100-GHz resonant cavity enhanced Schottky photodiodes



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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Research Projects

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Resonant cavity enhanced (RCE) photodiodes are promising candidates for applications in optical communications and interconnects where ultrafast high-efficiency detection is desirable. We have designed and fabricated RCE Schottky photodiodes in the (Al, In) GaAs material system for 900-nm wavelength. The observed temporal response with 10-ps pulsewidth was limited by the measurement setup and a conservative estimation of the bandwidth corresponds to more than 100 GHz. A direct comparison of RCE versus conventional detector performance was performed by high speed measurements under optical excitation at resonant wavelength (895 nm) and at 840 nm where the device functions as a single-pass conventional photodiode. A more than two-fold bandwidth enhancement with the RCE detection scheme was demonstrated.

