Nizamoğlu, HilalÜrgen, Burcu Ayşen2024-03-122024-03-122023-11-040042-6989 its importance for one’s survival and social significance, biological motion (BM) perception is assumed to occur automatically. Previous behavioral results showed that task-irrelevant BM in the periphery interfered with task performance at the fovea. Under selective attention, BM perception is supported by a network of regions including the occipito-temporal (OTC), parietal, and premotor cortices. Retinotopy studies that use BM stimulus showed distinct maps for its processing under and away from selective attention. Based on these findings, we investigated how bottom-up perception of BM would be processed in the human brain under attentional load when it was shown away from the focus of attention as a task-irrelevant stimulus. Participants (N = 31) underwent an fMRI study in which they performed an attentionally demanding visual detection task at the fovea while intact or scrambled point light displays of BM were shown at the periphery. Our results showed the main effect of attentional load in fronto-parietal regions and both univariate activity maps and multivariate pattern analysis results support the attentional load modulation on the task-irrelevant peripheral stimuli. However, this effect was not specific to intact BM stimuli and was generalized to motion stimuli as evidenced by the motion-sensitive OTC involvement during the presence of dynamic stimuli in the periphery. These results confirm and extend previous work by showing that task-irrelevant distractors can be processed by stimulus-specific regions when there are enough attentional resources available. We discussed the implications of these results for future studies.EnglishBiological motionAttentional loadfMRIMVPANeural processing of bottom-up perception of biological motion under attentional loadArticle10.1016/j.visres.2023.1083281878-5646