Publication: High-speed InGaAs based resonant cavity enhanced p-i-n photodiodes
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High-speed InGaAs based resonant cavity enhanced photodiodes were discussed. The responses of the photodiodes was measured under high incident optical powers. Bandwidth-efficiency (BWE) product was used to measure the performance of the photodiode. Transfer matrix method was used to design the epilayer structure and to simulate the optical properties of the photodiode. Photo response measurements were carried out in 1450 nm to 1700 nm range using a tungsten-halogen projection lamp as the light source and a single pass monochromator. The deconvolved Fourier transform of the data was found to have a bandwidth of 31 GHz under conditions of 40 GHz limit.
Date of Conference: 12-13 November 2001
Conference Name: 14th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, LEOS 2001
Conference Name: 14th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, LEOS 2001