshrined in the country’s political economy structures following the transition to democracy post-1974. Moreover, the reaction of policy entrepreneurs to the crisis was reinforced by their discursive logic of action, itself embedded in the state’s institutional matrix. Procrastination, a refusal to face an uncomfortable reality and politics as usual colours the response of Greek actors to the country’s biggest crisis in recent memory.Item Restricted Turgut Tan tanıklığında 1982 anayasasının hazırlanma süreci(Bilkent University, 2024) Yıldız, Gizem; Mardin, Tarık; Karaköse, Hatice Selin; Özüer, Bora Batıkan; Çakır, Mert1980 darbesi sonrasında Türkiye, siyasi, ekonomik ve toplumsal sorunlarını çözmek amacıyla yeni bir anayasa oluşturma sürecine girdi. Bu süreçte, dönemin siyasi istikrarsızlıkları, ekonomik sorunlar ve toplumsal çalkantılar, yeni bir anayasa ihtiyacını doğurdu. Askeri yönetim altında hazırlanan bu anayasa, geniş çapta uygulanan politik kısıtlamalar ve sıkıyönetim koşulları ile karakterize edilen yarı-otoriter bir yönetim sistemine geçişi sağladı. Anayasa taslağının oluşturulmasında kurucu meclisin rolü ve bu süreçteki temel dinamikler 1982 Anayasasının İdare bölümünü düzenleyen Turgut Tan’ın görüşleri ve anılarıyla ele alınarak, anayasanın son hali ve referandum süreci incelendi.Item Open Access The US policy on the Cyprus question : continuity and change(2005) Dündar, MuratThis thesis analyzes continuity and change in the US policy on the Cyprus question in chronological order, starting from 1950s, when US interest in the island began to increase by the beginning of the Cold War, to this day. It mainly puts the determinants of US policy in the Cold War and post-Cold War period and tries to find continuing and changing aspects of it while looking at its effects on finding a solution to the problem. It examines the Annan plan, as the latest and most important effort of the international community for the solution, in detail. The thesis aims to put forward a general picture of US policy on Cyprus especially focusing on crisis periods, and thus explain its role in the evolution of the conflict. The study claims that policy of the US on Cyprus has been very much related with its interests in Mediterranean, its strategic security needs in the region and neighbouring regions and its relations with Turkey and Greece. These determinants indicate that main lines of US policy on Cyprus have not changed radically through this almost fifty years old conflict although it sometimes showed little variations.Item Open Access The USA's role in mediating the Cyprus conflict: a story of success or failure?(Sage Publications Ltd., 2004) Güney, A.This article is an attempt to assess the role played by the United States in the search for a solution to the Cyprus conflict both during and after the Cold War. The USA's role in mediating the Cyprus conflict during crisis episodes is crucial for understanding the evolution of this 48-year-old stalemate. It was the superpower politics and containment strategy during the Cold War years that determined the course of action in US crisis mediation and determined its success or failure. In the post-Cold War period, on the other hand, the success or failure of the USA's crisis mediation in Cyprus has been determined by the fact that it remained the sole hegemonic power in world politics. This article aims to sort out the implications of success and failure in the USA's role in mediating the crises of 1963, 1967, 1974 and 1998, to account for the variation in the outcomes and speculate on the possible US role to be played regarding a probable major crisis in 2004 when Cyprus joins the EU as a divided island. © 2004 PRIO.