Pargalı İbrahim Paşa çevresindeki edebi yaşam
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In this work entitled “Literary life in the periphery of Ibrahim Pasha of Parga” Ibrahim Pasha and his literary periphery are being studied according to custom of patronage of the Ottoman Empire. Also known as Frenk, Makbul (appreciated) and Makdul (victim), having been a slave, Ibrahim Pasha had significantly gained Kanûnî Sultan Suleyman’s trust. Having married Kanûnî’s sister, for the first time in the history of the Ottoman Empire, Ibrahim Pasha received the title of Serasker Sultan (head of the imperial army). It is a fact that Ibrahim Pasha owed his ascendance to Kanûnî’s support. Due to this, the custom of patronage has a significant role in determining the administrative staff. The Ottoman Empire is ruled by the Sultan, representing the Ottoman Dynasty and an elite class of administration “loyal to him” (Unan, 5). The patrimonial structure of the Ottoman state inclines to glorify the dynasty and its representative and to assimilate the planned state structure to the social and cultural life. This work claims that the beneficiation of culture and arts in the Ottoman society supports the patrimonial state structure and has a functional aspect. In accordance to this, the artists reflect the magnificence of the Empire through their works, and their patrons secure their political stability and prove their loyalty to the Empire by financing them. The researches have lead to the conclusion that the custom of patronage has a functional duty to support the sovereignty ideal which is found in every aspect of social life including the arts. It is observed that the custom of patronage works like an institutionalized system in order to protect the patrimonial state structure. The patrons appeared to be loyal defenders of this system. Ibrahim Pasha is undoubtedly one of the most important patrons of the Kanûnî period. Studying Ibrahim Pasha’s art and literature patronage, not only helps understand how the literary peripheries of the period function; but also brings up the importance of how the patronage system which takes the state’s patrimonial structure as an example, reflects on fields of art. The literary periphery on at the axis of Ibrahim Pasha and his patronage relationships show the necessity of becoming a part of the system in order to maintain one’s position and esteem in the community. The importance of the mentioned necessity is better comprehended through the study of struggles between the poets and the patrons stated in this work.