Özbay, Ekmel

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Now showing 1 - 10 of 455
  • PublicationOpen Access
    BaTiO3 based photonic time crystal and momentum stop band
    (Taylor & Francis, 2020-04) Özer, Z.; Mamedov, Amirullah M.; Özbay, Ekmel; Özbay, Ekmel
    Temporally periodic photonic crystals develop an ω-k dispersion relation with momentum band gaps. While conventional photonic crystals induce forbidden bands in the frequency spectrum of photons, photonic time crystals create forbidden regions in the momentum spectrum of photons. This effect allows for enhanced control over many optical processes that require both photonic energy and momentum conservations such as nonlinear harmonic generation. The simulation results show that more intensive scatter fields can obtained in photonic space time crystal. Also, we investigate topological phase transitions of photonic time crystals systems.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Electron spectroscopy and the electronic structure of KNbO3: First principle calculations
    (Taylor & Francis Online, 2014) Simsek S.; Koc, H.; Trepakov, V. A.; Mamedov, A. M.; Özbay, Ekmel; Özbay, Ekmel
    The electronic structures of KNbO3were calculated within the density functional theory, and their evolution was analyzed as the crystal-field symmetry changes from cubic to rhombohedral via tetragonal phase. We carried out electron-energy loss spectroscopy experiments by using synchrotron radiation and compared the results with the theoretical spectra calculated within Density Functional Theory. The dominant role of the NbO6 octahedra in the formation of the energy spectra of KNbO3compound was demonstrated. The anomalous behavior of plasmons in ferroelectrics was exhibited by the function representing the characteristic energy loss in the region of phase transition. © 2014 Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Fibonacci sequences quasiperiodic A5B6C7 ferroelectric based photonic crystal: FDTD analysis
    (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2017) Simsek S.; Palaz S.; Mamedov, A. M.; Özbay, Ekmel; Özbay, Ekmel
    In this study, we present an investigation of the optical properties and band structures for the conventional and Fibonacci photonic crystals (PCs) based on some A5B6C7 ferroelectrics (SbSBr and BiTeCl). Here, we use one dimensional SbSBr and BiTeCl based layers in air background. We have theoretically calculated the photonic band structure and transmission spectra of SbSBr and BiTeCl based PC superlattices. The position of minima in the transmission spectrum correlates with the gaps obtained in the calculation. The intensity of the transmission depths is more intense in the case of higher refractive index contrast between the layers. In our simulation, we employed the finite-difference time domain technique and the plane wave expansion method, which implies the solution of Maxwell equations with centered finite-difference expressions for the space and time derivatives.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    High-speed 1.55 μm operation of low-temperature-grown GaAs-based resonant-cavity-enhanced p-i-n photodiodes
    (American Institute of Physics, 2004) Butun, B.; Bıyıklı, Necmi; Kimukin, I.; Aytur, O.; Özbay, Ekmel; Postigo, P. A.; Silveira, J. P.; Alija, A. R.; Özbay, Ekmel
    The 1.55 μm high-speed operation of GaAs-based p-i-n photodiodes was demonstrated and their design, growth and fabrication were discussed. A resonant-cavity-detector structure was used to selectively enhance the photoresponse at 1.55 μm. The bottom mirror of the resonant cavity was formed by a highly reflecting 15-pair GaAs/AlAs Bragg mirror and molecular-beam epitaxy was used for wafer growth. It was found that the fabricated devices exhibited a resonance of around 1548 nm and an enhancement factor of 7.5 was achieved when compared to the efficiency of a single-pass detector.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Broadband quarter-wave plates at near-infrared using high-contrast gratings
    (2013) Mutlu, M.; Akosman, A.E.; Kurt G.; Gokkavas, M.; Özbay, Ekmel; Özbay, Ekmel
    In this paper, we report the theoretical and experimental possibility of achieving a quarter-wave plate regime by using high-contrast gratings, which are binary, vertical, periodic, near-wavelength, and two-dimensional high refractive index gratings. Here, we investigate the characteristics of two distinct designs, the first one being composed of silicon-dioxide and silicon, and the second one being composed of silicon and sapphire. The suggested quarter-wave plate regime is achieved by the simultaneous optimization of the transverse electric and transverse magnetic transmission coefficients, TTE and TTM, respectively, and the phase difference between these transmission coefficients, such that |TTM| ≅ |TTE| and \TTM - \TTE ≅ -/2. As a result, a unity circular polarization conversion efficiency is achieved atλ0 = 1.55 μm for both designs. For the first design, we show the obtaining of unity conversion efficiency by using a theoretical approach, which is inspired by the periodic waveguide interpretation, and rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA). For the second design, we demonstrate the unity conversion efficiency by using the results of finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations. Furthermore, the FDTD simulations, where material dispersion is taken into account, suggest that an operation percent bandwidth of 51% can be achieved for the first design, where the experimental results for the second design yield a bandwidth of 33%. In this context, we define the operation regime as the wavelength band for which the circular conversion efficiency is larger than 0.9. © 2013 SPIE.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Defect structures in a layer-by-layer photonic band-gap crystal
    (American Physical Society, 1995) Özbay, Ekmel; Tuttle, G.; Sigalas, M.; Soukoulis, C. M.; Ho, K. M.; Özbay, Ekmel
    We have experimentally and theoretically investigated defect structures that are incorporated into a three-dimensional layer-by-layer photonic band-gap crystal. The defects are formed by either adding or removing dielectric material to or from the crystal. For both cases, we observed localized modes with frequencies that lie within the forbidden band gap of the pure crystal. Relatively high peak transmission (10 dB below the incident signal), and high quality factors (2000) have been measured. These measurements were in good agreement with theoretical simulations. Theoretical calculations also predict very high (Q>106) quality factors for certain cavity structures. © 1995 The American Physical Society.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Comparison of back and top gating schemes with tunable graphene fractal metasurfaces
    (American Chemical Society, 2016) Aygar, A. M.; Balci, O.; Cakmakyapan, S.; Kocabas, C.; Caglayan, H.; Özbay, Ekmel; Özbay, Ekmel
    In this work, fractal metasurfaces that consist of periodic gold squares on graphene are used to increase light-graphene interaction. We show by simulations and experiments that higher level fractal structures result in higher spectral tunability of resonance wavelength. This is explained by higher field localization for higher level fractal structures. Furthermore, spectral tunability of fractal metasurfaces integrated with graphene is investigated comparing two different schemes for electrostatic gating. Experiment results show that a top-gated device yields more spectral tunability (8% of resonance wavelength) while requiring much smaller gate voltages compared to the back-gated device. © 2016 American Chemical Society.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Composite chiral metamaterials with negative refractive index and high values of the figure of merit
    (Optical Society of America, 2012) Li, Z.; Caglayan, H.; Alici, K. B.; Kafesaki, M.; Soukoulis, C. M.; Özbay, Ekmel; Özbay, Ekmel
    A composite chiral metamaterial (CCMM) is designed and studied both numerically and experimentally. The CCMM is constructed by the combination of a continuous metallic wires structure and a purely chiral metamaterial (CMM) that consists of conjugated Rosettes. For the CMM, only very small, useful bands of negative index can be obtained for circularly polarized waves. These bands are all above the chiral resonance frequencies because of the high value of the effective parameter of relative permittivity epsilon. After the addition of the continuous metallic wires, which provide negative permittivity, the high value of epsilon can be partially compensated. Thus, a negative index band for the left circularly polarized wave that is below the chiral resonance frequency is obtained for the CCMM. At the same time, a negative index band for the right circularly polarized wave that is above the chiral resonance frequency is also obtained. Furthermore, both negative index bands correspond to the transmission peaks and have high values of the figure of merit. Therefore, the CCMM design that is proposed here is more suitable than the CMM for the construction of chiral metamaterials with a negative index. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Distributed strain sensing by frequency-selective fading in phase-OTDR
    (IEEE, 2024-10-29) Yıldız, Muhammed Kaan; Uyar, Faruk; Kartaloğlu, Tolga; Özbay, Ekmel; Özdür, İbrahim; Özbay, Ekmel
    We demonstrate a novel approach using frequency-selective fading in phase-OTDR systems to measure dynamic strain on a fiber optic cable. We present the measurements of 200 Hz, 0.03 με strain at 2 kHz interrogation frequency. CLEO 2024 © Optica Publishing Group 2024 © 2024 The Author(s)
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Leakage current by Frenkel-Poole emission in Ni/Au Schottky contacts on Al0.83In0.17N/AlN/GaN heterostructures
    (AIP Publishing LLC, 2009-04-08) Arslan, E.; Bütün, S.; Özbay, Ekmel; Özbay, Ekmel
    In order to determine the reverse-bias leakage current mechanisms in Schottky diodes on Al0.83In0.17N/AlN/GaN heterostructures, the temperature-dependent current-voltage measurements were performed in the temperature range of 250-375 K. In this temperature range, the leakage current was found to be in agreement with the predicted characteristics, which is based on the Frenkel-Poole emission model. The analysis of the reverse current-voltage characteristics dictates that the main process in leakage current flow is the emission of electrons from a trapped state near the metal-semiconductor interface into a continuum of states which associated with each conductive dislocation.