Dönmez, BengiAtay, Fatihcan M.2024-03-142024-03-142023-07-179781665465311https://hdl.handle.net/11693/114755Date of Conference: 13-16 June 2023Conference Name: 2023 European Control Conference, ECC 2023We consider a coupled Kuramoto system composed of agents that anticipate the future states of their neighbors based on past data and try to align their states accordingly. We show that this anticipatory behavior results in multiple synchronized solutions at different collective frequencies and different stability characteristics. We derive an exact condition for the stability of the synchronized states. We show that the system can exhibit multistability, converging to different synchronized solutions depending on the initial conditions.EnglishSynchronization in networks of anticipatory agentsConference Paper10.23919/ECC57647.2023.101783629783907144084