Alhajj, RedaArkun, M. Erol2016-02-082016-02-081993-04 of Conference: 19-23 April 1993Conference name: Proceedings of IEEE 9th International Conference on Data EngineeringA query language should be a part of any database system. While the relational model has a well defined underlying query model, the object-oriented database systems have been criticized for not having such a query model. One of the most challenging steps in the development of a theory for object-oriented databases is the definition of an object algebra. A formal object-oriented query model is described here in terms of an object algebra, at least as powerful as the relational algebra, by extending the latter in a consistent manner. Both the structure and the behavior of objects are handled. An operand and the output from a query in the object algebra are defined to have a pair of sets, a set of objects and a set of message expressions where a message expression is a valid sequence of messages. Hence the closure property is maintained in a natural way. In addition, it is proved that the output from a query has the characteristics of a class; hence the inheritance (sub/superclass) relationship between the operand(s) and the output from a query is derived. This way, the result of a query can be persistently placed in its proper place in the lattice.EnglishAlgebraData handlingData structuresMathematical modelsMathematical operatorsObject oriented programmingQuery languagesSet theoryInheritance relationshipsMessage expressionsObject algebraObject oriented databasesOperandsQuery modelsQuery outputDatabase systemsQuery model for object-oriented databasesConference Paper10.1109/ICDE.1993.344066