Irregular repetition slotted ALOHA with energy harvesting nodes
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The importance of wireless networking schemes originating from ALOHA has rapidly risen with the wide-spread use of Internet, advancements in the communications systems and increasing number of wireless devices. Internet-of-Things and machine-to-machine communications concepts have drawn further attention to ALOHA since it is a low-complexity protocol. However, the classical ALOHA is not e cient and cannot handle massive number of users in an e cient manner. Therefore, many improvements have been proposed for over the years. Irregular Repetition Slotted ALOHA (IRSA) is an advanced ALOHA protocol in which each user sends a variable number of copies of their packets in each xed length medium access control (MAC) frame. The collisions may be resolved via successive interference cancellation (SIC) using the copies that are received cleanly. In this way, asymptotic throughputs close to the maximum normalized throughput value of one on the collision channel may be achieved. In this thesis, to reap the bene ts of IRSA for energy harvesting sensor networks, we propose an IRSA based uncoordinated random access scheme for energy harvesting (EH) nodes. Speci cally, we consider the case in which each user has a nite-sized battery which is recharged in a probabilistic manner in each slot with harvested energy from the environment. We analyze this scheme by deriving asymptotic throughput expressions, and obtain optimized probability distributions for the number of packet replicas for each user. We demonstrate that the optimized distributions perform considerably better than those of slotted ALOHA (SA), contention resolution diversity slotted ALOHA (CRDSA) and plain IRSA which do not take into account EH for both asymptotic and nite frame length scenarios.