Malas, TahirGürel, Levent2016-02-082016-02-082010-07 of Conference: 11-17 July 2010Conference name: 2010 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International SymposiumSurface integral-equation methods accelerated with the multilevel fast multipole algorithm provide suitable mechanisms for the solution of dielectric problems. In particular, recently developed formulations increase the stability of the resulting matrix equations, hence they are more suitable for iterative solutions [1]. Among those formulations, we consider the combined tangential formulation (CTF), which produces more accurate results, and the electric and magnetic current combined-field integral equation (JMCFIE), which produces better-conditioned matrix systems than other formulations [1, 2]. ©2010 IEEE.EnglishCombined field integral equationsIterative solutionsMagnetic currentsMatrix equationsMatrix systemsMulti-level fast multi-pole algorithmPreconditionersSchur complementSurface integralsAntennasIterative solution of dielectric waveguide problems via schur complement preconditionersConference Paper10.1109/APS.2010.5561865