Oflazer, K.2016-02-082016-02-0819970162-8828http://hdl.handle.net/11693/25527We present an efficient algorithm for retrieving from a database of trees, all trees that differ from a given query tree by a small number additional or missing leaves, or leaf label changes. It has natural language processing applications in searching for matches in example-based translation systems, and retrieval from lexical databases containing entries of complex feature structures. For large randomly generated synthetic tree databases (some having tens of thousands of trees), and on databases constructed from Wall Street Journal treebank, it can retrieve for trees with a small error, in a matter of tenths of a second to about a second. © 1997 IEEE.EnglishApproximate Tree ComparisonExample-Based Machine TranslationRetrieval From Lexical DatabasesDatabase SystemsInformation RetrievalTrees (Mathematics)Lexical DatabasesTree DatabasesImage AnalysisError-tolerant retrieval of treesArticle10.1109/34.6438971939-3539