Taşgin, M. E.Subaşi, A. L.Oktel, M. Ö.Tanatar, Bilal2016-02-082016-02-0820050022-2291http://hdl.handle.net/11693/24119We consider a trapped system of atomic boson-fermion mixture with a quantized vortex. We investigate the density profiles of bosonic and fermionic components as functions of the boson-boson and boson-fermion short-range interaction strengths within the mean-filed approach. Stability of a vortex and conditions for the phase segregation are studied. We compare and contrast our results with the related system of droplets of 3He-4He mixtures.EnglishApproximation theoryFermi levelFermionsKinetic energyMathematical modelsMixturesPhase separationProbability distributionsVortex flowBoson-fermion mixturesHelium-helium mixturesPhase segregationHeliumVortices in trapped boson-fermion mixturesArticle10.1007/s10909-005-2269-01573-7357