Publication: Spectral response modification of TiO2 MSM photodetector with an LSPR filter
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Optical Society of America
We fabricated UVB filtered TiO2 MSM photodetectors by the localized surface plasmon resonance effect. A plasmonic filter structure was designed using FDTD simulations. Final filter structure was fabricated with Al nano-cylinders with a 70 nm radius 180 nm period on 360 nm SiO2 film. The spectral response of the TiO2 MSM photodetector was modified and the UVB response was reduced by approx. 60% with an LSPR structure, resulting in a peak responsivity shift of more than 40 nm. To our knowledge, this is the first published result for the spectral response modification of TiO2 photodetectors with LSPR technique. © 2014 Optical Society of America.