Diez, ThomasAgnantopoulos, ApostolosKaliber, Alper2018-04-122018-04-1220051360-8746http://hdl.handle.net/11693/38207This article reviews the Europeanization literature and proposes to distinguish between four different kinds of Europeanization: policy-Europeanization, political Europeanization, societal Europeanization and discursive Europeanization. We link these different concepts to the impact of the EU on the current domestic transformations in Turkey and argue that existing scholarship has not sufficiently discussed the impact of Europeanization on civil society development, and the role of civil society organizations in furthering Europeanization. We establish the need to further analyze the triangle of Europeanization, civil society and Turkish political reform in a comparative perspective, introducing the other articles included in this SESP File.EnglishCivil societyDomestic transformationEuropean UnionEuropeanizationTurkeyFile: Turkey, Europeanization and civil societyReview10.1080/13608740500037890