Erdoğan, MutluŞahin, E.2016-02-082016-02-0820131300-1817 report on the mRNA expression profiles of β-tubulin genes in Caenorhabditis elegans during the process of classical conditioning, a type of associative learning. In this research, based on the model that suggests the formation of new synaptic connections for long-term memory storage by means of cytoskeletal rearrangement, we measure the expressional changes on the β-tubulin mRNA levels via quantitative real-time PCR. Using this method, we find that β-tubulin mRNA levels do not significantly change in C. elegans during classical conditioning and long-term memory formation process.English; TurkishC. elegansClassical conditioningLearningLong-term memoryMemoryTubulinBeta tubulinAnimal experimentCaenorhabditis elegansChemotaxisConditioningControlled studyLong term memoryNerve cell plasticityNonhumanProtein expressionReal time polymerase chain reactionRNA isolationSensory nerve cellSpectrophotometryβ-Tubulin mRNA expression profiles during long-term memory formation in classically conditioned C. elegansKlasik koşullanmış C. Elegans'ta uzun-dönemli bellek oluşumu sırasında β-Tübülin mRNA ifadelenme profilleriArticle