Browsing by Subject "Microchannels"
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Item Open Access Assessment of PMMA and polystyrene based microfluidic chips fabricated using CO2 laser machining(Elsevier, 2020-08-19) Bilican, İsmail; Güler, Mustafa TahsinLaser machining could be an alternative way for the fabrication of microchannels. In this study, laser machining of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and polystyrene (PS) substrates were characterized in detail. A fabrication method preventing leakage at PS microchannel inlets was developed. The effect of laser parameters (power, speed and frequency) on engraving was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Laser ablation mechanism of both materials was explained through thermal analysis and material properties. Defocusing the laser beam was also analyzed as an additional parameter affecting the channel profile. Two parameters affecting the resolution were analyzed which are the minimum channel size that can be achieved by the laser beam and x-y stage of the laser engraver for straight and complex microchannel geometries. The hydrophilicity of the surface before and after laser machining was tested with contact angle measurements. The capabilities/limitations of machining were revealed through some complex channel structures. Finally, a passive micromixer and a droplet generator microfluidic devices were manufactured and tested, and promising results were obtained.Item Open Access Effects of field plate on the maximum temperature and temperature distribution for gan HEMT devices(American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016) Kara D.; Donmezer N.; Canan, Talha Furkan; Şen, Özlem; Özbay, EkmelField plated GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are widely preferred amongst other GaN HEMT devices because of their ability to regulate electric field at high power densities. When operated at high power densities, GaN HEMTs suffer significantly from the concentrated heating effects in a small region called hotspot located closer to the drain edge of the gate. Although; the stabilizing effect of field plate on the electrical field distribution in HEMTs is known by researchers, its effect on temperature distribution and the hotspot temperature is still not studied to a greater extend. For this purpose, finite element thermal modelling of devices with different sizes of field plates are performed using the joule heating distribution data obtained from 2D electrical simulations. Results obtained from such combined model show that the existence of a field plate changes the electrical field, therefore the heat generation distribution within device. Moreover; increasing the size of the field plate has an effect on the maximum temperature at the hotspot region. The results are used to analyze these effects and improve usage of field plates for high electron mobility transistors to obtain better temperature profiles. Copyright © 2016 by ASME.Item Open Access Evaluation of nusselt number for a flow in a microtube with second-order model including thermal creep(ASME, 2012-07) Çetin, BarbarosIn this paper, Nusselt number for a flow in a microtube is determined analytically with a constant wall heat flux thermal boundary condition. The flow assumed to be incompressible, laminar, hydrodynamically and thermally fully-developed. The thermo-physical properties of the fluid are assumed to be constant. The effect of rarefaction, viscous dissipation, axial conduction, which are important at the microscale, are included in the analysis. For the implementation of the rarefaction effect, two different second-order slip models are used for the slip-flow and temperature-jump boundary conditions together with the thermal creep at the wall. Closed form solutions for the fully-developed temperature profile and Nusselt number are derived as a function of Knudsen number, Brinkman number and Peclet number. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.Item Open Access Finite element modeling of micro-particle separation using ultrasonic standing waves(ASME, 2014) Büyükkoçak, S.; Çetin, Barbaros; Özer, M. B.Acoustophoresis which means separation of particles and cells using acoustic waves is becoming an intensive research subject. The method is based on inducing an ultrasonic compression standing wave inside a microchannel. A finite element approach is used to model the acoustic and electro-mechanical behavior of the piezoelectric material, the micro-channel geometry as well as the fluid inside the channel. The choices of silicon and PDMS materials are investigated as the chip materials for the resonator. A separation channel geometry which is commonly used in the literature is implemented in this study and the fluid flow inside the microchannel geometry is simulated using computational fluid dynamics. The acoustic field inside the fluid channel is also be simulated using the finite element method. For the separation process to be successful micro-particles of different diameter groups should end up in different channels of the micro-separator. In order to simulate real life scenarios, each particle size group have a size distribution within themselves. For realistic simulation results the particles will be released into the micro separator from a different starting locations (starting location distribution). The results of this Monte-Carlo based finite element simulation approach will be compared with the reported experimental results.Item Open Access An integrated acoustic and dielectrophoretic particle manipulation in a microfluidic device for particle wash and separation fabricated by mechanical machining(American Institute of Physics Inc., 2016) Çetin B.; Özer, M. B.; Çağatay, E.; Büyükkoçak S.In this study, acoustophoresis and dielectrophoresis are utilized in an integrated manner to combine the two different operations on a single polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) chip in sequential manner, namely, particle wash (buffer exchange) and particle separation. In the washing step, particles are washed with buffer solution with low conductivity for dielectrophoretic based separation to avoid the adverse effects of Joule heating. Acoustic waves generated by piezoelectric material are utilized for washing, which creates standing waves along the whole width of the channel. Coupled electro-mechanical acoustic 3D multi-physics analysis showed that the position and orientation of the piezoelectric actuators are critical for successful operation. A unique mold is designed for the precise alignment of the piezoelectric materials and 3D side-wall electrodes for a highly reproducible fabrication. To achieve the throughput matching of acoustophoresis and dielectrophoresis in the integration, 3D side-wall electrodes are used. The integrated device is fabricated by PDMS molding. The mold of the integrated device is fabricated using high-precision mechanical machining. With a unique mold design, the placements of the two piezoelectric materials and the 3D sidewall electrodes are accomplished during the molding process. It is shown that the proposed device can handle the wash and dielectrophoretic separation successfully. © 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.Item Open Access Laser lithography of monolithically-integrated multi-level microchannels in silicon(Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2024-02-27) Tauseef, Muhammad Ahsan; Asgari Sabet, Rana; Tokel, OnurThe trend toward ever-increased speeds for microelectronics is challenged bythe emergence of heat-wall, leading to the faltering of Moore’s Law. Apotential solution may be integrating microfluidic channels into silicon (Si), todeliver controlled amounts of cooling fluid and regulate hot spots. Suchmeandering microfluidic channels within other transparent materials alreadyplayed significant roles, including in biomedical and sensor applications;however, analogous channel architectures do not exist in Si. Here, a novelmethod is proposed to fabricate buried microchannel arrays monolithicallyintegrated into Si, without altering the wafer surface. A two-step,laser-assisted subtractive removal method is exploited, enabling fully-buriedmulti-level architectures, with control on the channel port geometry, depth,curvature, and aspect ratio. The selective removal rate is 750 μm per h perchannel, and the channel inner-wall roughness is 230 nm. The methodpreserves top wafer surface roughness of 2 nm, with significant potential for3D integrated systems.Item Open Access Modeling of an ac-electro-osmosis based microfluidic mixer(ASME, 2017) Uslu, H. Dilara; Canpolat, Ç.; Çetin, BarbarosThe purpose of this study is presenting an active micromixer, which is based on AC electro-osmotic flow driven on 3D micro wires. In order to solve governing equations of AC electroosmosis, a commercial software COMSOL Multiphysics® is implemented. Different wire configurations with various imposed electric fields and flow rates are tested for evaluating mixing efficiencies. The analyses show that mixing performance is significantly improved by number of the wires as well as wire orientation. It is also revealed that the degree of mixing can also be controlled by the tuning of the applied voltage for a given flow rate.Item Open Access Modeling of electro-kinetic motion of Janus droplet(ASME, 2017) Öner, S. Doğan; Çetin, BarbarosElectro-kinetic manipulation Janus particles and droplets has attracted attention in recent years due to their potential application in microfluidics. Due to the presence of two different zone on the surface of particles with different charge distribution, the motion of the Janus particles are quite different than the that of regular particles. Therefore; the fundamental understanding of this motion is the key element for the further development of the microfluidic systems with Janus particles. In present study, electro-kinetic motion of Janus droplets inside a micro-channel is modeled using boundary element formulation. 2D formulation is verified against the reported experimental data in the literature. Results show that the 2D boundary element formulation is successful for the prediction of the electrophoretic velocity of the Janus droplets. The current formulation has a potential to model non-spherical particles and to study particle-particle and particle-wall interactions.Item Open Access Modeling of evaporation from a sessile constant shape droplet(ASME, 2017) Akkuş, Y.; Çetin, Barbaros; Dursunkaya, Z.In this study, a computational model for the evaporation from a sessile liquid droplet fed from the center to keep the diameter of the droplet constant is presented. The continuity, momentum and energy equations are solved with temperature dependent thermo-physical properties using COMSOL Multi-physics. At the surface of the droplet, convective heat and evaporative mass fluxes are assigned. Since the flow field is affected by evaporative flux, an iterative scheme is built and the computation is automated using COMSOL-MATLAB interface. Correlations are implemented to predict the convective heat transfer coefficients and evaporative flux. Three different wall temperatures are used in simulations. The results show that the flow inside the droplet is dominated by buoyancy when the effect of the thermo-capillarity is neglected. The resulting flow generates a circulation pattern emerging from the entrance to the apex, along the surface of the droplet to the bottom heated wall and back to the entrance.Item Open Access Numerical analysis of mixing performance in sinusoidal microchannels based on particle motion in droplets(Springer Verlag, 2015) Özkan, A.; Erdem, E. Y.This numerical study was conducted to analyze and understand the parameters that affect the mixing performance of droplet-based flow in sinusoidal microfluidic channels. Finite element analysis was used for modeling fluid flow and droplet formation inside the microchannels via tracking interface between the two heterogeneous fluids along with multiple particle trajectories inside a droplet. The solutions of multiphase fluid flow and particle trajectories were coupled with each other so that drag on every single particle changed in every time step. To solve fluid motion in multiphase flow, level set method was used. Parametric study was repeated for different channel dimensions and different sinusoidal channel profiles. These results were compared with mixing in droplets inside a straight microchannel. Additionally, tracking of multiple particles inside a droplet was performed to simulate the circulating flow profile inside the droplets. Based on the calculation of the dispersion length, particle trajectories, and velocities inside droplets, it is concluded that having smaller channel geometries increases the mixing performance inside the droplet. This also shows that droplet-based fluid flow in microchannels is very suitable for performing chemical reactions inside droplets as it will occur faster. Moreover, narrower and sinusoidal microchannels showed better dispersion length difference compared to straight and wider microchannels.Item Open Access Numerical modeling of ultrasonic particle manipulation for microfluidic applications(Springer Verlag, 2014) Büyükkoçak S.; Özer, M. B.; Çetin B.A numerical simulation methodology for ultrasonic particle/cell separation and cell washing processes is introduced and validated by comparing with the results from the literature. In this study, a finite element approach is used for modeling fluid flow in a microchannel and analytical relations are utilized for the calculation of the ultrasonic radiation forces. The solutions in acoustic and fluidic domains are coupled, and the particle separation under the influence of ultrasonic waves is numerically simulated. In order to simulate the cell washing process, diffusion and fluid dynamics solutions are coupled and solved. A Monte Carlo approach is chosen where statistical distributions are implemented in the simulations. Uniform distributions for the starting locations of particles/cells in the microchannel and normal distributions for the size of the particles are used in numerical simulations. In each case, 750 particles are used for the simulation, and the performance of separation process is evaluated by checking how many microparticles resulted in the targeted outlet channels. Channel geometries for the numerical simulations are adapted from the experimental studies in literature, and comparison between the reported experimental results and the numerical estimations is performed. It has been observed that the numerical estimations and experimental results from the literature are in good agreement, and the proposed methodology may be implemented as a design tool for ultrasonic particle manipulation for microfluidic applications. © 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.Item Open Access Rapid fabrication of microfluidic PDMS devices from reusable PDMS molds using laser ablation(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2016) Isiksacan, Z.; Guler, M. T.; Aydogdu, B.; Bilican, I.; Elbuken, C.The conventional fabrication methods for microfluidic devices require cleanroom processes that are costly and time-consuming. We present a novel, facile, and low-cost method for rapid fabrication of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) molds and devices. The method consists of three main fabrication steps: female mold (FM), male mold (MM), and chip fabrication. We use a CO2 laser cutter to pattern a thin, spin-coated PDMS layer for FM fabrication. We then obtain reusable PDMS MM from the FM using PDMS/PDMS casting. Finally, a second casting step is used to replicate PDMS devices from the MM. Demolding of one PDMS layer from another is carried out without any potentially hazardous chemical surface treatment. We have successfully demonstrated that this novel method allows fabrication of microfluidic molds and devices with precise dimensions (thickness, width, length) using a single material, PDMS, which is very common across microfluidic laboratories. The whole process, from idea to device testing, can be completed in 1.5 h in a standard laboratory.Item Open Access A simple approach for the fabrication of 3D microelectrodes for impedimetric sensing(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015) Guler, M. T.; Bilican, I.; Agan, S.; Elbuken, C.In this paper, we present a very simple method to fabricate three-dimensional (3D) microelectrodes integrated with microfluidic devices. We form the electrodes by etching a microwire placed across a microchannel. For precise control of the electrode spacing, we employ a hydrodynamic focusing microfluidic device and control the width of the etching solution stream. The focused widths of the etchant solution and the etching time determine the gap formed between the electrodes. Using the same microfluidic device, we can fabricate integrated 3D electrodes with different electrode gaps. We have demonstrated the functionality of these electrodes using an impedimetric particle counting setup. Using 3D microelectrodes with a diameter of 25 μm, we have detected 6 μm-diameter polystyrene beads in a buffer solution as well as erythrocytes in a PBS solution. We study the effect of electrode spacing on the signal-to-noise ratio of the impedance signal and we demonstrate that the smaller the electrode spacing the higher the signal obtained from a single microparticle. The sample stream is introduced to the system using the same hydrodynamic focusing device, which ensures the alignment of the sample in between the electrodes. Utilising a 3D hydrodynamic focusing approach, we force all the particles to go through the sensing region of the electrodes. This fabrication scheme not only provides a very low-cost and easy method for rapid prototyping, but which can also be used for applications requiring 3D electric field focused through a narrow section of the microchannel.Item Open Access Simulation of an integrated microfluidic device for bioparticle wash, separation and concentration(American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2013) Çetin, Barbaros; Büyükkoçak, S.; Zeinali, Soheila; Özer, B.Washing, separation and concentration of bioparticles are key operations for many biological and chemical analyses. In this study, the simulation of an integrated microfluidic device is studied. The proposed device has the capability to wash the bioparticles (transferring the bioparticles from one buffer solution to another), to separate the particles based on their dielectric properties and to concentrate the bioparticles. Washing and concentration of bioparticles are performed by acoustophoresis and the separation is performed by dielectrophoresis. For simulating the flow within the microchannel, a computational fluid dynamics model using COMSOL Multiphysics software is implemented. In order to simulate the particle trajectories under ultrasonic and electric field, point-particle assumption is chosen using MATLAB software. To account for the size variation of the bioparticles, particles with normal size distributions are used in-side the microchannel. The effect of the key design parameters such as flow rate, applied voltage etc. on the performance of the device is discussed. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.Item Open Access A versatile plug microvalve for microfluidic applications(Elsevier, 2017-10) Guler, M. T.; Beyazkilic, P.; Elbuken, C.Most of the available microvalves include complicated fabrication steps and multiple materials. We present a microvalve which is inspired from macroplug valves. The plug microvalve is fabricated by boring a hole through a rigid cylindrical rod and inserting it through a microfluidic chip. It simply functions by rotating the rod which aligns or misaligns the valve port with the microchannel. The rod is made up of a rigid material for applying the valve to an elastic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microchannel. The valve can also be used for a rigid channel by inserting the rod into an elastic tubing. Therefore, the presented microvalve can be used for both elastomeric and thermoplastic channels. The plug microvalve can be applied to a prefabricated microchannel and does not require modification of the mold design. We have verified the repeatability and robustness of the valve by repetitive operation cycles using a servo motor. The plug microvalve is adaptable to numerous microfluidic applications. We have shown three modes of operation for the microvalve including fluid flow control across multiple intersecting channels. Integrating the microvalve to some commonly used microfluidic designs, we demonstrated the versatility and the practicality of the microvalve for controlling flow focusing, microdroplet sorting and rapid chemical agent detection. This low-cost microvalve significantly minimizes the prototyping time for microfluidic systems.