Coşkun, AleynaKeskin, Arzum CerenKoca, AysunHaliloğlu, İzelTan, Nazlı İlhan2019-10-112019-10-112019 : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2019.This work is a student project of the Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.The History of Turkey course (HIST200) is a requirement for all Bilkent undergraduates. It is designed to encourage students to work in groups on projects concerning any topic of their choice that relates to the history of Turkey. It is designed as an interactive course with an emphasis on research and the objective of investigating events, chronologically short historical periods, as well as historic representations. Students from all departments prepare and present final projects for examination by a committee, with 10 projects chosen to receive awards.Includes bibliographical references (pages 15-16).Sofya Kurban, Çin'in Şli bölgesinde, Doğu Türkistan'a baskıların yoğun olduğu bir dönemde doğdu. Ailesi aslen Rusya'nın Kazan bölgesinde vatandaşlığa sahip olmasına rağmen Rusya'dan Bolşevik İhtilali öncesinde kaçarak Çin'in Gulca Ģehrine yerleşti. Gerek Çin'in baskıcı politikaları gerekse Sofya Kurban'ın dedesinin Türkiye hayranlığı ailenin Çin'e bir vatan gözüyle bakmasına engel oldu ve Mao'nun ölümüyle çıkış izni alır almaz hep gitmek istedikleri Türkiye'ye yerleştiler. Sofya Kurban, yaklaşık 80 yıl süren bu göç hikâyesinin içerisinde sürüklenip giden bir göçmendir.Sofya Kurban was born in the region of Ġli in China where Eastern Turkestan was under pressure. Although her family had citizenship in Russia's Kazan district, they escaped from Russia to Gulca in China before the Bolshevik Revolution. Both China's repressive policies and the admiration of the grandfather of Sofya were an obstacle for this family to adopt this country as their home and as they got the permission to leave, they have settled to Turkey. Sofya Kurban is a migrant who has this migration story that lasts approximately 80 years.16 pagesTurkishCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeSofya KurbanGöçRusyaBolşevik İhtilaliÇinMao ZedongMigrationRussiaBolshevik RevolutionChinaÖZER HIST 200-13/3 2018-19Sofya Kurban: Göç ; üç harfin içine sığdırılmış 80 yılStudent ProjectSPB2893