Ekici, N.Dane F.Mamedova L.Metin I.Huseyinov, M.2016-02-082016-02-08200716823974http://hdl.handle.net/11693/23533In this study effects of strong, complex, rhythmic accent classical music with sekunda and kvarta intervals and frequently reprized and opus with rhythmic dynamically changing lyrics which contain more extensive kvinta septa oktava intervals on mitotic index and root growth were investigated in onion (Allium cepa) root tip cells during germination. For this aim, music samples from Wagner, Mozart, Musorgsky, (Boris Godunov) Chopin, Tchaikovski, Schubert were chosen. We found correlation between root elongation and Mitotic Index (MI). Both kinds of music have positive effects on root growth and mitotic divisions in onion root tip cells but rhythmic dynamically changing lyrics affected much better. In this study light microscopy techniques were used but ultrastructure of root tip cells will be studied with electron microscope in the following study. © 2007 Asian Network for Scientific Information.EnglishAllium cepaEffectMitotic indexMusicRoot elongationAllium cepaThe effects of different musical elements on root growth and mitosis in onion (Allium cepa) root apical meristem (musical and biological experimental study)Article