Tekinerdogan, BedirDemirli, Elif2016-02-082016-02-082013http://hdl.handle.net/11693/28006Date of Conference: June 17 - 21, 2013In general, software architecture is documented using software architecture views to address the different stakeholder concerns. The current trend recognizes that the set of viewpoints should not be fixed but multiple viewpoints might be introduced instead to design and document the software architecture. To ensure the quality of the software architecture various software architecture evaluation approaches have been introduced. In addition several documentation guidelines have been provided to ensure the quality of the software architecture document. Unfortunately, the evaluation of the adopted viewpoints that are used to design and document the software architecture has not been considered explicitly. If the architectural viewpoints are not well-defined then implicitly this will have an impact on the quality of the design and the documentation of the software architecture. We present an evaluation framework for assessing existing or newly defined software architecture viewpoint languages. The approach is based on software language engineering techniques, and considers each viewpoint as a metamodel. The approach does not assume a particular architecture framework and can be applied to existing or newly defined viewpoint languages. We illustrate our approach for modeling and reviewing the first and second editions of the viewpoint languages of the Views and Beyond approach. Copyright © ACM.EnglishArchitectural viewpointsMetamodelingSoftware architecture evaluationSoftware language engineeringTool supportArchitectural viewpointsMetamodelingSoftware architecture evaluationSoftware languagesTool supportComputer programming languagesDesignSoftware architectureEvaluation framework for software architecture viewpoint languagesConference Paper10.1145/2465478.2465483