Son 50 senede Toroslar’da yaylacılığın değişimi









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Bilkent University






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Kudret Emiroğlu, HIST 200-7 (2020-2021 Spring);7


Bu araştırma yazısında, çeşitli göç türlerinin tanımı yapılıp yaylacılığın 50 sene içerisinde tarım ve hayvancılık politikaları ile birlikte nasıl bir değişim geçirdiği, teknolojiyle birlikte yörüklerin yaşantısının nasıl değiştiğini araştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Yaylaya göç güzergahı yıllar içinde değişmemekle birlikte önceden at, deve ve keçilerle yapılırken günümüzde motorlu araçlarla daha kısa sürede çıkılmaktadır. Elektrik ve telefon gelmesi, çeşitli süt sağma, tereyağı yapma makinelerinin gelişmesi ve yolların iyileştirilmesi yaylacılık faaliyetinin yapılmasını kolaylaştırmıştır. Yaylaya yapılan yolların iyileştirilmesi yaylaya göçerken fayda sağlamanın yanı sıra yaylada ısınma için gerekli odunun taşınmasını da kolaylaştırmıştır. Tarım faaliyetleri yıllar içinde artmış, coğrafi koşullara uyum sağlanmış, insanlar seracılıkla uğraşmaya başlamışlardır. 70’li 80’li yıllarda çadırlarda konaklanırken artık mesken tercihi kendi yaptıkları evlerdir. Beslenen hayvan türleri keçi ve koyundur. Son 50 sene içerisinde hayvan sayılarında ve tür seçiminde kayda değer bir değişim olmamıştır. Hayvanların etinden, sütünden, yününden vs. nasıl yararlanıldığına ve nasıl pazarlandığına odaklanılmıştır. Yaylacılık faaliyetlerinin ardından hangi ürünlerin elde edildiği, ticaretinin nasıl yapıldığı, bu faaliyetin yapılmasında hangi etkenlerin rol oynadığından bahsedilmektedir. Ayrıca yaylacılık son zamanlarda sadece tarım ve hayvancılık faaliyeti içermemekte, insanlar kendi getirdikleri çadırlarda konaklayarak turizm de yapmaktadırlar. Zaman içinde yaylanın değişen bu fonksiyonel amacına da yer verilecektir.

In this research article, it is aimed to define various types of migration and investigate how transhumance has changed with agriculture and livestock policies in 50 years and how the lives of yoruks have changed with technology. Although the migration route to the plateau has not changed over the years, it was previously done with horses, camels In this research article, it is aimed to define various types of migration and investigate how transhumance has changed with agriculture and livestock policies in 50 years and how the lives of yoruks have changed with technology. Although the migration route to the plateau has not changed over the years, it was previously done with horses, camels and goats, but today it is reached by motor vehicles in a shorter time. Electricity and telephone supply, the development of various milking machines, butter making machines, and the improvement of roads facilitated transhumance activities. Improving the roads to the plateau not only benefited when migrating to the plateau, but also facilitated the transportation of the wood required for heating in the plateau. Agricultural activities have increased over the years, geographical conditions have been adapted, and people have started to deal with greenhouse cultivation. While staying in tents in the 70's and 80's, the choice of residence is the houses they built themselves. The animal species fed are goats and sheep. There has been no significant change in animal numbers and species selection in the last 50 years. The focus is on how animal meat, milk and wool is used and marketed, and how it changes over time. It is mentioned which products are obtained after transhumance activities, how they are traded, which factors play a role in this activity. In addition, transhumance lately does not only involve agriculture and animal husbandry activities, but also tourism is carried out by accommodating people in tents which they bring. This changing functional purpose of the transhumance in time will also be included. and goats, but today it is reached by motor vehicles in a shorter time. Electricity and telephone supply, the development of various milking machines, butter making machines, and the improvement of roads facilitated transhumance activities. Improving the roads to the plateau not only benefited when migrating to the plateau, but also facilitated the transportation of the wood required for heating in the plateau. Agricultural activities have increased over the years, geographical conditions have been adapted, and people have started to deal with greenhouse cultivation. While staying in tents in the 70's and 80's, the choice of residence is the houses they built themselves. The animal species fed are goats and sheep. There has been no significant change in animal numbers and species selection in the last 50 years. The focus is on how animal meat, milk and wool is used and marketed, and how it changes over time. It is mentioned which products are obtained after transhumance activities, how they are traded, which factors play a role in this activity. In addition, transhumance lately does not only involve agriculture and animal husbandry activities, but also tourism is carried out by accommodating people in tents which they bring. This changing functional purpose of the transhumance in time will also be included.


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