Defining a critical temperature of a crossoverfrom BEC to the normal phase



We address the problem of identifying the critical temperature in a crossover from the Bose-Einstein condensed (BEC) phase to the normal phase. For this purpose we study the temperature dependence of magnetization of spin-gapped quantum magnets described by BEC of triplons. We have calculated the heat capacity CH at constant field and fluctuations in magnetization in a spin-gapped quantum magnet using the Hartree-Fock-Bogouliubov approximation and found optimized parameters of the Hamiltonian of triplon gas. In the region of phase transition, the heat capacity CH is smeared out due to the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) interaction. The sharp maximum of the fluctuations in the magnetization is identified as the critical temperature of the crossover. © 2023 World Scientific Publishing Company.

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Modern Physics Letters B


World Scientific Publishing Company


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