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Item Open Access The appeal of social capital: analyzing the conceptualization of the concept(2018-05) Erden, Veysel YiğitThis thesis aims to make an analysis of conceptualization and operationalization of the concept of ‘social capital’ in the social sciences. Therefore, this thesis looks for answers to the questions such as why the scientific community focused on the conceptualization and operationalization of this concept more frequently compared to several other concepts which could have gained popularity in social science literature, and how and why the number of references to the concept of social capital started to increase dramatically in literature during the 1990s and 2000s. For answering the two main questions of this thesis, the most cited academic studies according to Google Scholar were examined in detail to comprehend the main framework used by wellknown scholars to conceptualize and operationalize the concept of social capital. This thesis identified that the scientific community focused on the conceptualization and operationalization of the concept of social capital due to the explanatory power of the concept as opposed to concepts such as financial capital, physical capital and human capital for the transformation in and complexity of industrial societies. It does so by also examining the types of and questions around measurement while using the concept. Other concepts were considered as less comprehensive for explaining the transformation processes especially in economic development, employment, poverty alleviation and democracy at the micro and macro levels in the modern world. Furthermore, by operationalizing social capital as the independent variable, scholars were also able to capture the post-1990 transformations in the advanced industrialized world better, especially when holding other variables constant. Thus, both its explanatory power and the shortcomings of the other concepts in capturing the transformation led to its appeal.Item Open Access Cognitive and emotional representations of terror attacks: a cross-cultural exploration(Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2007) Shiloh, S.; Güvenç, G.; Önkal D.A questionnaire measuring cognitive and affective representations of terror risk was developed and tested in Turkey and Israel. Participants in the study were university students from the two countries (n = 351). Four equivalent factors explained terror risk cognitions in each sample: costs, vulnerability, trust, and control. A single negative emotionality factor explained the affective component of terror risk representations in both samples. All factors except control could be measured reliably. Results supported the validity of the questionnaire by showing expected associations between cognitions and emotions, as well as indicating gender differences and cultural variations. Current findings are discussed in relation to previous results, theoretical approaches, and practical implications.Item Open Access The development of trust judgements about lie-tellers during middle childhood(2021-06) Bahar, Aslı YaseminThis thesis investigates children's trust evaluations for lie-tellers across three ages (7-,9-, and 11-year-olds) and a number of social situations. A total of 145 primary school children were tested on a Lie-Telling Evaluation Task (LET), created by the researchers, and classical interpretive ToM tasks. Lie-Telling Evaluation Task (LET) included eight short stories in which the protagonist lied. Half of the stories involved a culturally-appropriate lie, whereas the other half showcased a self-oriented lie: The participants were asked to rate their reliability and emotional trust towards the protagonist. Parents' general parenting styles and lie-telling behavior towards their children for instrumental purposes during preschool was investigated. The analysis focused on children's trust evaluations on three lie scenarios: avoiding punishment, avoiding shame, and being polite. Results indicated that children reported all lie-tellers as untrustworthy, yet lie scenario had a significant effect on trust judgements. There was also an interaction of lie scenario and age such that children's trust evaluations for a protagonist lying to avoid punishment and to be polite decreased with age while children's trust evaluations for a protagonist lying to avoid shame increased. Children' s total ToM abilities, parenting styles and parents' instrumental use of threat lies were not related to children's trust for the above three scenarios. However, parents' instrumental use of threat lies towards their children indirectly affected the influence of children's overall ToM performance on their trust evaluations for lie-tellers lying to avoid punishment.Item Open Access Dünya politikasında güvenlik ikilemleri: çatışan anlayışlar, değişen örnekler ve kavramın geleceğine yönelik bir çalışma(Uluslararası Stratejik Araştırmalar Kurumu, 2015) Bilgiç, AliBu çalışmada, güvenlik ikilemi kavramının tarihsel gelişimi ve değişimi, devletler, toplumlar, ve bireyler arası çok boyutluluğu ve çerçevesiyle birlikte güvenlik çalışmalarının analitik çerçevesinin genişlemesine paralel olarak tartışılacaktır. Tartışma, realist anlayışının egemen olduğu ilk dönem olan kavramın doğuşunun açıklanmasıyla başlayacaktır. İkinci adım ise Soğuk Savaş Sonrası Güvenlik İkilemine Yaklaşımlar başlığını taşımaktadır. Bu adımda, Soğuk Savaş sonrası dünyada öne çıkan yeni güvenlik sorunları ve Uluslararası İlişkiler disiplini içindeki güvenlik anlayışının gelişmesine paralel olarak güvenlik ikilemi kavramındaki değişiklikler irdelenecektir. Güvenlik İkileminin Yeniden Düşünülmesi adı altındaki üçüncü adımda, kavramın son yıllarda nasıl kökünden değiştirildiği açıklanacaktır. Bölümün sonunda, güvenlik ikilemi kavramının geleceği ile ilgili sorulara ışık tutulacaktır. Bu çalışmada yararlanılacak örnek olaylar ise Yedi Yıl Savaşları, Soğuk Savaş’ın başlangıç safhası, Küba Füze Krizi, Yugoslavya’nın parçalanma süreci ve Avrupa Birliği’nin inşa aşamaları olacaktır. Makale kavramın geleceğine yönelik soruların tartışılmasıyla sonlandırılacaktırItem Open Access Globalization and the inward flow of immigrants: Issues associated with the inpatriation of global managers(Wiley, 2011) Harvey, M.; Kiessling, T.; Moeller, M.Assembling a diverse global workforce is becoming a critical dimension in gaining successful global performance. In the past, staffing has focused on control of the multinational organization as the primary goal when staffing overseas positions. As organizations globalize their operations, the goal of staffing is shifting from control to diversity, which in turn will provide the global organization with a means to gain/maintain competitive advantage. This diversity will be accomplished by integrating foreigners into the home country organization (i.e., inpatriation) through a permanent assignment. This article examines the inward flow of inpatriate managers by using social learning theory as a lens to better understand the means to integrate foreign managers into the domestic organization culture. The stages that inpatriate managers will go through (i.e., survival, integration, acculturation, and pluralistic integration) are explored to ascertain how to effectively utilize these global managers.Item Open Access A Greek–Turkish peace project: assessing the effectiveness of interactive conflict resolution(Routledge, 2015) Cuhadar E.; Genc, O. G.; Kotelis, A.This paper evaluates a Greek–Turkish peace project, which was composed of three interactive workshops and was held with university students from Greece and Turkey. We evaluate the project by combining a two-way evaluation methodology. The first is a process evaluation where we examine the project’s ‘theory of change’ through interviews with the organizers and participant observation. A theory of change map has been created as a result depicting the beliefs of the organizers about the conflict, the conditions they see as necessary to transform the conflict, the programmatic activities and macro-level goals. In the second part, we conduct an outcome evaluation measuring empathy and trust towards the members of the other ethnic group. We employ a two-group, post-test experimental design. The findings of this phase suggest that the participant group has significantly higher level of empathy and trust towards the other group than the non-participants. Finally, we compare the results from the two phases of evaluation and draw both practical lessons for peace practitioners and theoretical implications to guide future research.Item Open Access “Güvenlik ikilemi”ni yeniden düşünmek güvenlik çalışmaları’nda yeni bir perspektif(Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği İktisadi İşletmesi, 2011) Bilgiç, AliBu makale, yarım yüzyıl önce oluşturulan, sürekli geliştirilen ve son yıllarda yeniden düşünülen “güvenlik ikilemi” kavramının değişimini üç ana başlıkta incelemektedir. İlk dönemde kavram, Soğuk Savaş dönemi güvenlik anlayışıyla oluşturulmuştur. İkinci dönem, dünya siyasetine egemen olan yeni güvenlik sorunları ve buna paralel olarak Uluslararası İlişkiler disiplinindeki güvenlik anlayışının genişlemesiyle, kavramın zenginleştiği dönemdir. Son dönem, “güvenlik ikilemi”nin kökünden değiştirildiği, yeniden düşünüldüğü ve yeni fikirlerle beslendiği dönemdir. Bu yeni fikirler içinde, disiplinde kısıtlı olarak çalışılan “güven” kavramı güvenlik ikilemlerinin aşılması için önerilmiştir. “Güvenlik İkilemi” yeniden düşünülmüş haliyle, güvenliğin ve güvensizliğin anlaşılması, çalışılması ve yeniden düşünülmesi için yeni bir perspektif sunmaktadır.Item Open Access Morality in competition law: the culture of honesty and trust in consumer protection(Athens Institute for Education and Research, 2021-04) Uçaryılmaz, TalyaRecent works in legal scholarship have shifted the focus of competition law to the economic analysis of law. Yet today we face the revival of the fairness concerns in competition polices. This article concerns itself with the nature of the interdependent relationship between competition law and consumer protection law as ancillary to the necessary relationship between law and morality. Hereby it aims to revisit their raison d’être to discuss that fairness and equity do not lack economic foundations. For an efficient market structure, private property and good faith in contractual relations are essential. This article aims to scrutinise the latter, while showing its objective criteria: Honesty, trust and reasonableness, as the moral essence of competition and consumer protection laws. These criteria provide efficient means to address moral aspects of fairness in competition law as it is best illustrated within its relation to consumer protection without compromising their economic foundations.Item Open Access ‘Real people in real places’: conceptualizing power for emancipatory security through Tahrir(Sage Publications Ltd., 2015) Bilgic, A.The objective of emancipatory security theory is to examine the insecurities of individuals and social groups that stem from oppressive power processes, relations, and structures. However, the image of power in emancipatory security studies does not correspond to such a normative and analytical motivation. This renders the theory susceptible to substantial criticism on the grounds of inadequate analysis of resisting individuals as agents of security in their own localities. To address this issue, the present article conceptualizes ‘emancipatory power’. In this exercise, Hannah Arendt’s understanding of power, enriched by Judith Butler’s concept of performativity and feminist insights, will be used as the theoretical foundation to tailor collective power based on trust in a ‘moment’ of emancipation. Collective power will be illustrated by references to the protests in Cairo’s Tahrir Square in 2011.Item Open Access The role of emotional commitment in relationship marketing: an empirical investigation of a loyalty model for casinos(SAGE Publications Inc., 2003) Sui, J. J.; Baloglu, S.This study examines the antecedents and consequences of commitment to hotel casinos targeting local customers. To accomplish this goal, a model of loyalty was developed and tested to understand the behavioral outcomes (benefits) of building relationships with lo- cal customers and what elements contribute to these behavioral outcomes. The results of path analysis showed that emotional attachment is a key mediating variable between attitudinal antecedents (trust and switching costs) and behavioral variables (proportion of visit, word of mouth, cooperation, time spent in casinos, and other product usage). The most influential variables on behavioral outcomes of loyalty were found to be trust and emotional attachment. The study contributes to services and casino marketing by validating empirical linkages in gaming context and providing empirical support for conceptualized differential effects of trust and switching cost on emotional attachment and behavioral outcomes of loyalty in services marketing literature. Theoretical and practical implications and future research issues are discussed. © 2003 International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education.Item Unknown Security through trust-building in the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation: two perspectives for the partnership(Routledge, 2010-12) Bilgic, A.Trust-building creates puzzles for analysts in relation to what kind of trust is built in world politics, between whom, and to what end. This article studies two types of trust in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: rationalist trust which characterizes inter-state cooperation to protect order and cosmopolitan trust which reveals the emancipatory potential of political structures that aim to achieve more security for individuals. In this study, two types of trust will be illustrated in the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation by analyzing the link between security and trust. It is argued that while rationalist trust between states with 'security as order' rationality reconstructs the status quo in North African countries, cosmopolitan trust with 'security as emancipation' rationality toward North African individuals has the potential to transform these countries' political structures.Item Unknown Sponsored content as a two-edged sword: determinants of its credibility and trustability(2016-12) Altun, İpekThis thesis aims to examine the perceived credibility and trust assessments of sponsored content regarding the image of a sponsored brand. This examination consists of two-legged studies. By using a between-subjects experiment design, the first study compared the perceived credibility and trust assessments of an editorial content and a sponsored content. The findings show that Turkish participants find sponsored content as credible and trustable as editorial content. The second study explored perceived credibility and trust assessments of two sponsored contents, one belonging to a global technology brand and the other sponsored by a local telecommunications brand which recently experienced a reputation crisis. It also investigated image assessments of these brands. The results revealed that there is no difference between two brands in terms of perceived credibility assessments of their sponsored contents. The images of both brands are positively correlated with the perceived credibility of their sponsored contents. The impact of experiencing a reputation crisis only becomes evident when rating the image of the local brand in question. Those who had information about the reputation crisis rate the image of local brand lower compared to the ones who did not have information about the reputation crisis. However, there is no difference between the images of two brands, and people tend to trust more the sponsored content of the local brand. Additionally, both studies briefly examined the ability of noticing sponsored content and the results displayed that majority of participants are able to notice what they read is a sponsored content.Item Unknown Temporal dynamics of trust in ongoing inter-organizational relationships(Elsevier, 2013-08) Ekici, A.This paper reports the results of a qualitative study undertaken to understand the nature of trust and its consequences for both suppliers and buyers in short term (relatively new) and long term (older/more mature) relationships in inter-organizational contexts. Scholars have recently pointed out the importance of research that investigates the temporal characteristics and dynamics of trust in inter-organizational studies. Our paper responds to this call by indentifying the changing nature of the level of trust as the buyer–supplier relationship matures. Our findings contribute to sparse and conflicting previous research on the relationship between length of partnership and perceptions of trust, types of dark side consequences of trusting relationships, and reasons buyers and suppliers continue or terminate low/no-trust associations. Specifically, we illustrate that buyers and suppliers draw on substantially different metaphors for understanding the nature of trust in long and short term exchange relationships. Suppliers see marked differences in trust with long term versus short term exchange partners, while buyers see little or no difference. Suppliers and buyers also appear to have different conceptions of how trust is nested (or not) within the broader economic and/or personal relationship. Through our inductive model, we elaborate several types of betrayal and disappointment, distinguish several factors that lead suppliers and buyers to stay in relationships with partners they don't trust, and identify key issues that topple untrusting relationships into terminated relationships.Item Unknown Trust in world politics: converting 'identity' into a source of security through trust-learning(Routledge, 2014) Bilgic, A.In the discipline of international relations, the concept of trust has been theorised in two ways: the 'rationalist' approach and the 'normative' approach. This article aims to show that these approaches do not adequately reflect how trust operates in world politics and that trust provides a new way of understanding the identity-security nexus in international relations. It is argued that as actors learn to trust each other, this trust-learning process has a transformative effect on their definition of self-interests and identities. The elaborated understanding of trust in the security dilemma is operationalised in terms of the immigration security dilemma.Item Unknown Trust made the difference for democracies in COVID-19(Elsevier, 2022-08-26) Bollyky, Thomas J.; Angelino, Olivia; Wigley, Simon; Dieleman, Joseph L.