Sagun, A.Demirkan, H.2016-02-082016-02-082009-030957-7572 this study, the Design Collaboration Model (DCM) was developed to provide a medium for the on-line collaboration of the design courses. The model was based on the situated and reflective practice characteristics of the design process. The segmentation method was used to analyse the design process observed both in the design diaries and the redline files that were composed of the problem domain and the design strategies. In the problem domain, it was observed that high emphasis was given to the design abstractions in the level of details of a space or sub-space. Also, the critics were more interested in the solution space than the problem space. As a design strategy, rejecting a solution was more practiced than proposing alternative solutions. Since the performance score of the students was highly correlated to the number of segments in critiques, it is concluded that quality rather than quantity of critiques determine the success level of proposed design solutions.EnglishCollaborative designCritiquesDesign processDesign strategyDesignDesign abstractionsDesign courseDesign processDesign solutionsDesign strategyLevel of detailsProblem domainsProblem spacesReflective practicesSegmentation methodsSolution spacesSub spacesCurriculaOn-line critiques in collaborative design studioArticle10.1007/s10798-007-9036-21573-1804