Browsing by Subject "Equality"
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Item Restricted Book Reviews; Class and classless societies(1978) Giddens, AnthonyItem Restricted Book Reviews; Equality and Partiality by Thomas Nagel(1992) Beitz, Charles R.Item Open Access The Cyprus question : latest developments and scenarios(2004) Balcı, MehmetThis thesis evaluates the latest developments on the island while focusing on the reasons of why a solution has not been founded on the island up to now. For the Greek Cypriot Side the objective is, including the whole territory of the island, to establish a sovereign Hellenic Republic in which the Turkish Cypriots are in minority status. In order to achieve this objective, they have pursued different strategies through different period of times and tried to use the EU and the UN through their own benefits. As a consequence of this strategy, the Turkish Cypriot side had been seen as an reluctant side in reaching an agreement in international area until the time at which the Annan Plan was put into referendum. In fact, the objective of Turkish side is no more than to come to an agreement providing the equal status that the 1960 treaties envisaged. The Annan Plan is far away from providing this solution, because it is an incomplete draft similar to previous ones. The reason behind the rejection of the Annan Plan by the Greek side in the referendum is the belief that they will be able to obtain more than it by their recognized position as an legitimate government of Cyprus and the EU membership. Unless the international community accepts the equality of the Turkish Cypriots, it would be very difficult to reach a consensus on the island. The future of the island will depend on not only the manner of both sides but also the third partiesItem Restricted Dr.Sevim Öge: A role model in Atatürk's Turkey(Bilkent University, 2020) Misbah, Renaisantya; Musakhel, Hammad Khan; Kiyani, İbrahim Ahmad; Ahmadzada, AykhanThis paper focuses primarily on the life of Dr. Öge and her endeavors. However, the sole purpose of speaking about Dr. Öge is to speak for the rest of those who were the pioneers of the educational reforms brought in after the declaration of republic of Turkey; namely brought by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. We will observe the transition made through the ages to a modern Turkey where men and women enjoy equal rights - the extermination of sexism and chauvinism.Item Open Access Ensuring multidimensional equality in public service(Elsevier Ltd, 2021-10-23) Akoluk, Damla; Karsu, ÖzlemService planning problems typically involve decisions that lead to the distribution of multiple benefits to multiple users, and hence include equality and efficiency concerns in a multidimensional way. We develop two mathematical modeling-based approaches that incorporate these concerns in such problems. The first formulation aggregates the multidimensional efficiency and equality (equitability) concerns in a biobjective model. The second formulation defines an objective function for each benefit, which maximizes the total social welfare obtained from that specific benefit distribution; this results in an n-objective model, where n is the number of benefits. We illustrate and compare these approaches on an example public service provision problem.Item Open Access In Press, Corrected Proof: Ensuring multidimensional equality in public service(Elsevier, 2021-10-23) Akoluk, Damla; Karsu, ÖzlemService planning problems typically involve decisions that lead to the distribution of multiple benefits to multiple users, and hence include equality and efficiency concerns in a multidimensional way. We develop two mathematical modeling-based approaches that incorporate these concerns in such problems. The first formulation aggregates the multidimensional efficiency and equality (equitability) concerns in a biobjective model. The second formulation defines an objective function for each benefit, which maximizes the total social welfare obtained from that specific benefit distribution; this results in an n-objective model, where n is the number of benefits. We illustrate and compare these approaches on an example public service provision problem.Item Restricted Jasso on distributive justice(1981) Soltan, Karol EdwardItem Restricted Milenyum öncesi Türkiye kadın hareketi ve medyaya yansımaları(Bilkent University, 2020) Erdoğan, Zeynep Hayal; Bozkurt, Ekrem; Atay, Bilge; Uyar, Zeynep Dilbe; Yılmaz, Şevval15 Şubat 1997'de gerçekleşen Şeriata Karşı Kadın Yürüyüşü doksanlı yılların anti-laik politikası ile kadının sosyal ve hukuki alanda geri kalmasına yönelik önemli tepkilerden biridir. Bu araştırmada öncelikle yürüyüşe zemin hazırlayan doksanlı yıllardaki siyasi, sosyal ve hukuki durumu anlatılmıştır. Yürüyüşte yaşananlar, yürüyüşün Tertip Komitesi Başkanı Şenal Sarıhan ve Tertip Komitesi üyesi olan Selma Çiçekçi ve yürüyüş katılımcılarından dönemin TBMM Başkan Vekili Uluç Gürkan ile yapılan röportaj sonucunda elde edilen bilgilerle ayrıntılı olarak anlatılmıştır. Röportajın yanı sıra dönemin gazete haberleri analiz edilerek yürüyüşe farklı ideolojilerden gelen tepkiler araştırılmıştır. Makalenin son kısmında yürüyüşün siyasal, toplumsal ve hukuki açıdan etkileri ele alınmıştır.Item Open Access Minority rights regime in Turkey and the European regional organizations(2004) Soner, B. AliThis thesis examines the framework of minority rights in the context of Turkey and the European-regional organizations focusing on the ways of accommodating two interrelated dimensions of minority conditions: citizenship equality and ethno-cultural particularity. Due to fact that ideological discourse and practices of nation-state system have often conflated ^^citizenship” (statemembership) and ^‘nationality” (ethno-cultural membership), the possibility of developing genuine equality in ethno-culturally diverse circumstances has depended on the capacity to create a true reconciliation between citizenship equality and ethno-cultural particularity. This thesis affirmed that norms, principles, practices and instruments adopted in the European-regional organizations have largely reconciled citizenship equality and ethno-cultural diversity. The two concepts, however, have often excluded each other in the Turkish context where the principle of equality has usually been conflated with national uniformity while ethno-cultural diversity has frequently been associated with practices of inegalitarian treatment. It is only under the influence of EU integration that legal-political framework and practices of Turkish regime began to take substantive steps in the direction of reconciling citizenship equality with ethno-cultural, religious and linguistic particularities.Item Restricted Notes on some problems in the humanities today(1974) Marcus, StevenItem Open Access Patriarchy(SAGE Publications, Inc., 2004) Winter, Thomas; Carroll, Bret E.Patriarchy—the governance of the household and its members by the male paterfamilias(father of the family), and the social relations this arrangement entails—has empowered men in both private and public life and defined male gender identity throughout U.S. history. A male-governed household has often been perceived as a model of good public order. Patriarchy, while supporting social hierarchies and power relationships based on gender, has also served as a foundation for power systems based on race, ethnicity, and class, and thus created the impression that social hierarchies based on these categories are part of the natural order. Women, nonwhites, and other disempowered groups, however, have challenged patriarchal power.Item Restricted The impact of legal reforms on women's rights in education and their implementation in social norms in Turkey (1923-1986)(Bilkent University, 2025) Azizli, Amina; Vu, Le Minh Vu; Ivanov, Lev; Orujova, KhadijaStarting from the establishment of Turkey, education reforms enhanced opportunities for women, encouraging progress and equality. This paper explores the evolution of women's roles in Turkish society, with a focus on the legal reforms introduced through the Turkish Civil Code in 1926. Inspired by the Swiss Civil Code, these reforms addressed gender inequality by establishing women's rights in both family and personal spheres, which consequently facilitated progress in education and developed women's roles in the workforce. The study highlights the rise in women's education and career opportunities, despite the challenges of regional differences and traditional societal norm.Item Open Access The transformation of western European social democracy and its reflections on Turkish center-left(1999) Evcan, SinanThis master’s thesis is a general overview of the practical and ideological implications of the post-1980 transformation of Western European social democratic parties with specific reference to Britain, Germany and Sweden and the reflections of this transformation on Turkish center-left parties. Within this framework, the roots and developmental trend of Western European Social Democracy have been narrated throughout the first chapter of this study to clarify which social democratic principles and policies have changed during the most recent transformation of these parties. In the following chapters, which concentrate on the post-1980 period, the reasons for the electoral erosion of the Northwestern European social democratic parties during the 1980’s and the way they transformed themselves during the 1990’s to stop the decline have been analysed with reference to societal and economic changes on the one hand and to the strategical and structural changes of the parties on the other. The implications of these changes in terms of the shift in the equality principle and the changing function of pragmatism have been highlighted to draw a main profile of the social democratic transformation often referred to as the “Third Way”. The last part of my study focuses on the common and divergent patterns of the Turkish and Western European center-left, both past and present, and compares the current situation of the so-called social democratic parties in Turkey with those of Western Europe presently being conquered by a la mode Third Way currents.Item Restricted Türk ordusunun parlayan yıldızı: Milli Savunma Üniversitesi Hava Harp Okulunun pilot eğitimine etkisi ve Türk havacılığına katkıları(Bilkent University, 2025) Bilgi, Ferit; Özcan, Umut Çağın; Korkmaz, Yusuf Yiğit; Şimşek, Alper; Serpen, Mehmet Umut1951’de kurulan Hava Harp Okulunun 1990-2000 dönemi reformları, mühendislik ve İngilizce derslerinin ağırlığı, kadın subay alımları ve liderlik eğitimini öne çıkararak Türk havacılığının modernleşmesine hız vermiştir. Arşiv ve gazete kaynaklarına dayanan bu çalışma, söz konusu reformların Türk Hava Kuvvetlerine nitelikli pilotlar kazandırarak ulusal savunmayı nasıl güçlendirdiğini göstermektedir.Item Restricted Türk yargı sisteminde kadının yeri: Tülay Çetin ve Şenal Sarıhan örnekleri(Bilkent University, 2022) Çelik, Azra Şebnem; Yüksel, Ece; Gül, Sinem Beyza; Çetin, Taha Emir; Urhanoğlu, OnurHukuk toplumun yapı taşını oluşturmaktadır. Kadın ve erkek toplumu oluşturan iki unsurdur. Bu nedenle hukuk hem kadın hem erkek üzerinde hak ve sorumluluklarını eşit olarak doğurmaktadır. Makalede ilk olarak hukukta kadının temsilinin tarihsel gelişimi ve akademide kadının yeri incelenmiştir. Toplum hayatını oluşturan unsurlardan biri olan kadının, hukuktaki rolünün anlaşılabilmesi için yargı sistemindeki yeri önem arz etmektedir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda uzun yıllardır mesleğini icra eden Tülay Çetin ve Şenal Sarıhan ile görüşülmüştür. Yargı sistemindeki eril yapı gözetilerek kadınların yargıdaki varlığı değerlendirilmiştir. Bu değerlendirme akademi ve yargı üzerinden yapılmış ancak yargı üzerinde yoğunlaşmıştır. Son olarak kadınların hukuk hayatına katkıları ve hukuk hayatında karşılaştıkları zorluklar araştırılarak Türk yargı sisteminde kadının yerini anlamak amaçlanmıştır.Item Open Access Unpacking the inequality among Turkish schools: findings from PISA 2006(Elsevier, 2010-03) Alacacı, C.; Erbaş, A. K.The study investigates the effects of certain school characteristics on students’ mathematics performances in Turkey in the PISA 2006 while controlling for family background and demographic characteristics. Three models of Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) are constructed. The results reveal that 55% of the variance is attributable to between-schools and the remaining 45% to individual student characteristics. About two-thirds of the 55% is explained by selectivity in admissions, time to study mathematics and students’ SES, gender and the geographical region. The findings are interpreted to explain why Turkish schools differed greatly in average student performance in PISA 2006 by using the conceptual efforts on school quality factors and family background characteristics.