Mesoscopic fano effect in Aharonov-Bohm rings with an embedded double dot



We investigate theoretically in a tight-binding model the transport properties of the Aharonov-Bohm interferometer (ABI) with one dot embedded in each of its arms. For weak interdot coupling the model Hamiltonian describes the system considered in the experiments of Holleitner et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 256802 (2001)]. The electronic transmittance of the interferometer is computed within the Landauer-Büttiker formalism while the coexistence of resonant and coherent transport is explicitly emphasized by using the Feschbach formula. The latter produces effective Hamiltonians whose spectral properties describe the tunneling processes through each dot. We reproduce numerically the stability charging diagrams reported in the experiments of Holleitner et al. When the magnetic flux is fixed and one dot is set to resonance the interferometer transmittance shows Fano lineshapes as a function of the gate voltage applied to the other dot. Our model includes the effect of the magnetic field on the dot levels and explains the change of the asymmetric tail as the magnetic flux is varied. The transmittance assigned to the Fano dips located in the almost crossing point of the charging diagrams shows Aharonov-Bohm oscillations.

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AIP Conference Proceedings


American Institute of Physics


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