Publication: Few-layer bifunctional metasurfaces enabling asymmetric and symmetric polarization-plane rotation at the subwavelength scale
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We introduce and numerically validate the concept of few-layer bifunctional metasurfaces comprising two arrays of quasiplanar subwavelength resonators and a middle grid (array of rectangular holes) that offer both symmetric and asymmetric transmissions connected, respectively, with symmetric and asymmetric polarization-plane rotation functionalities. The proposed structures are thinner than λ/7 and free of diffractions. Usually, the structure’s symmetry or asymmetry, i.e. unbroken or broken spatial inversion symmetries, are considered for metasurfaces as prerequisites of the capability of symmetric or asymmetric conversion of linearly polarized waves, respectively. Due to the achieved adjustment of the resonances enabling the rotation of the polarization plane simultaneously for both orthogonal polarizations of the incident wave, the symmetric polarization-plane rotation functionality can be obtained within one subwavelength band, whereas the asymmetric polarization-plane rotation functionality associated with the asymmetric transmission is obtained within another subwavelength band. This combination of the functionalities in one subdiffraction structure is possible due to the optimal choice of the grid parameters, since they may strongly affect the coupling between the two resonator arrays. Although normal incidence is required for the targeted bifunctionality, the variations of the incidence angle can also be exploited for the enrichment of the overall functional capability. Variations of the polarization angle give another important degree of freedom. The connection between the polarization-angle dependence of cross-polarized transmission and capability of symmetric and asymmetric polarization-plane rotation functionalities is highlighted. The feasible designs of the bifunctional metasurfaces are discussed.