Publication: 45-GHz bandwidth-efficiency resonant-cavity-enhanced ITO-Schottky photodiodes
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High-speed Schottky photodiodes suffer from low efficiency mainly due to the thin absorption layers and the semitransparent Schottky-contact metals. We have designed, fabricated and characterized high-speed and high-efficiency AlGaAs-GaAs-based Schottky photodiodes using transparent indium-tin-oxide Schottky contact material and resonant cavity enhanced detector structure. The measured devices displayed resonance peaks around 820 nm with 75% maximum peak efficiency and an experimental setup limited temporal response of 11 ps pulsewidth. The resulting 45-GHz bandwidth-efficiency product obtained from these devices corresponds to the best performance reported to date for vertically illuminated Schottky photodiodes.
Bandwidth-efficiency, High-speed, Indium-tin-oxide, Photodetect ors, Photodiodes, Resonant-cavity enhancement, Schottky photodiode, Aluminum gallium arsenide, Indium tin oxide, Cavity resonators, Photodetectors, Quantum efficiency, Resonance, Scanning electron microscopy, Schottky barrier diodes, Semiconducting aluminum compounds, Semiconducting gallium arsenide, Semiconducting indium compounds, Photodiodes