Köksal, BilgeEken, DemirKırtışoğlu, Mehmetİpek, Ayşenaz2020-06-302020-06-302020http://hdl.handle.net/11693/53745Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2020.This work is a student project of the Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.The History of Turkey course (HIST200) is a requirement for all Bilkent undergraduates. It is designed to encourage students to work in groups on projects concerning any topic of their choice that relates to the history of Turkey. It is designed as an interactive course with an emphasis on research and the objective of investigating events, chronologically short historical periods, as well as historic representations. Students from all departments prepare and present final projects for examination by a committee, with 10 projects chosen to receive awards.Includes bibliographical references (pages 13-14).ODTÜ Matematik Bölümünde öğretim üyeliği ve bölüm başkan yardımcılığı yapmış olan Prof. Dr. Ersan Akyıldız'ın gözünden, yaşanan siyasi ve ekonomik zorluklar, ODTÜ'nün matematik eğitimini diğer üniversitelerin matematik eğitimlerinden ayıran unsurlar incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada ODTÜ Matematik Bölümünün 1956-1990 aralığı araştırılmıştır. ODTÜ Matematik Bölümünün Türk matematiğine katkılarının ortaya koyulması hedeflenmiştir.The political and economic difficulties which the department has gone through and the aspects which distinguish METU Mathematics Department's education from other universities' educations are investigated from the point of view of Prof. Dr. Ersan Akyıldız, who has worked in METU as a professor and as the vice department head for many years. In this research, the history of METU Mathematics Department from its establishment in 1956 until the 1990's is examined. The aim is the examination of METU Mathematics Department's contributions to Turkish mathematics.14 pagesTurkishCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeODTÜODTÜ Matematik BölümüTürk matematiğiMatematik eğitimiMatematikMETUMETU Mathematics DepartmentTurkish MathematicsMathematics educationMathematicsBİÇER HIST 200-13/5 2019-20Ersan Akyıldız'ın gözünden ODTÜ Matematik BölümüStudent ProjectSPB3126