Şen, AlperAtamtürk, AlperKaminsky, P.2019-01-292019-01-292017-08-120030-364Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/11693/48492We consider the constrained assortment optimization problem under the mixed multinomial logit model. Even moderately sized instances of this problem are challenging to solve directly using standard mixed-integer linear optimization formulations. This has motivated recent research exploring customized optimization strategies and approximation techniques. In contrast, we develop a novel conic quadratic mixed-integer formulation. This new formulation, together with McCormick inequalities exploiting the capacity constraints, enables the solution of large instances using commercial optimization software.EnglishAssortment optimizationMixed multinomial logitConic integer programmingA Conic Integer Programming Approach to Constrained Assortment Optimization under the Mixed Multinomial Logit ModelArticle10.1287/ opre.2017.17031526-5463