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Item Open Access An action research report on the rising democracy discourse in 2000's Turkey: does Eros contour the demos?(Elsevier, 2007) Cindoglu, D.; Boynukara, A.; Akyuz, S.; Bekaroğlu, E. A.This article conceptualizes gender equity and sexual liberty issues that most of the literature on democracy and democratization in Turkey fails to address. The major focus of the article is on the convergent and divergent positions of the rising democratization discourse in contemporary Turkey. When the democratization discourses of different political groups are analyzed, we see that the convergent points consist of legal and constitutional changes that aim at political and economic liberalization, while the divergent points include liberalization in the private sphere and engaging in gender equity and sexual liberty issues. Therefore, we argue that it is crucial to analyze gender equity and sexual liberty issues with more dynamic concepts such as globalization and the EU accession process of Turkey rather than the essentialist ones like Islam.Item Restricted Agah Özgüç ve 1950-1990 Türk sineması(Bilkent University, 2023) Yüce, Berra; Oflaz, Ekin; Çıtoğlu, Zeynep; Atilla, Nil; Altay, Osman ErtuğrulAgâh Özgüç, Edebiyat camiasına Atilla İlhan etkisiyle adımını attı. Akabinde gazetecilik, arşivcilik, magazin yazarlığı ve eleştirmenlik yaptı. Kendisi 1960-1970’li yıllarda yani Yeşilçam Sinemasının rağbet gördüğü dönemde yaptığı röportajlar ve sert eleştirileri ile tanındı. Bu eleştirilerinde Yeşilçam’ın endüstrileşen tarafını yansıtmaktan hiç çekinmeyip dönemin karanlık gerçeklerini kitaplar, eleştiriler ve köşe yazıları aracılığıyla dile getirdi. Kendisi Yeşilçam’ı ve onun yaratmış olduğu kadın sömürüsünü tarafsız bir biçimde ortaya koyarak cinsiyet rollerinden ve tabulardan bahsetti. Bu söylemleriyle ne kadar yankı uyandırsa ve bazı yapımcıları sinirlendirse de Agâh Bey’i sinema camiasındaki yerinden edemedi. Agâh Bey Eleştirmenliğinin yanında 1960’lı yıllarda arşivciliğe merak sarmış hatta 1960’lı yıllardan önceki belgeleri dâhi toplayarak Türkiye’de zamanla “Arşiv Babası” lâkabını almıştır.Item Open Access Contradicting perceptions of women’s and men’s sexuality: evidence of gender double standards in Türkiye(Springer, 2023-05-30) Savas, Gokhan; Yol, FatmaPerceptions of individuals’ sexuality vary by culturally defined femininity and masculinity. Little research has examined people’s judgments for men’s and women’s sexual behavior. This quantitative research aims to investigate whether Turkish people have different judgments about the sexual behaviors of men and women. It utilized the “Values Module” in “Türkiye Survey 2015” that is a national dataset conducted by the Social Sciences University of Ankara including 2630 individuals, 18 years old or over, from 70 provinces. The present study finds that Turkish people have more positive attitudes towards males’ sexual behaviors, including premarital sex and extramarital sex. It also finds that not only men have more positive attitudes towards males’ sexuality, but also women hold similar attitudes.Item Open Access Gender in political sex scandals in contemporary Turkey: women’s agency and the public sphere(Routledge, 2015) Cindoglu, D.; Unal, D.Sex scandals in politics lead to intense public debates about fundamental issues, such as morality, publicity, and privacy, rendering gender inequalities more visible than ever. This article aims to reveal the complex gendered dynamics of the political culture by looking at sex scandals in contemporary Turkey. The ways in which these scandals have been narrated, negotiated, and resolved among the public and political actors provide grounds for analysis about the nature of patriarchal dynamics regarding women’s agency and public credibility communicated through their sexuality in contemporary Turkey. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.Item Open Access A passage to screen : adapting E M Forster(2008) Doğan, ZeynepThis study aims to demonstrate the specific narrative and representational aspects of two very-well known adaptations based on English author E. M. Forster‘s novels: A Passage to India and A Room with a View that challenge and reinterpret the motives of their source texts in conjunction with the issues and debates regarding the heritage film by displaying woman’s sexuality.Item Restricted Şeyhten dervişine aşk şiirleri(1997) Bardakçı, MuratItem Open Access Women and namus, as a regulative phenomenon, in early modern Ottoman society(2021-08) Çenesiz, AyşenurIn this thesis, the concept of namus (honor) as a regulative phenomenon in early modern Ottoman society and specifically for ordinary women are discussed. It focuses on which characteristic of women’s namus differed from the general view of it in the society: sexuality. Namus was a shared value for Ottoman society; thus, it functioned as both the set of values and the regulatory tool. In other words, it not only determined which values were appropriate for a person but also imposed sanctions on any inappropriate behavior and made a person namuslu (honorable) or namussuz (unhonorable) in the society. As the expressions from the archival sources (mostly arzuhals and sicil cases), related primary sources, and the academic literature are examined, it can be deduced that women’s namus was a fragile value reduced to sexuality in early modern Ottoman society. It should be protected, preserved, and conserved. This namus perception brings the protector/protected relationship along in which men were protectors and women were protected ones. This relationship can be examined in three intermingled layers: (1) A woman must protect her own namus. (2) Her family was responsible for protecting it. (3) At last, the society (village, neighborhood, etc.) was liable to protect women’s namus. In this three-layered relationship of protection, women's namus and their sexuality belonged to not only themselves but also their families and even to their society.Item Open Access XVIII yüzyıl Osmanlı şiirinde değişim ve Sünbülzâde Vehbi'nin Şevk-engiz'i(2007) Sürelli, BahadırAn obvious change can be seen in the Ottoman Poetry and especially in the “mesnevi” tradition towards the end of the eighteenth century. The most popular samples of this change which is called “localization” (mahallîleşme), have been written by Bosnalı Sâbit, Enderunlu Fâzıl and Sünbülzâde Vehbî. In the works of these writers, most distinctive components that appear are local way of speaking and sexual contents. Şevk-engîz is one of the poems that has these features and Sünbülzâde Vehbî, for the first time, made “sex object” debatable for the mesnevi genre. With the daily-life of İstanbul, its both neighboorhoods and well-known inhabitants have been cited in Şevkengîz which is also, at the same time, the first book ever censored. This mesnevi in which two fictional protagonists argue about which one (women or young boys) is the “best” as a “sex object”, brought many innovations to both “münazara” and “şehrengiz” tradition. Although this work which has so many manuscripts and printed versions, gained popularity in its period, it has been standing far from the attention of literature histories and criticism. This period of time has an obvious change in miniature painting and architecture, as well. Especially, the changes which are seen in miniature painting has lots of similarities with mesnevis of the poets mentioned above that are “realistic” and a little bit “obscene” and can be evaluated as “pre-modern” attempts. Basically, miniature painting and poetry resemblance, in terms of appearance of sexual contents and realism, is one of the major artistic changes of the eighteenth century. A similar change is also exact for the Ottoman architecture which created the rococo style and “Turkish baroque” due to Western influence, so this field’s products may be seen in square fountains (meydan çeşmesi), residences in Western style, sultans’ rooms in mosques (hünkâr mahfili), and especially on the façades of mosques. Primarily, in the dissertation, the changes in the eighteenth century poetry are examined together with the innovations in other arts and reflections of Sâbit influence in the mesnevi tradition, especially in Fâzıl Bey’s and Vehbî’s works, were tried to be shown. The position of the Şevk-engîz among the eighteenth century mesnevis, and its similarities or differences with the şehrengiz and münazara texts are other topics of the thesis. The transcription of the printed version of the text in 1869 has been placed in the “Appendix” in order to understand better and so as to make the Şevk-engîz which has never been translated before, “readable”.