Gas generator pressure control in throttleable ducted rockets: a classical and adaptive control approach



This paper describes the control of gas generator pressure in throttleable ducted rockets using nonlinear adaptive control as well as classical control approaches. Simulation results using the full nonlinear and time-varying dynamics of the gas generator are reported in both classical controller and adaptive controller cases. "Closed-loop Reference Model" structure is used together with the adaptive controller to improve transient response. Controllers are simulated to test their robustness by introducing uncertinities, disturbances and noise to the system. Cold Air Test Plant (CATP) is used as the test facility to compare the controllers and validate the results from simulations. Moreover, damping effect of CRM to oscillations in adaptive controller case is observed in CATP tests.

Source Title

Proceedings of the 51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)


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