A Simulation application for visitor circulation in exhibition environments

buir.advisorDemirkan, Halime
dc.contributor.authorGüler, Ömer Kutay
dc.descriptionCataloged from PDF version of article.en_US
dc.descriptionIncludes bibliographical references leaves 69-74.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe layout of the exhibit elements in an exhibition environment affects the visitor behavior whose receptivity and time are limited. This study proposes a simulation application for visitor circulation in exhibition environments in order to increase the number of visual contacts and active engagements received by each exhibit element. Consequently, the interior designer delivers an increase in the quality of the exhibition environment. The calculations of the proposed simulation application are based on the data that are collected from the previous literature related to visitor and exhibit element characteristics. The parameters of visitor characteristics involve the interest level, visit plans and fatigue level of visitors. The parameters of exhibit element characteristics involve the physical dimensions, viewing distance, attraction index and holding power of exhibit elements. In order to assess the functionality of the proposed simulation application, an example simulation of an exhibition environment is conducted. In the simulation of an exhibition environment, while all the input parameters are kept constant, the change in the layout of the exhibit elements resulted in different visitor circulation patterns and different visual contact and active engagement outcomes for each exhibit element. Observing and evaluating the various outputs of the simulation application that involve changes in the layout of exhibit elements might help a designer in judging his/her design decisions more clearly. Additionally, comparing the simulation application outputs of design alternatives might help the designer to prevent possible design errors in his/her exhibition layout.en_US
dc.description.statementofresponsibilityGüler, Ömer Kutayen_US
dc.format.extentx, 87 leaves, illustrationsen_US
dc.subjectBehavior simulationen_US
dc.subjectVisitor circulationen_US
dc.subjectVisitor behavioren_US
dc.subjectExhibit elementsen_US
dc.subjectExhibition designen_US
dc.subject.lccAM7 .G85 2009en_US
dc.subject.lcshVisitor behavior.en_US
dc.subject.lcshMuseum techniques.en_US
dc.subject.lcshMuseum attendance.en_US
dc.titleA Simulation application for visitor circulation in exhibition environmentsen_US
thesis.degree.disciplineInterior Architecture and Environmental Design
thesis.degree.grantorBilkent University
thesis.degree.nameMFA (Master of Fine Arts)


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