Browsing by Subject "Conservatism"
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Item Open Access Archaeology and the ancient near east: Methods and limits(Blackwell Publishing, 2005) Gates, Marie‐Henriette; Snell, D. C.Item Open Access Conservative treatment of evidence(Cambridge University Press, 2022-09-07) Fatollahi, AlirezaThis paper discusses two conservative ways of treating evidence. (I) Closing inquiry involves discounting evidence bearing on one's belief unless it is particularly strong evidence; (II) biased assimilation involves dedicating more investigative resources to scrutinizing disconfirming evidence (than confirming evidence), thereby increasing the chances of finding reasons to dismiss it. It is natural to worry that these practices lead to irrational biases in favor of one's existing beliefs, and that they make one's epistemic condition significantly path-sensitive by giving a bigger role to batches of evidence obtained earlier in the course of inquiry compared with those subsequently acquired. However, I argue that both practices are demanded by considerations of practical rationality. I also argue that, contrary to initial appearances, there is little reason to worry about the effects of these practices on the dynamics of one's beliefs.Item Open Access Implicit reaction against social change in the context of rumour(2007) Gümüş, Hami İnanIn this article the role of rumour that has widespread circulation in social discourse as reproducing the ideas of a social group, that can be defined as conservative and resistant to social change, is discussed. Taking the general attitude of conservative part of Turkish society against social change as a basis, the discussion goes further in the context of women's role and place in Turkish society. The case that is chosen to evaluate the reaction against social change is the type of rumour which is called "supermarket rumour" in this article.Item Open Access The major ideologies of liberalism, socialism and conservatism(Sage Publications Ltd., 2014) Alexander, J.In the last thirty years ideologies have been treated as if they are contingent assemblages of concepts. This has complicated the study of ideologies so much that some philosophical consideration now seems necessary. In this article an original theory is put forward in which the three major ideologies of liberalism, socialism and conservatism are understood to be three differing views about the nature of the fundamental criterion by which politics should be judged. Since this theory explains the relation between the three as if they are elaborations of the same original criterion, it enables us to see how the ideologies relate to and yet differ from each other. © 2014 Political Studies Association.Item Open Access Monarchists against their monarch: the Rightists' criticism of the Tsar Nicholas II(Brill, 2004) Podbolotov, S.[No abstract available]Item Open Access The new right and Özalism: a comparative perspective(2000) Topal, AylinThis thesis serves for the aim of investigating the politics of the 1980s in Turkey by focusing on the policies and the ideology of the ANAP. This study aimed to examine the Turkish politics in the 1980s under the light of the New Right ideology. The ANAP seemed to be the advocator of the New Right ideology in Turkey. Both global and national environment of the 1970s necessitated a new form of politics for the solution of both economic and political problems. The ANAP was accepted as one particular response to the national and international crises of the 1970s. , ■T'.tAv, Thatcherism and Reaganism are two significant examples that are agreed to be the practises of the New Right ideology. In order to explore the affinity between the Turkish, American and British practises in the 1980s, a kind of comparative analysis was necessary. I explored the basic characteristics of the New Right in the first place, then focused on the ANAP’s party structure, ideology, economic and political perspectives. Under the light of these, I turned to the international scale, and compared the Ozal government with Thatcher and Reagan governments. Within the framework of above procedure, this thesis indicates that the practises of the 1980s in Turkey matches with the British and American practises and the ideology of the New Right to a certain extent. However, one cannot ignore some specific characteristics of the Turkish case which necessitated some changes in the ideology and practises.Item Open Access New tendencies in the Turkish center-right: with special reference to the "new" Democrat Party(1994) Çolak, YılmazThe objective of the present study is to understand the general characteristics of new tendencies in the Turkish centre-right. To accomplish this task, the "new" Democrat Party (DP), which is one of the new political formations in Turkey, is analyzed through a comparison with two major centre-right parties - the Motherland Party (MP) and the True Path Party (TPP). By touching upon the some basic concepts of the centre-right politics such as economic and political liberalism, conservatism, liberal democratic system, this comparison refers to the question of how the Turkish centre-right realizes their political ideology and practice. It seems that the "new" DP which defends the necessity of liberal-pluralist values at the level of both state and society is much closer to the ideology of the centre-right politics than the MP and the TPP. Main conclusion drawn from this study is that the traditional structure of Turkish politics has been pushed toward a liberal democratic system by evolving political sentiment within socio-economic and political development. In such orientation, the newly emerging political movements in the centre-right appear as one of significant, determinant factors.Item Restricted Nuri Pakdil'in hayatı(Bilkent University, 2018) Okumuş, Gaye; Çaya, Rüveyda Betül; Cozoğlu, Elif; Türküzan, Faruk; Çankaya, Tolga1934’te Maraş’ta doğan sağ siyasal ideolojinin edebiyattaki önemli temsilcilerinden olan Nuri Pakdil hukuk eğitimi aldı.1969’dan 1984’e kadar olan sürede Edebiyat Dergisi’ni çıkartan ve aynı dönem içerisinde, 1972’de Edebiyat Dergisi Yayınları’nı kuran Nuri Pakdil, 3 Kasım 2014’te Necip Fazıl Saygı ödülü’ne layık görüldü.Item Restricted Item Open Access Reaction in politics(Brill, 2020) Alexander, JamesReaction is a subject usually avoided by political theorists, since it raises awkward historical, philosophical and political questions. Perhaps philosophers of history might make better sense of it. In this article I claim that reaction has to be understood in relation to the concepts of revolution, tradition, progress and conservatism. I argue that the specific meaning of reaction is a response to the specific action that establishes the principle that order should be established only on enlightened principles. The few theorists who have dealt with reaction have disagreed about whether it is the same as conservatism or not. I show that reaction is not an element in what I call a status quo conservatism, though it is an element in any conservatism conceived more broadly. I characterise reaction in full as the attempt to reverse the establishment of the principle that only enlightened principles shall be the basis of political order, the attempt to resist the further establishment of those enlightened principles, and also the attempt to criticise contemporary enlightened politics in terms of the unenlightened standards which existed before the revolution.Item Open Access Reclaiming the nation, moralizing politics: narratives of political legitimacy in autobiographies of progressive Republican Party leaders(2017-06) İpek, YaseminIn this dissertation, I examine how autobiographical writing becomes a peculiar political space for Kazım Karabekir, Ali Fuat Cebesoy and Rauf Orbay, three major leaders of the Turkish War of Independence and the Progressive Republican Party (PRP). I unpack how their autobiographies have continued to shape contemporary public debates on political legitimacy by redefining rulership, patriotism and the national character (milli karakter). The analysis of their autobiographies transcends the scholarly works that either view PRP as a peripheral opposition against a top-down modernist center or overemphasize the Unionist political legacy. Focusing on autobiographies instead of their party program reveals the most neglected aspect of their ideological legacy within the existing literature—an idiosyncratic form of elitist conservative nationalism along with this Unionist legacy. I offer an innovative interdisciplinary approach that expands the political science discipline with anthropological and literaryanalyses by demonstrating the centrality of contestations over nationalist morality in shaping the right-wing conservative politics in contemporary Turkey. I analyze PRP’s legacy by looking at how these autobiographical texts extensively build on moralizing discourses that presume a form of virtue specific to the Turkish nation—national character. Through an intertextual politics the authors claim to embody a nationalist morality that rests on character traits and dispositions that were displayed during the Independence War. I suggest that moralizing discourses ultimately reframe a complex set of political disagreements of the time in terms of character and personality—those who are worthy of representing and governing the nation, vs. those who are not.Item Restricted The neoconservatives(1977) Etzioni, AmitaiItem Restricted Türk sinemasına İslami bir soluk getiren ikili: Ali Osman Emirosmanoğlu ve Yücel Çakmaklı(Bilkent University, 2023) Özbey, Mustafa Enes; Oğlakcı, Halit; Elmas, Zeynep; Kızılateş, Umut; Ayrenk, Enes MalikBu araştırmada Türk sinemasında muhafazakârlık, sağ düşünce ve İslami temaların evrimini anlama süreci amaçlanmaktadır. Türk sinemasındaki muhafazakâr düşünce ve İslami temaların yer buluş süreci, 1960'lı yıllardan itibaren sinemanın toplumsal etkilerini, muhafazakâr düşüncenin yükselişini ve sinema ile bu düşünce arasındaki etkileşimi ele almaktadır. Ali Osman Emirosmanoğlu ve Yücel Çakmaklı'nın biyografileri, sinemaya katkıları ve İslami temaları işleyişi ile önemli eserlerinin detaylı analizi ve toplumsal sanatsal etkileri de değerlendirilmektedir.Item Open Access Turkish conservatism from a comparative perspective(2002) Kolat, GülThis thesis serves for the aim of understanding the Turkish conservatism by making comparative analysis and by focusing on the emergence of conservative attitudes. This study aimed to examine the role of conservatism in the modernization process of Turkish Republic. Modernization, or Westernization, has been one of the most discussed issues of Turkish politics. Since conservatism was associated with reaction against the modernization movements, it is important to look upon how radical changes were perceived by conservatives and what kind of responses were given to them in terms of understanding the modernization attempt of Turkey. Conservatism emerged in Europe as a reaction to the ideas and movements that became apparent with French Revolution. Since conservatism firstly emerged in Europe, it provided an example for the other conservative experiences. The significant examples of European conservatism are German, French, and British conservatisms. In order to explore the affinity between the Turkish and European conservatisms in terms of their initial phases, a kind of comparative analysis is necessary. Firstly, I explore the basic characteristics of conservatism and focused on the European conservatism by briefly giving the peculiar characteristics of three examples. Then in order to understand the Turkish conservatism I focused on responses of Turkish conservatism on modernization, change, nationalism and Islamism. Under the light of these, I compare Turkish conservatism with European conservatism. Under the framework of above procedure, this thesis indicates that, although there are similarities between European conservatism and Turkish conservatism on basic characteristics of conservatism, conservative experiences have been shaped according to peculiar historical, political, social and economic characteristics of each context.