Morgül, Ö.2016-02-082016-02-0820042181274 consider a model-based approach for the anticontrol of some discrete-time systems. We first assume the existence of a chaotic model in an appropriate form. Then by using an appropriate control input we try to match the controlled system with the chaotic system model. We also give a procedure to generate the model chaotic systems in arbitrary dimensions. We show that with this approach, controllable systems can always be chaotified. Moreover, if the system to be controlled is stable, control input can be chosen arbitrarily small.EnglishAnticontrolChaos controlChaos synchronizationChaotic systemsChaotificationChaos theoryComputational methodsHamiltoniansMathematical modelsProblem solvingSynchronizationTheorem provingDiscrete time control systemsA model-based scheme for anticontrol of some discrete-time chaotic systemsArticle10.1142/S0218127404011120