Cornelius Van Alan Van Dyck's missionary work in Syria




Abbasi, Nabeel Ahmed
Zaheer, Arham
Chaudhry, Hassaan Ahmed
Aliyev, Sarkhan
Shaikh, Talha Ahmed
Mammaddli, Omar







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Bilkent University






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Burcu Feyzullahoğlu, HIST 209-1 (2017-2018 Spring) ; 5


13 Ağustos 1818’de New York’ta dünyaya gelen Cornelius Van Alen Van Dyck pratisyen Dr. Heny L. Van Dyck’ın oğluydu. Diriliş dalgasından etkilenen Van Dyck, 1840’ta ABCFM’de misyoner olarak hizmet vermeye karar verdi. 2 Nisan 1840’ta, başlarda tıbbi misyoner olarak hizmet edip, sonradan eğitim alanında çalışacağı Beirut’a gönderildi. Bunun yanı sıra, Arapça üzerinde çalışması, bir takım kitaplar yayınlamasının önünü açmakla kalmayıp, “İncil Tecümanı” ünvanını da almasını sağladı. Bu önemli göreve seçilmesinin sebebi de Arapça’daki uzmanlığı idi. Suriye Protestan Koleji’nin önemli figürü olduğu dönemde fakülteleri yönetmekle kalmayıp, çeşitli dersler de vermiştir. Dahası, Kolejden istifasından sonra tıbbi hizmet sunabileceği küçük bir klinik açması ona “Al-Hakim” ünvanını kazandırmıştır. Van Dyck 13 Kasım 1895’te, 79 yaşında bağırsak kanaması nedeniye hayatını kaybetmiştir. Onun hala saygın çevreler tarafından saygı görmesinin sebebi çeşitli alanlarda bir hayırsever olarak yaptığı katkılardır.

Cornelius Van Alan Van Dyck, born on the 13th of August, 1818 in Kinderhook New York, was the son of a former country practitioner Dr. Henry L. Van Dyck. Struck by the enthusiastic wave of revival and the missionaries being sent to other countries in the 1840’s, Van Dyck decided to serve as a missionary in the ABCFM. He was sent to Beirut, Syria as a medical missionary on the 2nd of April 1840 where he initially served for the appointed post but later started contributing in the field of teaching. Alongside, he started to get his hands on verbal and oral Arabic language which not only helped him publish several texts in Arabic but also helped him garner the title of “The Bible Translator”, since it was due to his mastery in Arabic that he was chosen for this crucial task. Being a significant figure of the Syrian Protestant College, he not only chaired the departments but also taught various courses. Moreover, he established a small clinic in the college where he offered his services even after resignation from the college, which earned him the title of “Al-Hakim”. Due to an inordinate intestinal hemorrhage Van Dycke died at the age of 79 years on the 13th of November in 1895. Being a philanthropist, his contributions in various different fields is the reason that he was and still is being applauded by the associates of the respective fields.


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Book Title


Cornelius Van Alan Van Dyck, Arapça, İncil, Suriye Protestan Koleji, Al-Hakim, Arabic, Bible, Syrian Protestant College
