Hakioǧlu T.Şahin, M.2016-02-082016-02-0820070031-9007http://hdl.handle.net/11693/23484The condensation of electron-hole pairs is studied at zero temperature and in the presence of a weak spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in coupled quantum wells. Under realistic conditions, a perturbative SOC can have observable effects in the order parameter of the condensate. First, the fermion exchange symmetry is absent. As a result, the condensate spin has no definite parity. Additionally, the excitonic SOC breaks the rotational symmetry yielding a complex order parameter in an unconventional way; i.e., the phase pattern of the order parameter is a function of the condensate density. This is manifested through finite off-diagonal components of the static spin susceptibility, suggesting a new experimental method to confirm an excitonic condensate.EnglishCarrier concentrationCondensationExcitonsFermionsIon exchangeExcitonic condensationFermion exchangePhase patternSpin orbit coupling (SOC)Spin dynamicsExcitonic condensation under spin-orbit coupling and BEC-BCS crossoverArticle10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.166405