Yazıcı, A.Ayas, A.2019-01-232019-01-232015-07http://hdl.handle.net/11693/48267Knowledge took 1,750 years to double for the first time, counting from the start of the Christian era; and it is projected that by 2020 knowledge will double every 73 days. Humanity faces a new challenge in coping with this rapid change in knowledge and consequently, adopting himself/herself to this directly affected society. Lifelong Learning (LLL) seems to be the only tool to satisfactorily reply to this challenge. This article aims at discussing the main issues in LLL including Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), using the approach in the European Union countries. In addition, challenges in Turkey’s recently completed European Union (EU) project “Promoting LLL in Turkey” are discussed. Based on these cases a roadmap and a set of recommendations for LLL in developing countries are given.EnglishLife long learningLLLe-LearningRPLDistance educationModels of LLLChallenges and barriers in implementing lifelong learning in developing countriesArticle1309-6249