Özgüler, A. B.Yildiz, A.2016-02-082016-02-0820142168-2267http://hdl.handle.net/11693/26536The question of whether foraging swarms can form as a result of a noncooperative game played by individuals is shown here to have an affirmative answer. A dynamic game played by N agents in 1-D motion is introduced and models, for instance, a foraging ant colony. Each agent controls its velocity to minimize its total work done in a finite time interval. The game is shown to have a unique Nash equilibrium under two different foraging location specifications, and both equilibria display many features of a foraging swarm behavior observed in biological swarms. Explicit expressions are derived for pairwise distances between individuals of the swarm, swarm size, and swarm center location during foraging.EnglishArtificial potentialsdifferential gameHamilton-Jacobimultiagent systemsNash equilibriumAnt colony optimizationGame theoryMulti agent systemsArtificial potentialsDifferential gamesHamilton-JacobiNash equilibriaTelecommunication networksComputer SimulationCyberneticsGame TheoryModels, BiologicalForaging swarms as Nash equilibria of dynamic gamesArticle10.1109/TCYB.2013.2283102