Barshan, Billur2016-02-082016-02-082008-08 of Conference: 25-29 Aug. 2008Conference name: 16th European Signal Processing Conference, 2008The directional maximum (DM) technique for processing ultrasonic arc maps is proposed and compared to previously existing techniques. The method processes ultrasonic arc maps directionally to extract the map of the environment and overcome the intrinsic angular uncertainty of ultrasonic sensors. It also eliminates noise and cross-talk related misreadings successfully. The comparison is based on experimental data and three complementary error criteria. The DM technique offers a very good compromise between mean absolute error and correct detection rate, with a processing time less than tenth of a second. It is superior to existing techniques in range accuracy and in eliminating artifacts, resulting in the best overall performance. The results indicate several trade-offs in the choice of ultrasonic arc-map processing techniques.EnglishAngular uncertaintyComparative studiesDetection ratesExperimental dataMean absolute errorProcessing techniqueProcessing timeSignal processingConformal mappingA comparative study on the processing of ultrasonic arc mapsConference Paper