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Item Open Access Analysing school-museum relations to improve partnerships for learning: A case study(Türk Eğitim Derneği, 2020) Ateş, Aysun; Lane, Jennie F.Field trips to museums can improve student learning by providing them with opportunities to see first-hand concepts they learned in the classroom. Unfortunately, perceived and real barriers may discourage partnerships between schools and museums for education. The current paper describes how case study methodology was used to examine relations between a school and museums. Through this case study, a phenomenographic research approach was used to gain insights into museum educators and teachers’ perceptions and practices related to museum education. The research was conducted in Ankara, Turkey, involving teachers from a private school and seven staff from local museums. This study utilized quantitative data to support qualitative data. Through interviews, questionnaires, and an analytical framework, the results revealed the importance of identifying roles associated with museum education and strengthening pathways for communication. Based on the results of the study, the authors provide suggestions to improve partnerships between a school and local museums. One strategy is to identify a school staff member who serves as a liaison between the school and the museums, ensuring consistent communication and sharing of ideas. Future research ideas for consideration are identifiedItem Open Access Assessing teachers’ systems thinking skills during a professional development program in Turkey(Elsevier, 2018) Ateşkan, Armağan; Lane, Jennie F.Through effective professional development in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), teachers can help students gain knowledge, skills, and dispositions to build and support sustainable communities. This paper shares how a university in Turkey developed, implemented, and evaluated an ESD professional development program (PDP) for in-service teachers. The evaluation focused on how the program enhanced participants’ awareness of thinking in systems. Thirty-nine teachers from different parts of the country participated. The PDP took place over eight months and was launched by a five-day summer workshop that included presentations, hands-on activities, and field trips. The theme of energy was used throughout the workshop to emphasize how the environment, society, and economy are connected and interdependent. Teachers’ systems thinking skills were analyzed through a pre- and post-workshop questionnaire and concept maps. Results of the questionnaire showed statistically significant differences between teachers’ systems thinking scale scores before and after the workshop. Concept map analysis, however, identified that participants need more support relating concepts such as social justice to the environment and economy.Item Open Access International mindedness: a revised conceptual framework(SAGE Publications, 2020) Metli, A.; Lane, Jennie F.This paper suggests a revised framework for explaining, developing and assessing international mindedness (IM). A review of the literature – that presents initiatives, challenges, and debates regarding IM – concludes with an overview of selected conceptual frameworks that have been used to develop a shared understanding of IM. When the authors applied one of these frameworks in a previous empirical study, they found during data analysis that some aspects of the framework’s key pillars played a more supportive role and that other components of IM needed further identification. As a result, this paper proposes a revision of the framework that features intercultural competence and global engagement, and identifies more specific components of these attributes, namely knowledge, skills, dispositions, and agency. The paper includes another review of the literature to emphasise how these components are important for the development, implementation, and assessment of international mindedness.Item Open Access Learner profile attributes in IB teaching: Insights from a continuum school in Turkey(SAGE, 2022) Keser, Özlem; Altan, Servet; Lane, Jennie F.This article presents findings from a case study of a K-12 school in Turkey where teachers shared perceptions of how the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile attributes related to their own practice. While discussing the interdependency of the attributes, teachers considered that being an inquirer is the most valuable attribute for effective International Baccalaureate teachers. Participants at all grade levels believed that being open-minded and reflective were important attributes. Despite the importance of inquiry, participants shared that they feel most capable of implementing the attribute of being knowledgeable. The conceptual framework developed for this study may be used by schools and teacher educators to develop attributes of teachers who can help students become global citizens with intercultural understandings.Item Open Access Öğrenmede iş birliğini geliştirmek amacıyla okul-müze ilişkilerini inceleme: Durum çalışması(Türk Eğitim Derneği İktisadi İşletmesi, 2020) Ateş, Aysun; Lane, Jennie F.Müzelere yapılan okul gezileri sayesinde, öğrenciler sınıfta öğrendikleri kavramları yakından görerek öğrendiklerini pekiştirebilir. Ne yazık ki, algıya dayalı ve gerçekte var olan zorluklar yüzünden, okul ve müzeler arasındaki müze eğitimi amaçlı iş birliği istenilen boyutta değildir. Bu araştırmada okul ve çevresindeki yerel müzeler arasındaki iş birliği düzeyinin durum çalışma yöntemi kullanılarak incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu yöntem doğrultusunda, müze eğitimiyle ilgili olarak müze eğitimcilerinin ve öğretmenlerin algı ve uygulamalarını daha yakından anlayabilmek üzere fenomenografik araştırma yaklaşımı uygulanmıştır. Araştırma, Ankara, Türkiye’de gerçekleştirilmiş olup, araştırmaya özel bir okulun öğretmenleri ve yerel müzelerden yedi çalışan dahil edilmiştir. Araştırmada nitel verileri desteklemesi amacıyla nicel verilerden de faydalanılmıştır. Yapılan görüşmeler, anketler ve kullanılan analitik çerçeve ışığında elde edilen bulgular, müze eğitiminde belirlenen rollerin ve iletişim yollarının güçlendirilmesinin ne denli önemli olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Araştırma sonuçlarından yola çıkarak, yazarlar, okul ile yerel müzeler arasındaki iş birliğinin geliştirilmesi için önerilerde bulunmuştur. Bir okul çalışanının müze ile okul arasında arabuluculuk yapması, böylece tutarlı bir ilişki kurması ve fikir alışverişi sağlaması bir strateji olarak görülmüştür. Gelecekteki araştırmalar için değerlendirilebilecek fikirlere yer verilmiştir.Item Open Access Student perceptions of successful learning support for an international high school programme: a comparative case study in Turkey(Routledge, 2019) Dulun, Öykü; Lane, Jennie F.; Ateşkan, ArmağanThis study used comparative case study methodology to investigate student perceptions of different programmes that prepare them for a challenging high school education programme: the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). Given the benefits and challenges of the programme, educators and stakeholders want to ensure students feel ready to participate. In the literature, studies support that programmes such as the International General Certificate of Secondary Education and the International Baccalaureate Organisation’s Middle Years Programme prepare students for the IBDP; however, there is a need for students’ voices on how they perceive they are prepared through these programmes. This study investigated three different approaches to IBDP preparation by gaining student insights through a scaled-item questionnaire and interviews. Students identified experiences that gave them skills to monitor their learning and resources that motivated them to participate in an advanced upper-high school programme.Item Open Access Turkish teachers’ use of the outdoors as a teaching resource: perceived facilitators and obstacles(Routledge, 2018) Lane, Jennie F.; Ateşkan, Armağan; Dulun, ÖyküSeveral studies have investigated teachers’ use of local environments. There has been limited research in Turkey about teacher perceptions of facilitators and obstacles. The current study received permission to use a survey conducted in the United States and to administer it to alumni of a teacher education program in Turkey. Compared to other studies, respondents to the current study reported that openness to teaching different teaching methods was a notable perceived facilitator for place-based education. This finding and others will be used by the teacher education program to improve place-based education in their methods courses.Item Open Access Using habits of mind, intelligent behaviors, and educational theories to create a conceptual framework for developing effective teaching dispositions(Corwin Press, 2019) Altan, Servet; Lane, Jennie F.; Dottin, E.Despite the heated debates about dispositions in teacher education, most accrediting agencies continue to put dispositions among their priorities. The authors of the current article concur with the value of using Dewey to understand how habits can be clustered to better understand intelligent teaching dispositions. But, can we extend Dewey’s epistemology to learning theories in a manner that informs the making of teaching conduct more intelligent? To address this question, the authors applied qualitative content analysis to review the literature. Through a deductive approach, dispositions as Habits of Mind were related to educational theories using intelligent behaviors as the common denominator. The conclusion is that dispositions can be clustered around Habits of Mind that are related directly to educational learning theories vis-à-vis thoughtfulness, and to learning theories that support learning or mindfulness. Grounding dispositions as habits of mind in selected educational theories may guide and support the professional development of teaching dispositions.