Panayırcı, ErdalÇırpan H. A.Moeneclaey, M.Noels, N.2016-02-082016-02-082006-060536-1486 of Conference: 11-15 June 2006Conference name: 2006 IEEE International Conference on CommunicationsIn this paper, based on a sequential Monte Carlo method, a computationally efficient algorithm is presented for blind data detection in the presence of residual phase noise generated at the output the phase tracking loop employed in a digital receiver. The basic idea is to treat the transmitted symbols as" missing data" and draw samples sequentially of them based on the observed signal samples up to time t. This way, the Bayesian estimates of the phase noise and the incoming data are obtained through these samples, sequentially drawn,together with their importance weights. The proposed receiver structure is seen to be ideally suited for high-speed parallel implementation using VLSI technology. © 2006 IEEE.EnglishAlgorithmsCodes (symbols)Monte Carlo methodsPhase noiseBlind data detectionVLSI technologyPhase locked loopsBlind data detection in the presence of PLL phase noise by sequential Monte Carlo methodConference Paper10.1109/ICC.2006.255299